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maybe zombies cause problems or human npc

Closed 1.0.9

Peter Friesenbichler

Saved 213,924 ents, cache(0.28), write(0.08), disk(0.07). Saving complete Zombie B[6173951] was killed by -Xez0r-[76561198045200231] at (444.33, 15.30, 852.11) Zombie A[624513] was killed by -Xez0r-[76561198045200231] at (427.15, 15.38, 848.86) Zombie A[2551226] was killed by -Xez0r-[76561198045200231] at (428.40, 15.46, 847.86) Zombie B[4649654] was killed by -Xez0r-[76561198045200231] at (426.05, 15.33, 850.03) Unloaded plugin Furnace Splitter v2.5.2 by FastBurst Loaded plugin Furnace Splitter v2.5.2 by FastBurst [DEBUG] Plugin compilation is already queued: HumanNPC (0.080 ago) [DEBUG] Plugin compilation is already queued: GodmodeIndicator (0.080 ago) Added '// Reference: System.Drawing' in plugin 'SignArtist' Added '// Reference: Facepunch.Sqlite' in plugin 'ImageLibrary' Added '// Reference: UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule' in plugin 'ImageLibrary' [CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v successfully Backpacks, BetterNpc, BossMonster, BradleyGuards, BuildingSkins, BuyableTugboats, CarTurrets, CargoPlaneCrash, CargoTrainEvent, Convoy, CopyPaste, CraftChassis, CraftingController, CustomVendingSetup, DangerousTreasures, Economics, EntityReducer, Godmode, GodmodeIndicator, HomingMissiles, HumanNPC, ImageLibrary, ImprovedDoorClosers, InfoPanel, InventoryViewer, Kits, LaptopCrateHack, LimitEntities, LockMaster, MapMyPlayers, MissileSiloEvent, MonumentFinder, NTeleportation, NightLantern, NoFuelRequirements, NpcHordeRustEdit, NpcMovingControl, NpcSpawn, PathFinding, PermissionsManager, PlayerAdministration, PlayerList, PlayerRanks,



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