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Failed to run

Pending 1.2.5


Failed to run a 1.00 timer in 'BotReSpawn v1.2.5' (JsonReaderException: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'Profiles.dome.Spawn.AutoSpawn', line 7, position 8.)

at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParsePostValue () [0x00179] in <271c58b7a8684db5a2c92be17a81f252>:0

at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read () [0x0005a] in <271c58b7a8684db5a2c92be17a81f252>:0



nothing has changed from the last few weeks with the data file for custom until today

Edited by ChaoticStryfe
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  • Administrator

Looks like you've made a mistake when editing the default profiles data file.

The error message is pointing you towards 'AutoSpawn' for the Dome profile.
Check that area to make sure you're not missing a comma or quotation mark, or that you haven't used capitals like True or False.
These should be lower case.

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that was it.  it was actually on line 6 missign a comma.  is there a was to keep autospawn set to true for wipes.  every time i wipe it goes back to false.  thanks

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  • Administrator

It'll only ever change to false for custom profiles which don't use the Parent_Monument option,
because if you change maps those custom profiles will no longer make sense and you'll have npcs in strange places, or failing to spawn.

If you're recycling the same map and want to disable that feature (keep Autospawn true),
you can set Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe to false in the global config page.

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