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Bots are hard for noobs

Closed 1.2.8



I have a custom map and downloaded the bot file
a few players are requesting to make the bots a bit easier to kill as they are getting killed as " in mvk armour they kill with 3 rounds "

the server is set up as a pve for new players learning the game and could do with reducing the bots strength or accurcy or something so they are easier to kill  as its offputting to the noobs lol

Is there any setting anywhere that i could change the bots?




Yes of course.

In the data folder are the configurations for every set of NPCs. In these files you can change amounts, you can disable or enable certain files, and each preset can be changed by configuring their options to suit your server better. Unfortunately although this can be some work, it is difficult to create one difficulty level that works for everyone. It is more common that they are desired to be challenging so by default they are a bit more on the challenging side. But you can change their damage output, their range, and so many things in each preset.

You have specific questions @Porky feel free to ask any. Take a look at the Description and the data/BetterNpc files to start getting an idea of things and let us know if we can assist. The one I will point out that is most confusing is that the aim cone will be made larger to be less accurate (larger cone of bullet spray means more misses) while reducing the aim cone makes them more accurate. Most other fields you can edit are easier to guess what the changes will do.

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Much apprieciated @Jbird  the damage output is the one i need to change as thats what the new players were whinging about.



Give it some time @Porky it will be something else or then they will be too easy haha.

Have fun with it!



hahaha you got that right jbird,  ive only changed the health and accuracy of the custom monument bots,   far too  many to change in the tunnel dwellers etc lol



That's a good approach, somewhat like batching your work. You might come back to touch those later and realize that even though it feels almost overwhelming with how many files there are, once you start to get into a groove of customizing them it really doesn't take a lot amount of time. Especially when you are making really similar changes each time you might even just be simply copying a section of code and pasting it into each file.



darn it i didnt think to just copy and paste and the lines would be identical in each file lol
thanks buddy 🙂




Any time! Just keep a close eye as you're doing it and reload often so you catch anything quickly if one gets borked. Other than that happy to help and hope you enjoy.

🍻 Happy holidays.



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