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Disable Suicide Timer

Pending 1.2.5




every x Minutes the NPC suicide and respawn, right??  Thats alot of work for the server. How can i deactivate this option?

Nobody needs Suicide. 1. The get killed from Players, 2 they life hole time until net restart.



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  • Administrator

No, this doesn't apply to all npcs.
You can click on any of the option names in BotReSpawn UI for a popup with more information. 👍

The popup for SuicideTimer shows this

"Event profile populations are kept under control by causing the npcs to suicide after X minutes.
(Airdrop, Crate hack, Crate spawn, Heli kill, etc)
This setting allows you to adjust the number of minutes before the npcs will suicide.

For default/custom/biome profiles, this setting only applies when /toplayer command or button was used,
as those are additional npcs outside of the regular maintained population."

This safety is in place because there are many very low pop servers with very frequent airdrops and without some sort
of automatic cleanup there'd be hundreds, if not thousands of airdrop profile npcs running around after a while.

You can effectively disable it, if you want to, by just turning up the timer to the point of being meaningless.

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