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Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh

Closed 1.2.1RE 1.2.2RE

Gold Mysterious


My Rcon is spaming with "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh"

I even downloaded the plugin https://umod.org/plugins/nav-mesh-error-fix

It still spamming the rcon no matter what. Spents hours trying to find the agent that could be causing this. 

Can you please try and fix this. And no I didn't add any agent to the server at all, and no it not any other plugin that causing this. I redowneloaded the map and tested it on a test server. It still spam the rcon no matter what.

Many Thanks

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8o8 Designs



Thanks for purchasing my UKoR map 🙂


This has been a thorn in my side for a while. When I've hosted the map on my private multiplayer servers, I removed every NPC and use BetterNPC to replace all the buggy scientists. That worked for me to a certain extent, but I'd rather remove this error at the source.

I suspect it's the underwater labs. They've been an issue for a while, and it's on my to do list to build a single super lab and remove the old ones. I will have another look over the weekend and test a version with no underwater labs and see if this stops or reduces the navmesh errors. I've also tried the plugins to hide these errors and it didn't work for me. 



Gold Mysterious


Many Thanks

You are the best, plus loving the map. One of the best map I have come across.

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8o8 Designs


Hey there

I have removed the underwater labs and still get the same errors. I will create a new test version and remove every custom placed scientists. 

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Gold Mysterious


I have tried that myself. Also I have notice there are meant to be more Scientistspawnpoint at London Outpost. I replaced them with Scientist/Guard Placeholder so I can see where they meant to be in the London Outpost. The three don't up on map once loaded are the back of the car garage in London also top of the stair.

As you know where all of the NPC are meant to be on the map. Maybe replace them all with Scientist/Guard Placeholder or create a NPC(Decoy) just so you know where they are meant to show up on the map. What I do know of, is when placing a npc mid-air like on walking deck, you get that "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh" 

I had the same problem when I created a map myself. I didn't thought it had anything to do with the water lab at all.  but something to do with the NPC you place on the map. some are showing up some are not. Your best bet would be, check every corner where you placed the npc, and see if they show up on map once you loaded it to test server. Screenshot2024-03-10044924.png.b6ede704abc425a2e9a831038d917780.png

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8o8 Designs


Hey there

I have isolated the issue. I have no errors at all on the current test map. I will have a good look through the outpost and carry on developing the map from that version and will upload it once I've completed my original task 👍

8o8 Designs


All done. The navmesh errors have been defeated! 🥳

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Gold Mysterious


You are a true legend my friend. Thank You so much

Let me know when I can download the updated version.

Many Thanks


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8o8 Designs


Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to Next Version

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