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Two suggestions that could greatly improve the QOL of this plugin:

Closed 3.1.2



First I'd like to say this is a BEAUTIFULLY articulated plugin.  You did very well on it, and I appreciate the effort. 

However, there are a few things I think could be done to greatly improve the QOL for this plugin that I'd love to see implemented if you wouldn't mind.

The first :
     The ability to edit font size directly from the /h setup menu instead of having to traverse to line 1747 for Info Messages to adjust it.

The second :  
     The ability to define a background color (or even just add a default image that's a blurred out image, and allow us to adjust the alpha transparency to further help aiding in reading text.

The Third  (and possibly alternative to second suggestion if it's too difficult to incorporate):
     The ability to adjust the text border thickness, and alpha alongside the existing option for color in the /h setup menu.

The Fourth:
     The ability to manipulate the second "panel" of information (Active, sleeping queued, time, and coords) of information to essentially detach it from the main and move it around independently (Or, even better, each module independently with their own backgrounds.  That'd be incredible!

The Fifth:  
     The ability to add cents to the economy balance.

Other than these VERY small issues this plugin EASILY replaces the other panel I was using.  I like it a lot.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



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