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Raid ID

Pending 2.8.5

Hi, I can't understand what raid ID is for. It's always equal to "0" and it never changes anywhere.


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1)Is there a hook that triggers when the owner of a raid base changes?
Or a method through which I can obtain the owner of a raid base by passing its ID or Location?

2)I have a Dictionary<string, RBData>. My plugin is loaded after a couple of bases have spawned. How can I add them?

3)How can I assign/remove owner to raid via external plugin?

4)There is no radius argument in the OnPlayerEnteredRaidableBase and OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase hooks.

4)Is there a method wich eject player from raid via external plugin?

5)Wouldn't it be better in the OnRaidableBasePurchased hook to leave the userID as type ulong? It's passed everywhere as ulong, but here it's passed as a string.

6)Is there hook when loot container destroys?

7)Is there hook for: "
Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes) (20.0) - Resets the raid as public after this time"?

The advance thanks for the answers!

Edited by IIIaKa

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