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Damage issue with shooting boss too close to player

Closed 2.1.2


some bosses will shoot a player that is too close to them and will not damage the player-

the boss will not damage the player until the player moves away from the boss and makes some space-

is there a fix to this issue?

apparently that are crouching near the boss which is what is causing him to do no damage-

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Can you share a couple things for us to investigate @Waylvin?

  • Version of NpcSpawn and BossMonster that you are using
  • Video clip of this happening from any perspectives you can show it
  • Config for a Boss that this is happening with
  • Anything in common if this is happening with more than one boss

This may be as simple as a configuration option though I can't think of one off the top of my head. But we haven't had any similar reports recently or really ever that I remember..

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