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Can you please

Not a Bug 1.0.0 1.0.0


I use your great plugin and thank you for your work.  however I'm not sure if I found a bug or I am doing something wrong.


I have tried 

  "EnableMutedVoiceNotification": false,
  "EnableMutedChatNotification": false


  "EnableMutedVoiceNotification": true,
  "EnableMutedChatNotification": true

and yet players or global chat is notified or the punishment. if there any chance a global chat message can be sent with [arg] for a reason or something similar please?


Kind Regards

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I not really understand what is you issue here, or what you would liek to do.

The plugin is for to mute the chat all across, simialr to the hardcore mode, just additionally notify the player, if they try to chat, to show, it will not work. It is not to apply punishment and tell the reason.

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