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Suggestion and [Error] Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException:

Work in Progress 1.3.7

Hello Mevent,

First of all, thank you for your plugin. We have been using it for several months and have tested it extensively in the last few days as we plan to fully transition to your plugin. Currently, we are using a free version of Umod. However, we have noticed a few things that may need attention.

Bank Account Error:  We've observed that a user's bank account crashes, displaying a balance of -294967296 when a specific sum is reached. Unfortunately, no error is shown when this happens in the game. However, we were able to reproduce the error by directly increasing the account balance. The error message is: "[Error] Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: JSON integer 2999999999999 is too large or small for an Int32. Path 'Balance', line 3, position 26."

My suggestion would be to add support for more than just Int32 or implement a bank account limit to avoid this error.
P.S.: I would endorse both ideas 😉

Bank Account Balance Display: Is it possible to display the money with dots and commas?
That is, the balance would be shown as 999,999,999.00


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