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Guns/Launchers in a stack is doing the same amount of damage?

Not a Bug 1.0.31



Hi, im not 100% sure maybe it come from another Plugin but i diont use another Stack Plugin so lets check. 🙂

The issue some players have mentioned to me,.. If they have 5 guns/launchers in a stack it is doing the same amount of damage to each gun/launcher int he stack

You could just throw away that gun or launcher, now it's rolling the damage through a stack is that a known issue or maybe a missconfig from me?

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This behavior is normal. Items with durability are not intended to be stacked. I would recommend you to set the stack size for guns and tools to 1

The other option would be to unstack the guns as soon as they are used, but this would be impractical and cost performance.

Edited by The_Kiiiing
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