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destroy tc but base is not decaying.

Pending 2.0.9


"Only Cupboards Are Required To Cancel An Event": false,

set it true. this will start the timer.

"Seconds Until Despawn After Looting": 600.0,

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Thank you sir. So when my players go around and shoot bases to find a base to raid (not protected), if a base is found unprotected it will automatically send a global message that a base is raidable at location. Can i turn this notification off? my reasoning is what if the players are not ready to raid yet and don't want to give up the fact they did all the legwork to find that base and have it posted globally? 

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you can revoke abandonedbases.notices permission from players to hide the global message notification that an event has started

it won't do much good if map markers are enabled

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you can also set any message in the language file to "" and it won't be shown to players anymore


"Abandoned": "An abandoned player's base is now raidable at {0}",



"Abandoned": "",


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Mr. Nivex, 

I had made the changes you mentioned above for the base decay. Set to true and made sure the despawn after looting was 600. had a test base raided this morning, the tc was looted and destroyed. Base is still standing and all walls/foundations are still at 100% health. 

"Only Cupboards Are Required To Cancel An Event": false,

set it true. this will start the timer.

"Seconds Until Despawn After Looting": 600.0,

Edited by OgGinja
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I just tried this with your config with Seconds Until Despawn After Looting at 5 and it despawns 5 seconds after TC is killed

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Would radiablebases or truePVE have anything to do with this? that is the only other things I have that would be related to bases.


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you should update truepve

raidable bases isn't related

event will end, then the base will despawn when that time expires

ive tried this numerous times with automated and manually converted bases (/sab and /sar)


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Mr, Nivex

How would I setup my config so that when an abandoned base is raided and tc is destroyed the base will decay as the game intended? Issue I have is with the despawn timer....base was raided, player logged back in just minutes after he was raided and placed a new tc and salvaged what he could. a few minutes later base was despawned from the timer. it's like it didnt sense a new tc being placed. I have attached my config.



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    "Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires": false,
    "Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires": false,

hi, set this true

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So i had it originally had these set to true and it works as bases do not despawn. But without a tc they do not decay and when they are attacked, you get a message of "This building is not eligible as it does not have a tool cupboard in range." I had just changed these 2 to false to see what it would do. 

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I'm changing Cancel Automated Events If Abandoned Owner Comes Online in next update so that it works when players convert bases by attacking them. since if the base converts it would technically be automated since it's not done with the /sar command

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I understand that they do not handle the damage but for some reason it thinks the base is still in an event and its not decaying? even with truepve when the tc is not attached to a base it will decay on my server. Its just weird how i still get an Abandoned bases message after the tc has been removed and now isnt technically  in an event to cause damage to base.



Edited by OgGinja
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nah, it doesn't think the base is in an event. that message means that the base can't be in an event because it has no TC. another plugin would have to be blocking the decay because it isn't possible for it to be Abandoned Bases. TruePVE ignores decay, but it is possible for another plugin to hook TruePVE and block the damage. though that's completely unnecessary since TruePVE won't override another plugin since it doesn't handle decay damage to begin with. so a plugin could simply hook OnEntityTakeDamage instead and block the decay that way.

Edited by nivex
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Yeah I get you, after thinking about it some more i think the decay thing may be on my end. I did change the decay scale a while ago and it may be more than I intended but just never noticed till now lol. The fix for the player coming online after the raid fix would be awesome. Thank you sir. 

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