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Closed 1.2.0


The plugin states it's "compatible with ZombieHorde" yet Zombies are still capable of performing damage to unauthed and unowned entities.

I tested this with numerous different configurations - Just ZombieHorde and SimplePVE by themselves, no other plugins loaded.

Changed my auth level, removed zombie admin, removed simplePVE admin, toggled PVE mode on and off, ensured that ZombieHorde damage to unauthed buildings was set to false...Nothing's working to prevent damage to other player's bases.

The ONLY reason that I bought this was because I thought it was compatible as stated.
It's definitely not.  
I'm pretty irritated with this..

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Hello, I understand. But its design in a way so that other plugin can override this rules. So if the zombie horde decides that zombies wont damage on buildings or players then simplepve cant do anything on that.

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