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NPC's are not moving

Closed 1.2.8

Rubbie Ducker
Rubbie Ducker


I just purchased this program a couple days ago and i cant seen to figure out how to get my npcs to move/chase the person they are attacking. 


i have        

"Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false,

and they still dont move. 

Can anyone help me out?



Sorry to hear you're having issues with that @Rubbie Ducker.

Which NPCs are you having this problem with specifically? What is their chase range and sense range?

Also make sure if you are testing it yourself that you are not in vanish. Once you are closer and especially when you've attacked or gotten the NPC to aggro to you they should definitely be chasing and moving around.

You just got the file right? Can you confirm the version of NpcSpawn and BetterNpc?

Rubbie Ducker



they are npcs i have in my custom monument.  the monument is a building i have built in the sky to use as a dungeon.

i have betterNpc 1.2.8 and npcSpawn 2.6.1

Here is one NPC i am trying to hae move around and chase when attacking someone.

  "ID": "",
  "Enabled? [true/false]": true,
  "Position": "(481.41, 1501.01, -650.26)",
  "Rotation": "(0.00, 0.00, 0.00)",
  "Radius": 20.0,
  "Remove other NPCs? [true/false]": true,
  "Presets": [
      "Enabled? [true/false]": true,
      "Minimum numbers - Day": 10,
      "Maximum numbers - Day": 20,
      "Minimum numbers - Night": 10,
      "Maximum numbers - Night": 20,
      "NPCs setting": {
        "Names": [
        "Health": 300.0,
        "Roam Range": 10.0,
        "Chase Range": 100.0,
        "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0,
        "Sense Range": 50.0,
        "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 10.0,
        "Scale damage": 2.0,
        "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0,
        "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false,
        "Vision Cone": 135.0,
        "Speed": 7.5,
        "Minimum time of appearance after death (not used for Events) [sec.]": 60.0,
        "Maximum time of appearance after death (not used for Events) [sec.]": 90.0,
        "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false,
        "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false,
        "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true,
        "Wear items": [
            "ShortName": "attire.ninja.suit",
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0
        "Belt items": [
            "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
            "Amount": 1,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Mods": [],
            "Ammo": ""
            "ShortName": "longsword",
            "Amount": 1,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 855009078,
            "Mods": [],
            "Ammo": ""
        "Kits (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": []
      "The amount of economics that is given for killing the NPC": {
        "Economics": 0.0,
        "Server Rewards (minimum 1)": 0,
        "IQEconomic (minimum 1)": 0
      "Type of appearance (0 - random; 1 - own list) (not used for Road and Biome)": 1,
      "Own list of locations (not used for Road and Biome)": [
        "(-0.53, -0.01, 0.45)",
        "(-1.48, 0.00, 21.65)",
        "(18.72, -0.01, 0.20)"
      "If the NPC ends up below ocean sea level, should the NPC return to it's place of appearance? [true/false]": false,
      "Type of navigation grid (0 - used mainly on the island, 1 - used mainly under water or under land, as well as outside the map, can be used on some monuments)": 0,
      "The path to the crate that appears at the place of death (empty - not used)": "",
      "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 4,
      "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of prefabs": [
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0,
            "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab"
      "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": {
        "Minimum numbers of items": 1,
        "Maximum numbers of items": 1,
        "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true,
        "List of items": [
            "ShortName": "scrap",
            "Minimum": 100,
            "Maximum": 200,
            "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 50.0,
            "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
            "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
            "Name (empty - default)": ""



First you may need to increase the radius.

   "Radius": 20.0,

Second you have only 3 positions but you have between 10 and 20 to spawn, this also should be addressed.

      "Minimum numbers - Day": 10,
      "Maximum numbers - Day": 20,
      "Minimum numbers - Night": 10,
      "Maximum numbers - Night": 20,
      "Own list of locations (not used for Road and Biome)": [
        "(-0.53, -0.01, 0.45)",
        "(-1.48, 0.00, 21.65)",
        "(18.72, -0.01, 0.20)"

Try addressing those as I think possibly the radius might be a part of the issue as it's very small at the moment.

Once you've done that reload the plugin and share all of the loading messages here from your console @Rubbie Ducker.

Rubbie Ducker


i changed the radius to 150  and  also changed the spawn from 2 to 20 

they still are not moving. 

