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The kit with compound name does not recognize me

Not a Bug 1.0.5


Hello! Adding vips kits and putting the name "Kit Name(for claiming)": "VIP BRONCE", and trying to claim it, I get in the chat: The VIP Kit does not exist. It comes out VIP instead of going out VIP BRONCE

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22 minutes ago, Destructor said:

Hello! Adding vips kits and putting the name "Kit Name(for claiming)": "VIP BRONCE", and trying to claim it, I get in the chat: The VIP Kit does not exist. It comes out VIP instead of going out VIP BRONCE

Kit names are case sensitive and cant contain space in name. Its due to how Rust Kits api picking up data. 

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4 minutes ago, David. said:

Los nombres de los kits distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas y no pueden contener espacios en el nombre. Se debe a la forma en que la API de Rust Kits recopila datos. 

So should I modify my kit and put it without spaces?

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57 minutes ago, Destructor said:

So should I modify my kit and put it without spaces?

Yes, that what you should do (sorry for late reply)

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