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Shot through wall and door

Closed 1.1.5

I don't know if this is fixable, but I have encountered two times where I was shot by an npc that shouldn't have LoS to me.

1. At the Old Supermarket. I was outside and an npc inside the supermarket shot me through the closed door.

2. In the tool shop in Georgetown, I was standing in the back room at the lootable toolbox when an npc outside the building shot me through the back wall.

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Hi, the doors do not have an object collision and sometimes NPCs can shoot through it, this is a very strange behavior of NPCs from Facepunch. But I haven't seen a bullet through the wall yet. Please send a screenshot of this place

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Yeah, I had a feeling about the door missing a collider. Here is the place where I was shot in the tool shop:


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Oh, and by the way. I really like this map. I have added Component Blocker to remove everything "non-western era" ie. electric stuff (I kept sprinklers as they can run without power), holo sights, MLRS rockets, AKs etc. And I also added a Talking Npc with a vending machine interface in the barn east of Outpost where you can sell produce like cloth, fertilizer, corn, potatoes and so on. Gives you a nice way to supplement the income in an RP fashion 🙂


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I just got an even better screenshot. Seems the wall only blocks them partly.billede.png.ea8ce5596f5f49b332880ff48e4894dc.png

Edited by suntrip
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Yes, it's very cool. I've figured out why they go through these walls, I need to replace them with other building blocks, I'll release an update when I'm freer.

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