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Not a Bug 1.0.9



Hi! dude, honestly, I don’t know what the plugin is about, I only see spam messages in the chat, what to do, where to do, where to find nothing, it’s not clear, give me some video tutorial, I thought it was calling a bounty hunter who will catch those whom you specify, but here it turns out a completely different situation, I don’t see anyone at all, I don’t know where and what to do, the teams also don’t give me anything, only a dude who exchanges something



Did you check the description of the plugin? 



Outfit your Bounties, You are able to set whatever outfit or clothing you like, as well as skin, weapon and skin id for that Bounty Tier. Once the bounty is taken down players can cashout tokens with Economics or Server Rewards.



You set up bounty targets (scientists) they are configurable on what you kit them with , weapons skins etc, damage health etc. players get notified in chat a target is active. Players engage the bounty, a pouch drops. Players claim the item, and can exchange that item for RP or $. 

you can also add other items to that loot table if you don’t want to drop a bounty token, all that is optional. 

Chill Roleplay


@BenDer I hope you doing well today, I just picked this up as well our server memebrs have been constantly active doing the bounties wich is increaseing daily play time. they really like them.   The Npc pops up in Bandint camp were you can sell bounties to. Players can hunt these harder NPC's for special tokens that can be sold to the bounty hunter NPC.

I have tried all 4 different bounty hunter plugins this is the only one that allows you to hunt down special NPC's like this

Other bounty plugins available (1 is even free) allow you to specify a target who you want the server players to hunt https://umod.org/plugins/bounty 

I really think you should try this one out though once you figure it out i think you will really like it. you can set the bounties to be stronger as well if your players are really good.




I will record a video of apprehending a bounty target shortly. @BenDer



A random bounty you have set up in config spawns at a FP monument, the chat sees an announcement that the bounty is "spotted", a marker is shown on the map, and players can apprehend said bounty on bounty takedown, a pouch is spawned and contains a token , that is tradable to the npc if you allow it, if not, you can fill the pouch with random items of your choosing up to 36 total slots you can fill. 35 if you spawn a token.

Bounty Licenses are optional in config, otherwise, you can charge x amount of RP or Economics to be able to "Legally" cash in on bounty take downs.

This follows the theme of all my other RP "Role" Style Plugins.

And we do not target players. Scientists you setup via config, are the bounties,  you can add as many custom bounties as you like in the configuration. 




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