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i need help please

Not a Bug 2.0.6


The plugin is great but is there an easier way for people to click the buttons, as i have to hold g to get the map up to click it or press tab. Also is it possible to centre the text at all? as i am OCD xD

Example https://gyazo.com/469a3060ec8db7fb34bac1e3781116af


Edit - Players who have a different UI to me have a problem where the text is cut off or it's the buttons are not centered etc. Is there an update coming where it will fix to their UI instead of copying my setup?

And lastly can i change the font style as it's bold and want it more of a fine font if that makes sense,

Edited by MrWoz
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@MrWoz I'm not obligated to help users with customization of the plugin. If I have spare time, I will but my job is to make sure that plugin is working as described.

Instead of writing review you could simply scroll down in support section and find tickets with same question. 

it's also mentioned in plugin description, with smaller font but it is 

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