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Changed command, yet says command doesn't exist

Can't Reproduce 1.0.0 1.0.0


Hi there.  I've changed one of the command names because "rules" conflicts with another mod I use that I can't customise the command of.  It's now set to this:


 "rules": {
      "Command": "trules",
      "Message": "<size=18><color=#ffe969>SERVER RULES:</color></size>\n<size=16>1. No Racism or Bigotry of Any Kind\n2. No Advertising\n3. No Cheats or Macros\n4. No Base Raiding\n5. No Attacking Other Players\n6. Don't be a dick\n7. Join Discord: https://discord.gg/uAuHaxe2ve</size>\n\n<size=10>Type <size=12><color=#12bfcd>/trules</color></size> to acknowledge and hide this message</size>"

However when I try to call the command with /trules , it says it doesn't exist (see attached picture).

Any idea please?



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Are you still having trouble? Sorry for the delay.

Do you reload the plugin to apply changes after editing the config? If you still need help you can contact me on discord and I'll fix your config or whatever needs to be done. Sometimes this happens when small syntax errors are added when people edit their messages.

I checked the part you sent and it works properly for me so there shouldn't be any errors in it. It's most likely just an issue loading the plugin or reading the config. Sometimes when errors are caused in oxide via edits or anything else, oxide will often use old versions of the plugin or config that it has cached instead of the broken, updated version. Yours might be reading a version prior to the changes you made for some reason. 

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thanks for PMing your file, the formatting looked a little off so I fixed it (sending in PM), let me know if it works better

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