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Reset XP not working

Closed 1.4.13


Posted (edited)


I needed to reset XP on some players on my server and I couldn´t.

it gives some errors

Thank you in advance


After that bug, when I reset a player XP, the player gets this and disconnect everytime he tries to do /st.


Edited by MichuX


Hello again!

I found out what was that, apologizes, after level 999 you cannot reset players XP and give this error.

I reset to default the config and I could reset the xp without any problems



Ok, the problem persisted today now on players at level 5, after some tests It could possibility be the perks I created when they fill it, still not sure If the problem is that




Can you paste your Level rewards config section in here for me please?


The error indicates that its failing when on RunResetCommands, which is related to level rewards.



Using level 1 a lot of commands because the "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset" are not working when wipe occurs, so it revokes at their level 1 

      "1": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "colour set {id} remove": "unlocks colour nicknames at level 85",
          "revokeperm {id} skilltree.1000": "All boosts reseted!",
          "revokeperm {id} skilltree.10000": "All boosts reseted!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} backpacks.size.12": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} backpacks.size.18": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} backpacks.size.24": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} buildinggrades.use": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} skilltree.restedxp.20": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} skilltree.free": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} virtualquarries.sawmill": "level revoke!",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} virtualquarries.bloodmine": "level revoke!",
          "chat user add {id} Beginner": "Beginner Title online",
          "chat user remove {id} Hero": "Hero Title at level 25",
          "chat user remove {id} Titan": "Titan Title at level 50",
          "chat user remove {id} Legend": "Legend Title at level 75",
          "chat user remove {id} Supreme": "Supreme Title at level 100"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "oxide.revoke user {id} backpacks.size.12",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} backpacks.size.24",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} virtualquarries.bloodmine",
          "oxide.revoke user {id} virtualquarries.sawmill",
          "chat user remove {id} Hero",
          "chat user remove {id} Titan",
          "chat user remove {id} Legend",
          "chat user remove {id} Supreme",
          "chat user remove {id} Prestige",
          "chat user remove {id} Relevance",
          "revokeperm {id} skilltree.10000",
          "revokeperm {id} skilltree.1000"

      "2": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.start 3h": "Starter kit unlocked (Expires in 3h)!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "3": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.scavenging": "Scavenging tree unlocked!",
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.cooking": "Cooking tree unlocked!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "5": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "oxide.grant user {id} backpacks.size.12": "Your Backpack has 12 slots now!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "10": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} skilltree.restedxp.60 12h": "You have Rested XP +60% for 12hours!",
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.vehicles": "Vehicles tree unlocked!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "12": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.ultimate 6h": "Ultimate kit unlocked (Expires in 6h)!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "colour set {id} remove"
      "15": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "oxide.grant user {id} buildinggrades.use": "You have access to auto building grades now! (/up 1, /up 2, /up 3, /up 4)"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "oxide.revoke user {id} buildinggrades.use"
      "17": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} SkillTree.100 3h": "You have 100% XP Boost for 3 hours!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "20": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} dronesettings.dronestorage.dronee 7d": "You have Super Drone options for 7 days!",
          "o.reload DroneSettings": "Your ACTIVE drones now modified!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "22": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} SkillTree.500 10m": "You have 500% XP Boost for 10 min!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "25": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.build_craft": "Build craft tree unlocked!",
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.medical": "Medical tree unlocked!",
          "chat user remove {id} Beginner": "Beginner Title substitute",
          "chat user add {id} Hero": "Hero Title online now"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "27": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.restedxp.20": "Rested XP +20% unlocked!",
          "grantperm {id} skilltree.restedxp.80 24h": "You have Rested XP +80% for 24hours!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "oxide.revoke user {id} skilltree.restedxp.20"
      "30": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.reward3 1h": "You have now access to Quarry levels (/kit)!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "32": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.legendary 1h": "Kit Reward for random legendary weapon 1%. (/kit)"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "35": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} Kits.reward2 3h": "You have access to Special Kit for 1 hour"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "37": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} shop.sale25 11m": "You have 25% discount on /Shop for 10 min"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "40": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} SkillTree.200 1m": "You have Raiding tree open"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "45": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.myth 3h": "Kit Reward for 2x random mythical weapon 1%. (/kit)"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "47": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "oxide.grant user {id} skilltree.free": "Respec cost -90%"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "oxide.revoke user {id} skilltree.free"
      "50": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "say <color=#ffae00>{name}</color> reached level <color=#66CC00>50</color>!": "You have reached level 50!",
          "grantperm {id} kits.reward 1h": "Kit Reward for reach level 50. (/kit)",
          "chat user remove {id} Hero": "Hero Title substitute",
          "chat user add {id} Titan": "Titan Title online now"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "55": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} SkillTree.500 10m": "You have 500% XP Boost for 10min!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "58": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} shop.sale50 4m": "You have 50% discount on /Shop for 5 minutes"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "60": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} bank.use 10d": "Bank unlocked for 10 days",
          "o.reload Bank": "Saves 1 Item for next wipe!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "65": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "colour set {id} rainbow": "title colour rainbow",
          "oxide.grant user {id} colouredchat.name.use": "You can change your colour name by /colours",
          "o.reload ColouredChat": "/colours and set your colour name"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "oxide.revoke user {id} colouredchat.name.use",
          "colour set {id} clear"
      "70": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.purple 3h": "Kit Reward: Purple ID tag. (/kit)",
          "recycler.give {id}": "Level reward! 1 Free Recycler!",
          "marketplace.give {id}": "Level reward! 1 Free Marketplace!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "75": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "chat user remove {id} Titan": "Titan Title substitute",
          "chat user add {id} Legend": "Legend Title online"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "80": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.65 3h": "Nightmare Copter Reward!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "85": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.diesel 3h": "You have Diesel Barrel Kit to claim for 3 hours!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "90": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "say <color=#ffae00>{name}</color> reached level <color=#4cff03>90</color>!": "You have reached level 90!",
          "grantperm {id} kits.bfriday 3h": "Black Friday KIT!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "99": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.leafen 6h": "Kit Reward for 1 Leafen Assault Rifle. (/kit)"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "100": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "say <color=#ffae00>{name}</color> reached level <color=#4cff03>100</color>!": "You have reached a Milesimun level!",
          "grantperm {id} kits.100 6h": "Level 100 Kit Reward",
          "chat user remove {id} Legend": "Legend Title substitute",
          "chat user add {id} Supreme": "Supreme Title online now"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "105": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "110": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "115": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "120": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "125": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "130": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "135": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "140": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "145": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "150": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "155": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "160": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "165": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "170": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "175": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "180": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "185": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "190": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "195": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "200": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "205": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "210": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "215": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "220": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "225": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "230": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "235": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "240": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "245": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "250": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} kits.100plus 1h": "Kit plus claim"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": null
      "500": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "grantperm {id} shop.sale50 7d": "You have 50% discount on /Shop for 7 days"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "say someone is fully power."



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