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Locked crate timer not working

Closed 1.3.6 1.3.7




i wrote that some time ago but now i had the chance to test it a bit.
CargoPlaneCrash has the same issue. Problem is that the hackable crates are open instand.

I testet now with all my plugins deactivated and it worked again. So there must be a other plugin causing that issue.

Here a list what iam using right now:

01 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.00s) - AdminHammer.cs
02 "Admin Radar" (5.3.4) by nivex (0.22s) - AdminRadar.cs
03 "Advert Messages" (3.0.2) by LaserHydra (0.00s) - AdvertMessages.cs
04 "AirfieldEvent" (1.3.6) by Fruster (0.08s) - AirfieldEvent.cs
05 "AlphaLoot" (3.1.25) by k1lly0u (1.32s) - AlphaLoot.cs
06 "AutoBaseUpgrade" (1.1.9) by CASHR#6906 (0.00s) - AutoBaseUpgrade.cs
07 "Auto Doors" (3.3.10) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/James/Bushhy (0.09s) - AutoDoors.cs
08 "Auto Lock" (2.4.5) by birthdates (0.00s) - AutoLock.cs
09 "Auto Pickup Barrel" (1.3.0) by l3rady (0.00s) - AutoPickupBarrel.cs
10 "Auto Purge" (2.1.1) by misticos (0.01s) - AutoPurge.cs
11 "Automated Events" (1.0.12) by k1lly0u/mspeedie/Arainrr (0.02s) - AutomatedEvents.cs
12 "Automated Stash Traps" (1.5.3) by Dana (0.01s) - AutomatedStashTraps.cs
13 "Automatic Authorization" (1.3.3) by k1lly0u/Arainrr (0.05s) - AutomaticAuthorization.cs
14 "Backpacks" (3.13.3) by WhiteThunder (0.03s) - Backpacks.cs
15 "Better Chat" (5.2.14) by LaserHydra (0.00s) - BetterChat.cs
16 "BetterChatIgnore" (1.0.3) by MisterPixie (0.00s) - BetterChatIgnore.cs
17 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.01s) - BetterChatMute.cs
18 "Better Chat Mute Voice" (1.0.4) by collect_vood (0.00s) - BetterChatMuteVoice.cs
19 "Better Say" (3.0.1) by LaserHydra (0.01s) - BetterSay.cs
20 "Blueprint Manager" (2.0.6) by Whispers88 (0.01s) - BlueprintManager.cs
21 "BotReSpawn" (1.2.5) by Steenamaroo (1.02s) - BotReSpawn.cs
22 "Bradley Guards" (1.6.2) by Bazz3l (0.13s) - BradleyGuards.cs
23 "Building Skins" (2.0.7) by Marat (0.04s) - BuildingSkins.cs
24 "Building Workbench" (1.4.0) by MJSU (0.01s) - BuildingWorkbench.cs
25 "CargoPlaneCrash" (1.3.1) by Fruster (0.07s) - CargoPlaneCrash.cs
26 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs
27 "Chest Stacks" (1.3.9) by supreme (0.02s) - ChestStacks.cs
28 "Clans" (3.0.35) by k1lly0u (0.01s) - Clans.cs
29 "Conveyor Stacks" (1.0.0) by BlackLightning (0.01s) - ConveyorStacks.cs
30 "Convoy" (2.4.4) by Adem (0.00s) - Convoy.cs
31 "Copy Paste" (4.1.37) by misticos (0.03s) - CopyPaste.cs
32 "Crafting Controller" (3.2.9) by Whispers88 (0.02s) - CraftingController.cs
33 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.10.3) by WhiteThunder (0.01s) - CustomVendingSetup.cs
34 "DeathMessage" (1.1.0) by Damo/beee / M&B-Studios (0.01s) - DeathMessage.cs
35 "Discord Chat" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s) - DiscordChat.cs
36 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.01s) - DiscordCore.cs
37 "Discord Status" (4.0.1) by Gonzi (0.04s) - DiscordStatus.cs
38 "Don't Target Me" (1.1.4) by Quantum/Arainrr (0.00s) - DontTargetMe.cs
39 "Economics" (3.9.1) by Wulf (0.00s) - Economics.cs
40 "Enhanced Hammer" (2.1.1) by misticos (0.00s) - EnhancedHammer.cs
41 "Entity Owner" (3.4.1) by Calytic (0.00s) - EntityOwner.cs
42 "Free CCTV" (0.1.2) by mspeedie (1.41s) - FreeCCTV.cs
43 "GUIShop" (2.4.47) by Khan (0.10s) - GUIShop.cs
44 "Gather Manager" (2.2.78) by Mughisi (0.41s) - GatherManager.cs
45 "HitIcon" (2.0.1) by FastBurst (0.00s) - HitIcon.cs
46 "Ignore" (2.1.3) by MisterPixie (0.00s) - Ignore.cs
47 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.02s) - ImageLibrary.cs
48 "InfoPanel" (1.0.9) by Gonzi (3.82s) - InfoPanel.cs
49 "InstantAirdrop" (1.0.9) by Rogder Dodger (0.00s) - InstantAirdrop.cs
50 "Inventory Viewer" (4.0.6) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - InventoryViewer.cs
51 "Kits" (4.4.0) by k1lly0u (0.03s) - Kits.cs
52 "Loot Bouncer" (1.0.10) by Sorrow/Arainrr (0.02s) - LootBouncer.cs
53 "Magic Hostile Panel" (1.0.10) by MJSU (0.01s) - MagicHostilePanel.cs
54 "Magic Panel" (1.0.8) by MJSU (0.01s) - MagicPanel.cs
55 "Metabolism" (1.0.0) by Orange (0.00s) - Metabolism.cs
56 "Monument Finder" (3.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s) - MonumentFinder.cs