 the npcs with ranged weapons will attack me when i come in range but they dont move or roam around or anything. Same with the npcs with melee weapons i just need to be in melee range

o.reload BetterNpc
Unloaded plugin BetterNpc v1.2.8 by KpucTaJl
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 2%
[BetterNpc] File Abandoned Cabins has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Abandoned Military Base A has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Abandoned Military Base B has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Abandoned Military Base C has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Abandoned Military Base D has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Abandoned Supermarket has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Airfield has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Arctic Research Base has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Ferry Terminal has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Giant Excavator Pit has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File HQM Quarry has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Junkyard has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Large Harbor has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Large Oil Rig has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Launch Site has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Lighthouse has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Military Tunnel has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Mining Outpost has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Missile Silo has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Oil Rig has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Oxum's Gas Station has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Power Plant has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Satellite Dish has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Sewer Branch has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Small Harbor has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Stone Quarry has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Sulfur Quarry has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File The Dome has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Train Yard has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Water Treatment Plant has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Wild Swamp has been loaded successfully!
Loaded plugin BetterNpc v1.2.8 by KpucTaJl
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 7%
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1200_1way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1200_1way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1200_3way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1200_3way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1200_4way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1200_4way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x1800_2way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1200x600_2way_corridor has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1500x1500_4way_lshaped has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1500x1500_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1500x1800_2way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1500x600_2way_corridor has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_1800x1800_4way_lshaped has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_2100x600_3way_corridor has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_1way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_1way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_2way_moonpool has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_3way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_3way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_4way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File module_900x900_4way_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File moonpool_1200x1500_1way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File moonpool_1200x1500_2way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File moonpool_1200x1500_3way has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File moonpool_1200x1800_ladder has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 14%
[BetterNpc] File curve-ne-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-ne-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-nw-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-nw-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-se-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-se-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-sw-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File curve-sw-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File intersection-e has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File intersection-n has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File intersection-s has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File intersection-w has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File intersection has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-sn-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-sn-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-sn-2 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-sn-3 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-we-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-we-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-we-2 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File station-we-3 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-sn-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-sn-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-sn-2 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-sn-3 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-sn-4 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-sn-5 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-we-0 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-we-1 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-we-2 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-we-3 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-we-4 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File straight-we-5 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 21%
[BetterNpc] File flamethrower has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File gang has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File gang2 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File grunt has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File miner has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File ninja has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File punk has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File sniper has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File thug has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 28%
[BetterNpc] File AirDrop has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Bradley has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File CH47 has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File CargoShip has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Helicopter has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 35%
[BetterNpc] File ExtraNarrow has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File ExtraWide has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Standard has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 42%
[BetterNpc] File Arctic has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Arid has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Temperate has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] File Tundra has been loaded successfully!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 49%
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 56%
[BetterNpc] Monument Ferry Terminal has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Small Harbor has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Large Harbor has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Abandoned Military Base B has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Arctic Research Base has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Missile Silo has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Junkyard has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Airfield has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Military Tunnel has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Water Treatment Plant has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument HQM Quarry has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Stone Quarry has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Sulfur Quarry has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Mining Outpost has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Mining Outpost has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Abandoned Supermarket has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Oxum's Gas Station has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Mining Outpost has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Oil Rig has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Large Oil Rig has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Lighthouse has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Monument Lighthouse has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 63%
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module moonpool_1200x1500_1way has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module moonpool_1200x1500_1way has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_1500x1500_4way_lshaped has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_1500x1800_2way_ladder has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_1200x1200_4way_ladder has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_1500x1500_4way_lshaped has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_1200x600_2way_corridor has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_900x900_3way_ladder has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_900x900_3way_ladder has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_1500x1500_ladder has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Underwater Module module_900x900_2way_moonpool has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 70%
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-0 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-0 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-4 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-1 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-1 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-1 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-sn-3 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-sn-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-4 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-1 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-sn-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-4 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-3 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-4 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-3 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-0 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-4 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-5 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-0 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-3 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-1 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-5 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-sn-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-1 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-5 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-we-3 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-sn-3 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-we-5 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-0 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module straight-sn-5 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Tunnel Module station-sn-2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 77%
[BetterNpc] Custom location flamethrower has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location gang has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location gang2 has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location grunt has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location miner has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location ninja has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location punk has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location sniper has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Custom location thug has been successfully loaded!
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 84%
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 91%
[BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 98%
[BetterNpc] All puzzles have been successfully reset!
[BetterNpc] Completed loading successfully!



Show some screenshots of the location of these NPCs. It might be something to do with where they are being spawned into, they may not be able to actually walk there perhaps.

Plugin seems to have loaded properly.

Rubbie Ducker


here is a video i took 


and here are some screenshots.








Ah I thought it might be something like that. NPCs can't path (walk) on player built prefabs from in game or CopyPaste. I can't remember if they work if you place it in the editor when making the map but it would probably be safe to assume not. If this was built or placed in the editor then you could confirm that it doesn't @Rubbie Ducker.

Rubbie Ducker


hmm... ok i guess ill have to use humannpc for my melee npcs and better npc for my ranged ones i guess. thank you.

Can this be added in the future?




I think this is one of those things that isn't really possible. There are certain prefabs that NPCs just can't navigate or walk on. But with planning in advance things can be added in the editor so that they can. If an appropriate trigger was set for them to walk on, similar to the cubes that they also cannot walk on, they can walk in places like this. But it's just not in their base code at all to be able to do it, so to teach them would require enough of a change in the plugin that I can pretty much guarantee it would be a performance hit, probably a considerably large hit. I will forward it as a thought though perhaps KpucTaJl will have additional ideas.

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