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Pressing F lags my Server

Closed 1.1.1992 1.1.1995


Posted (edited)

Hello @Ryuk_. I am having a weird issue where everytime I hit `F` to fly, my entire server lags and I see a spike in network usage. When I click fly on the menu, the issue doesnt occur. I have asked my host if its a DDOS attack and am waiting to hear back. Just seeing if anyone else has had this issue. Now seeing it when claiming zones. Those take like 10-20s to load to a point where I can build.

Edited by Snaplatack
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Posted (edited)

I also see [Creative] 0.500061, [Creative] 10.99353, [Creative] 1.637573, in console whenever I have massive lag spikes. When I hit F, it usually doesnt show this, (unless F is spammed)

Spamming F shows this, Calling 'OnPlayerInput' on 'Creative v1.1.1992' took average 2196ms (CPU Usage goes from 10% to 35-42% when F key is spammed), and everything is frozen. I can move but cant do anything like build, switch out of flying, etc.
After Disconnecting from the server since I cannot do anything, I get this error when I try to rejoin. I dont see the [Creative] Numbers, anymore tho because the server is locked up and requires a restart to let me back on.

Edited by Snaplatack


That's not a DDoS attack, i think there's an error caused by the creative plugin, can you send me the logs file please?




Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress

Changed Fixed In to 1.1.1992


Posted (edited)

Can I send on discord?

Sent in a Codefling message

Edited by Snaplatack


"Calling 'OnPlayerInput' on 'Creative v1.1.1992' took average 2196ms" yeah it is caused by creative, i'll try to fix it now since it took 2seconds to call that function



First of all 
The "[Creative] 0.500061, [Creative] 10.99353, [Creative] 1.637573" it's just a debug code i put to view the distance between the player and the ground (this doesn't cause lag, it only appear on console, i will remove it on the next update)

i saw that "F" (since "F" works "OnServerCommand") and onplayerinput have nothing in common, have you done anything else too in the same time?
like open the menu,  upgrade/downgrade, remove?

i can't replicate the error 

Also you're using oxide right? (btw this plugin is now compatible with carbon too)



You can add me on discord if you want to send message/info faster 



Yes. I was doing all of it. I would claim a zone, build open the menu to fly and do god mode, and click f to turn flying on and off. Then after a little bit of using it like someone would, everything would slow down and eventually nothing would work



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In from 1.1.1992 to 1.1.1995



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