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Plugin causes "inside terrain violation" player kicks since March 7th force wipe

Work in Progress 1.4.1


since yesterday's force wipe and game update I had to remove the Monument Owner plugin, because players couldn't play the server anymore and got kicked for "inside terrain violation" errors as soon as they started to move around, e.g. run away from the spawn beach. The problem could be tracked back to the Monument Owner plugin.

In a nutshell the [MonumentOwner] plugin loaded fine after wipe, no errors visible. As soon as players connected and started to move around, players were kicked and very lengthy error messages showed in the logs. See attached. In order to solve the problem I unloaded the plugin and checked the config - which is pretty much unchanged. I deleted the /oxide/data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner/CooldownPlayers.json file and reloaded the plugin. I instantly got player kicks again and decided to unload and remove the plugin entirely.

It seems some game changes broke the Monument Owner plugin. Please check and correct your plugin, because my players really like it and it adds quality of life to my PvE server.

Thank you


Edited by miniMe_rust
I don't expect any help here
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The errors have nothing to do with my plugin. I would say that your server was updated incorrectly and some part of it was damaged.

I logged into my server today and did not experience any similar problems. Try to completely reinstall your server. This will probably fix the problem.

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Thanks for taking the time and checking my log. Interesting that you say my server is incorrectly installed. It is a fresh install - Pterodactyl "wings-in-docker" - where the entire stack is dockerized. I even tested and reproduced the bug on a 2nd server of mine. The moment I remove your plugin, players are no longer kicked. Foreseeable that you say the error must be on my side, rather than fixing a problem which clearly comes from your plugin. Cheap, that you don't even ask a single question and simply claim my installation is broken. This is simply not true. I understand that you're not interested in sorting these problems. Therefore this has been my first and last purchase.

Re-enabled the plugin, but reconfigured it not to use map markers. Without markers it seems to work.

Edited by miniMe_rust
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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but you can understand me. In 1 year of the plugin's operation, not one person has written that my plugin creates such a problem and I do not see a connection because this error has nothing to do with what my plugin does. That's why I wrote it that way.

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I am currently working on a global update of this plugin and after its release, I suggest you test it again. If the problem persists, I will try to find a solution for it.

Once again, I apologize

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@jtedal Do you already have a timeline for the next release?

Because we also have these problems with inside terrain violations (and in our case we also noticed that cars and horses move into the ground for 30cm or something like this and are stuck then. this happens every few minutes with all vehicles and I think it also has something to do with theese inside terrain violation kicks for players).

Thank you!

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@tenzu You can temporarily disconnect the markers from the zone so that these problems do not occur

There is no exact schedule, but I think it will happen during April

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Current status for this plugin:

  • Still waiting for your update, eager to test it.
  • Managed to get the current plugin version work somewhat stable by
    • unloading plugin on initial server start after wipe
    • deletion of "oxide/data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner/CooldownPlayers.json"
    • doing a nightly restart of my server. Upon restart the plugin loads and works fine for the rest of the wipe

The problem stays reproducible and causes "inside terrain violation" and "flyhack" kicks right after the server wiped. By doing beforementioned steps the problem can be worked around, even though it does not explain or appear understandable why the workaround works. Not going to question this, patiently waiting for the update to come, and provide more feedback once it arrived.

If you want to check / reproduce it yourself, set up a Rust server with oxide/uMod plugin support in Pterodactyl Panel/Wings, install the Monument Owner plugin and wipe your server. After wipe hell breaks loose, and your players get constantly kicked. You can also verify my workaround, and probably find why it works, and use that to solve the underlying problem.

Remark: Disabling map markers as I said in my previous post seems to be a red herring and does not solve the problem. I still have markers disabled, as I don't need the extra info they give. The trick appears to be to unload the plugin immediately after wipe, and keep it unloaded until next server restart (which happens to be nightly in my case)

Keep up the good work! Love your plugin.

Edited by miniMe_rust
correct typo & add remark
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