57 "Movable CCTV" (1.1.2) by Bazz3l (0.01s) - MovableCCTV.cs
58 "My Mini Copter" (0.6.0) by RFC1920 (0.05s) - MyMiniCopter.cs
59 "NTeleportation" (1.7.8) by nivex (0.09s) - NTeleportation.cs
60 "Nav Mesh Error Fix" (1.1.1) by Ryz0r (0.00s) - NavMeshErrorFix.cs
61 "No Craft" (1.0.0) by Ryan (0.00s) - NoCraft.cs
62 "No Escape" (2.1.35) by Calytic (0.01s) - NoEscape.cs
63 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs
64 "NpcSpawn" (2.6.2) by KpucTaJl (0.09s) - NpcSpawn.cs
65 "OilRigDoorsFix" (1.0.2) by MON@H (0.00s) - OilRigDoorsFix.cs
66 "Performance Monitor" (1.2.5) by Orange (0.00s) - PerformanceMonitor.cs
67 "PermissionsManager" (2.0.9) by Steenamaroo (0.03s) - PermissionsManager.cs
68 "PlayerAdministration" (1.6.9) by ThibmoRozier (0.00s) - PlayerAdministration.cs
69 "Polls" (2.0.0) by Netch (0.00s) - Polls.cs
70 "PowerlessNeon" (1.1.0) by MNGO (0.20s) - PowerlessNeon.cs
71 "PrivateMessages" (1.1.11) by MisterPixie (0.00s) - PrivateMessages.cs
72 "Quarry Near No Build" (1.2.0) by Arainrr (0.00s) - QuarryNearNoBuild.cs
73 "Quarry Repair" (1.0.21) by Orange (0.00s) - QuarryRepair.cs
74 "Radio Station Manager" (1.0.3) by Whispers88 (0.01s) - RadioStationManager.cs
75 "RaidProtection" (3.4.3) by mr01sam (0.27s) - RaidProtection.cs
76 "Raidable Bases" (2.8.4) by nivex (0.12s) - RaidableBases.cs
77 "Recycler Speed" (2.0.2) by Ryz0r/yetzt (0.00s) - RecyclerSpeed.cs
78 "Remove Animals AI" (1.0.3) by Orange (0.43s) - RemoveAnimalsAI.cs
79 "Remover Tool" (4.3.41) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.05s) - RemoverTool.cs
80 "Rustadmin Online" (1.2.0) by misticos (0.00s) - RustadminOnline.cs
81 "SAMSiteAuth" (2.4.3) by haggbart (0.00s) - SAMSiteAuth.cs
82 "Save Announcer" (1.0.4) by Ryan (0.00s) - SaveAnnouncer.cs
83 "Sentry Turrets" (2.3.9) by Orange (0.45s) - SentryTurrets.cs
84 "Server Info" (0.5.8) by FastBurst (0.03s) - ServerInfo.cs
85 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - SignArtist.cs
86 "Simple Splitter" (2.4.1) by Shady14u (0.21s) - SimpleSplitter.cs
87 "SkinBox" (2.2.3) by k1lly0u (3.32s) - SkinBox.cs
88 "SkipNightVote" (0.1.4) by k1lly0u (0.01s) - SkipNightVote.cs
89 "Sort Button" (2.2.0) by MON@H (0.00s) - SortButton.cs
90 "SpawnControl" (2.0.6) by k1lly0u (0.89s) - SpawnControl.cs
91 "Stack Modifier" (2.3.2) by Khan (0.02s) - StackModifier.cs
92 "Survey Info" (1.0.6) by Diesel_42o/Arainrr (0.01s) - SurveyInfo.cs
93 "Tebex" (2.0.4) by Tebex (0.01s) - Tebex.cs
94 "Tebex Donate" (1.7.0) by Tebex (0.00s) - TebexDonate.cs
95 "Teleport Marker" (1.0.6) by Talha (0.00s) - TeleportMarker.cs
96 "Timed Execute" (0.7.4) by PaiN & misticos (0.00s) - TimedExecute.cs
97 "Trade" (1.2.44) by Calytic (0.00s) - Trade.cs
98 "TugboatNotSafe" (1.0.0) by ninco90 (0.42s) - TugboatNotSafe.cs
99 "Unburnable Meat" (1.0.1) by S642667 (0.00s) - UnburnableMeat.cs
100 "Upkeep Display Fix" (1.0.1) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - UpkeepDisplayFix.cs
101 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - Vanish.cs
102 "Vending Loot Drop" (1.0.6) by Bazz3l (0.07s) - VendingLootDrop.cs
103 "Wipe Timer" (1.1.0) by Rick (0.00s) - WipeTimer.cs
104 "XDStatistics" (2.8.1) by DezLife (0.14s) - XDStatistics.cs



Hey! please try to find out which plugin is the problem, maybe then I can help you. Disable half of the plugins each time, so you will find the one you need faster



So back testing. Seems none of my plugins causing this issue.

After the server is started i called it with afefast. The crates could be opened instantly. But after unload and load the AirfieldEvent and call with afefast again, the crates now have the timer.

To reproduce that i have to restart the server again. So there is no other plugin causing this issue for me.



Give me your config please. I'll try to check it



thanks, I'll definitely check this out as soon as I have some time



I checked, everything works correctly. Did you change "HackableLockedCrate.requiredHackSeconds" in the server config?



Yes i changed that to 300 sec.



This should also work correctly. But ok, I'll check it out



It seems that I have solved this problem. I will add a fix in the next update



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.3.7



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