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Wave Signals - heli's stop coming

Closed 1.2.4 1.2.5



So currently having an issue with the default settings Normal Wave Signal. Have had it stop after the Easy is beaten, stop after medium, stop after hard, and sometimes works as intended. Nothing comes up in console, heli's being killed not retired

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Thanks for the report, I’ve had similar reports. But I cannot reproduce these issues myself.

Do you have other plugins which affect helicopters or events in any way?

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Having the same issue with waves, even when Multi Heli is called it only spawns one and nothing else.

          "Multi Heli (Easy)",
          "Multi Heli (Medium)",
          "Multi Heli (Hard)",
          "Multi Heli (Elite)"

"KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'Multi Signal (Easy)' was not present in the dictionary"

Perhaps I have the name wrong?

Edited by Burymore
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Multi profiles do not work with waves. Waves can only call one heli at a time currently. I will look at changing this in a later update, but it should still spawn one heli.

The name in the wave profiles should be the same as the name of an existing profile in the config. Multi Signal (Easy) is not the same as Multi Heli (Easy), so that is likely your issue. 

Edited by ZEODE
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