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no Points for Bradley and Heli kills

Closed 3.0.3




i get no points for killing Bradley and Heli, why?


"Vehicles": {
        "patrolhelicopter": 500.0,
        "bradleyapc": 500.0,


  • Administrator



Do you have some weapon or distance multipliers set to zero?


Posted (edited)

  "Settings": {
    "General": {
      "Disable_All_Notifications": false,
      "TakeMoneyfromVictim": false,
      "LogToFile": false,
      "LogToConsole": false,
      "HappyHour_BeginHour": 19,
      "HappyHour_EndHour": 5,
      "Player_Kill_Reward_CoolDown_Seconds": 0,
      "View_Reward_Values": true
    "RewardCurrency": {
      "UseScrap": false,
      "UseEconomics": false,
      "UseServerRewards": true
    "Allies": {
      "UseFriendsPlugin": false,
      "UseClansPlugin": false,
      "UseRustTeams": false
    "Plugins": {
      "UseGUIAnnouncementsPlugin": false,
      "UseZoneManagerPlugin": false,
      "UseNoEscape": false
    "Announcements": {
      "ChatMessageFormat": "<color=#CCBB00>{0}</color><color=#FFFFFF>{1}</color>",
      "GUI_Announcement_Banner_Colour": "Blue",
      "GUI_Announcement_Text_Colour": "Yellow"
    "Multipliers": {
      "UseDynamicDistance": true,
      "DynamicDistance": 0.0099999997764825821,
      "HappyHour": 1.0,
      "RaidableBases": 1.0
    "Rewards": {
      "ActivityReward_Seconds": 600,
      "ActivityRewardAmount": 10.0,
      "WelcomeMoneyAmount": 0.0,
      "Use_Permissions": true,
      "OpenReward": true,
      "KillReward": true,
      "PickupReward": true,
      "HarvestReward": true
    "UI": {
      "MainCommandAlias": "rustrewards",
      "ButtonColour": "0.7 0.32 0.17 1",
      "ButtonColour2": "0.4 0.1 0.1 1",
      "Reward_Small_Increment": 1.0,
      "Reward_Large_Increment": 10.0,
      "Multiplier_Increment": 0.1,
      "BackgroundImage": "https://www.wallpapertip.com/wmimgs/16-169722_transparent-background-sticky-note-clipart.png"
  "Distance_Multipliers": {
    "Distance_050": 1.0,
    "Distance_100": 1.0,
    "Distance_200": 1.0,
    "Distance_300": 1.0,
    "Distance_400": 1.0
  "Group_Multipliers": {
    "Default": 1.0
  "Permission_Multipliers": {
    "Default": 1.0
  "Weapon_Multipliers": {
    "gun.water": 1.0,
    "pistol.water": 1.0,
    "candycaneclub": 1.0,
    "snowball": 1.0,
    "snowballgun": 1.0,
    "rifle.ak": 1.0,
    "grenade.beancan": 1.0,
    "rifle.bolt": 1.0,
    "bone.club": 1.0,
    "knife.bone": 1.0,
    "bow.hunting": 1.0,
    "salvaged.cleaver": 1.0,
    "bow.compound": 1.0,
    "crossbow": 1.0,
    "shotgun.double": 1.0,
    "pistol.eoka": 1.0,
    "grenade.f1": 1.0,
    "flamethrower": 1.0,
    "multiplegrenadelauncher": 1.0,
    "knife.butcher": 1.0,
    "pitchfork": 1.0,
    "knife.combat": 1.0,
    "rifle.l96": 1.0,
    "rifle.lr300": 1.0,
    "lmg.m249": 1.0,
    "rifle.m39": 1.0,
    "pistol.m92": 1.0,
    "mace": 1.0,
    "machete": 1.0,
    "smg.mp5": 1.0,
    "pistol.nailgun": 1.0,
    "paddle": 1.0,
    "shotgun.waterpipe": 1.0,
    "pistol.python": 1.0,
    "pistol.revolver": 1.0,
    "rocket.launcher": 1.0,
    "shotgun.pump": 1.0,
    "pistol.semiauto": 1.0,
    "rifle.semiauto": 1.0,
    "smg.2": 1.0,
    "shotgun.spas12": 1.0,
    "speargun": 1.0,
    "spear.stone": 1.0,
    "longsword": 1.0,
    "salvaged.sword": 1.0,
    "smg.thompson": 1.0,
    "spear.wooden": 1.0
  "RewardTypes": {
    "Kill": {
      "NPCs": {
        "BotSpawn": 0.0,
        "ZombieHorde": 0.0,
        "Scientist": 50.0,
        "Murderer": 50.0,
        "OilRig": 0.0,
        "Excavator": 0.0,
        "CompoundScientist": 50.0,
        "BanditTown": 50.0,
        "MountedScientist": 50.0,
        "JunkPileScientist": 50.0,
        "ScareCrow": 50.0,
        "MilitaryTunnelScientist": 50.0,
        "CargoShip": 50.0,
        "HeavyScientist": 100.0,
        "TunnelDweller": 50.0,
        "Airfield": 50.0,
        "Trainyard": 50.0,
        "UnderwaterDweller": 50.0
      "Animals": {
        "simpleshark": 10.0,
        "chicken": 1.0,
        "stag": 5.0,
        "boar": 5.0,
        "wolf": 10.0,
        "bear": 10.0,
        "zombie": 15.0,
        "horse": 5.0,
        "shark_unused": 5.0
      "Vehicles": {
        "patrolhelicopter": 500.0,
        "bradleyapc": 500.0,
        "ch47.entity": 500.0,
        "ch47scientists.entity": 100.0,
        "ModularCar": 0.0,
        "BaseVehicle": 0.0,
        "MotorRowboat": 0.0,
        "RidableHorse": 0.0,
        "TrainEngine": 0.0,
        "Sled": 0.0,
        "BaseSubmarine": 0.0,
        "SubmarineDuo": 0.0,
        "BasicCar": 0.0,
        "ScrapTransportHelicopter": 0.0,
        "MiniCopter": 0.0,
        "RHIB": 0.0,
        "Kayak": 0.0

