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i see when player disconnected in arena he still and arena not get kicked from arena

Closed 1.0.141 1.0.144


it's only Kicked me from event but not get me tp out to Spawn me in the lobby when i connected i hope u know what i mean i just need player be in lobby when they disconnected from event to spawn back to the lobby but don't let him be sleep let him be like frist time he join server and he spawn on lobby that will be good thanks for great job.!

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        object OnPlayerRespawn(BasePlayer player)
            if (player == null || player.IsNpc)
                return null;
            Vector3? spawnPoint = Interface.Call(nameof(IAdvancedLobby.HandleOnPlayerRespawn), player) as Vector3?;
            if (!spawnPoint.HasValue)
                var spawnPointData = GetSpawnPoint(player);
                if (spawnPointData == null)
                    return null;
                spawnPoint = spawnPointData.Item1;

            if (!spawnPoint.HasValue)
                return null;

            return new BasePlayer.SpawnPoint { pos = spawnPoint.Value, rot = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) };


public void TeleportToLobby(BasePlayer player, int lobbyId, Vector3 destination)
            if (player == null || player.IsNpc || destination.Equals(Vector3.zero))

            Lobby destinationLobby;
            if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out destinationLobby) && destinationLobby != null)
                if ((!destinationLobby.Data.RestrictAccess || destinationLobby.Data.AllowedPlayers.Contains(player.userID))
                    && !destinationLobby.Data.BannedPlayers.Contains(player.userID))
                    destinationLobby.ActivePlayers.Add(new LobbyPlayer(player));
                    GiveLoadout(player, destinationLobby.Data.LoadoutName);
                    Teleport(player, destination);
                ShowMessage(player, Messages.LobbyNoAccess, this);
            ShowMessage(player, Messages.LobbyNotFound, this);


        private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player)
            if (player == null || player.IsNpc)
            if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermissionIgnore))

            var spawnPoint = GetSpawnPoint(player);
            if (spawnPoint?.Item1 != null)
                TeleportToLobby(player, spawnPoint.Item2, spawnPoint.Item1.Value);

i have this in other plugin have same u need to do if that will helps you 

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        void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player, string reason)
            if (!player.IsDestroyed)

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Im currently working to fix that one

So, if you connect to the server/leave a match, you will spawn in the middle of the map anyways?
Also, the crash problem/error code, appears when you get near or inside the lobby zone of the bedwars or the plugin you're using? 

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Plugin updated, please let me know if that works now, also, try to test without any other that can modify the player teleport onconnect / die / disconnect and/or another lobby, that may cause some errors too
if you encounter any error or this update doesn't work for you, just reply here and i'll take a look at it

Sorry for the late update, i was having problems with other plugin too

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