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Possible to prevent sale of item based on Display Name?

Pending 1.3.3

  • in Shop


I have a number of custom items within my server.
Some of them are significantly rarer versions of base items ( with bonuses/etc).
Players are accidentally selling these rare items as they share the same base shortname.

Default L96
Operators L96 [s 0.25]         *Custom Item*

I see a section in the configs for Display Name that is left blank by default so I tried to add Names to see if that would filter them, it still allowed me to sell the custom version as the default version.  
I am primarily concerned with weapons from "Epic Loot". 

When I enter a specific name like: L96
It still allows players to sell the: Operators L96 [s 0.25] with the sell max feature / sell 1 

Any help with this is greatly appreciated! 



Hi! Unfortunately, there are currently no restrictions related to the sale of items to the store by players. But, I can do it in the update. How do you imagine it would be convenient? I can make a "Blacklist" for custom skins, or I can prohibit display names specifically. Also, what other settings can be made for this?

  • Love 1


That would be awesome!! 
I Primarily plan to use the feature along side epic items/other custom items, so the Name Filtering would be most useful to me!

Other Settings:
[config option] "Selling items is display name specific": true
[config option] "Selling items is Skin ID specific": false
[config option] "If Skin ID & Display name specific are both true, prioritize which? ["Name", "Skin", "Both"]": "Skin"
[config option] "Blacklist of skin IDs to prevent selling": [] 
[config option] "Whitelist of Names to still sell if Display Name Specific is True": [] -> Probably not worth the rare use case
[config option] "Whitelist of Skin IDs to still sell if Display Name Specific is True": [] -> Probably not worth the rare use case

Those are some off the top of my head, but the most useful of them all would likely be the first one; being able to make sales display name specific.  
Thank you for the wicked support, You rock!! 



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