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Campfire doesn't cook

Not a Bug 2.1.04 2.1.04


I don't know how big of an issue this is, but when a campfire turns on automatically it doesn't cook anything. You have to actually turn it off and then back on for it to cook. I had a couple players report it over the past few wipes, so thought I would pass it on in case it was something that could be/wanted to be addressed.

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Hi Newp.

It is intentional.  The plugins "turns things on" by activating the animation, but not the processing, to avoid accidentally burning up things stored in campfires, etc. It also reduces the server load, as the animation add a lot less load than processing. Animation is one time cost, processing is ongoing every tick.

There is an option to protect stove (campfires, furnaces, etc.) with the options, so if they are on (or off) and have stuff in them, the plugin ignores them. Useful if you don't activate the insta-smelt option.


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Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug

Changed Fixed In to 2.1.04

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