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groups not showing in perms group tab

Pending 2.0.9


Hey guys i have been having this problem with permissions manager where when i make oxide/betterchat groups and they just not seem to apper in the perms manager groups tab if anyones how to fix this problem please help thanks 

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  • Administrator

PermissionsManager fetches the groups from oxide each time you open a page that should list them,
so it can't really be out of sync.

Any possibility BetterChat's group system is its own, and separate from oxides,
or perhaps some plugins is auto-removing the groups you've made?

To test you could go to server console and type `oxide. group add SomeNameHere`
then check in PermissionsManager to find that the new group is listed.

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I have already tried doing that and still nothing no groups show up when I make them  this is that all it comes up as2418D2FC-686E-4CEC-967B-5CB521D18686.jpeg.3bf52a90eb42bbda44ad772084440d97.jpeg

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  • Administrator

Oh, it's completely blank.
Are you seeing an error in your server console, when you open that PermissionsManager page?

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nah man nothing shows up in the consolewhen i open perms manager and click on the groups tab. and i have deleted the scripts data and plugins and everyting and still the same 


Edited by Joe1
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  • Administrator

What about when you reload the plugin.

Most likely there's some issue either with your config or lang file.
if there's an error when you reload that would confirm,
or you can just back them both up and let the plugin recreate fresh ones. 👍

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I have tried reloading it as well and nothing happens it works normal but it just does not work I’m try to delete lang and config fill and see what happens 



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  • Administrator

Even if there were no groups it should still show you the "Permissions Manager V2" header, at least.
That makes me think there's an error that's being missed.

oxide.unload PermissionsManager

delete /oxide/config/PermissionsManager.json

delete /oxide/lang/en/PermissionsManager.json


if the language you're using isn't /en/, delete the one that's appropriate for you.

Hopefully that should sort it.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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