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possible 2 suppress Wipe at Wipe Day if restart before Wipe-time?

Pending 1.4.68


Is it possible to suppress a wipe if an update-restart occurs before the actual (set) wipe time.

My server (Bi-Weekly) restarted 2 hours before the wipe because of an update and loaded a new map.
The MapVote is still running, the data in servercfg.json has been deleted and has been commented out in server.cfg.

Can I prevent this somehow? so that this only happens if the restart restarts within a defined time window.

In the new version it has become even more confusing due to the additional servercfg.json and then something like this happens.

I hope this can be remedied somehow. I also heard from other servers that the plugin was causing problems.

Version 1.4.68
Non Dedicated Server - Don't have permissions


In any case, thank you in advance!

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and another important question:

How and where do I have to enter WHAT so that I can do a manual wipe/map change without the plugin loading ANYTHING again when I restart.

Before I at least looked through it a little, but now I don't understand the plugin at all.
It comments out entered seeds and thereby loads a random map etc.

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