no points with rockets or C4


Edit: cant find C4 under the Weapon Multi. 

Edited by Mogel


On 9/20/2021 at 9:20 PM, Mogel said:

can't find the fault. iam blind?




after reinstall the plugin, the Problem is the Same .

All Works fine , only the Reward for Heli and Tank Kills does not work 😞


Posted (edited)

Interesting. Could have sworn it was working but maybe I didn't test it. Definitely not working for these two for me so far.

I switched to this just today. Little bit new but pretty savvy. Will try a few things but those seem to be the main ones not doing anything.

Have to take a break and do some map editing. Feel like I hit a brick wall haha.

Between those two the only other thing I have done recently was installed Remover Tool. Really don't think it could be anything to do with that but i'll look there to just to be sure.

Edited by Jbird
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Rocket launcher is a default listed weapon so it should certainly work, at least.

When testing are you definitely the player who did the greatest amount of damage to the heli/apc, because that's how the rewarded player is calculated.
Rewards aren't given to the last hitter.

If that's not it maybe try with dynamic distance multiplier set to false.
That's carried-over code from the original and I'm not sure exactly how 0.009* would work.

At a guess that's meant to be 0 and I need to implement some rounding?

Edited by Steenamaroo

Posted (edited)

In my case I am testing it and the only one doing any damage.

I also wasn't sure about the dynamic distance multiplier so I have mine set to false.

I have distance multipliers starting at 1x and going up to 4x at 400m. Using the entries you already have as far as distance.
Only weapon multipliers are pistols and bows at 2x.

Trying to think what if anything could cause it.
I am going to get back on and test some more now. Have been working on my map all morning so far.

If I find anything or get either of them to work I will let you know if I am aware of what fixed it.
I do my restarts in the morning so maybe a fresh restart knocked somethin loose?

[UPDATE] Bradley works now. Just heli for some reason still does not award any points. But everything else seems to be functioning properly. I am getting the GUI Announcement banner popup for the kill so just gotta figure out why it's not wanting to give me points for that one particular thing so far.

Edited by Jbird
Update added


Just as a note I have tried this with the normally spawning patrol helicopter as well as spawned in by the personal heli plugin. They both respond the same way upon destruction.

  • Administrator


It might be worth changing to the native chat notifications or popup notifications, to rule out any issue with GUIAnnouncements plugin.



3 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Rocket launcher is a default listed weapon so it should certainly work, at least.

When testing are you definitely the player who did the greatest amount of damage to the heli/apc, because that's how the rewarded player is calculated.
Rewards aren't given to the last hitter.

If that's not it maybe try with dynamic distance multiplier set to false.
That's carried-over code from the original and I'm not sure exactly how 0.009* would work.

At a guess that's meant to be 0 and I need to implement some rounding?


iam the Only Person on Server , i get the Kill Note message and Damage Report  but no Message for Points and my RP is still the Same like before.


i turned dynamic multi to false - still not working



I have gotten Bradley to work no problem but still figuring out the heli portion.



and what did you change in your config



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



3 hours ago, Guest said:

Changed Status from Pending to Closed



This is still an issue but alright.

  • Administrator


That's automated.
I did test, though, and can't replicate the issue.



Okay good I was just concerned that it seemed to have been done by a guest!

(Thank you for replying)



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