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Only 1 NPC will spawn with each crate

Closed 1.3.1



Hello Mate,

So I just bought your plugin on 11/26/2023. I was able to get it installed and working but there's an issue. If I change the amount of NPC's to spawn from 0 to any other number, then I will only get one airdrop and no crates. If I leave it set to 0 NPC's then all 3 crates and airdrops drop as designed without any NPC's. I've tried changing it from heavy NPC to other types of NPC's and it's the same issue. I am using BetterNPC. Do you think it's a conflict between the 2 of these plugins?



Hey there! Do you get errors in the server console? Try disabling other plugins to avoid conflicts with them


Posted (edited)

So the fix for this for people running BetterNpc is to add the following to the BetterNpc config:


to the list of "Npc's not to be deleted" line. Now other NPC prefabs may work as I'm not sure. I got the one above working and quite messing with it lol. I can adjust those 3 scientists to be extremely rough so no need for 5 or more imo.

I'm now able to spawn NPC's with the crates and airdrops. I would only add 3 or so and then just increase their difficulty as needed just in case someone runs into this issue again. Thank you for getting back to me as fast as you did. I really do appreciate it.

Edited by Maya1
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