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Adding to in game shop

No Response 1.2.3


Ok I got it to add to ingame shop but now something with the stacking is causing it to call heli and supply signal.

Edited by EvilDips
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Sorry I have them in the shop now no problem, but I'm finding that when they stack and you rearranging the stack they call in the Heli like they should but also a airdrop as if its still a supply signal

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Please upload your HeliSignals config and the part of the shop config where you added the heli signals for me to check.

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Your config and shop config looks good, when you are stacking them is the name of the signal in the inventory changing at all? Do you have other plugins which act on heli signals at all? Some do make this bug, most have been patched, but there is one if I can remember which that the dev isn't active and hasn't accepted the patch. I think it was signal cooldown, do you use that?

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Im using this shop plugin also, I Have added it but when I purchase nothing is in the inventory

[15:29:27] > [Shop] Player Goober (76561197968667969) bought items for 1000$: [PLUGIN-1697084477] Name: HeliSignals, Hook: [PluginReference] Plugin HeliSignals; if (HeliSignals.CallHook("IsHeliSignalObject", skinID) != null) return true; // 


am I doing it wrong?


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I am not familiar with this Shop plugin, I don't know the significance of the hook value in the config UI. But this appears to be causing an issue. Try removing the |. Any other help with adding items to that shop plugin you should really clarify with the dev of that plugin as I have no idea how it should be set up properly.

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