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protected base notification?

Closed 2.0.8


Is there a option to have a notification popup when shooting the base to display if base is protected and if not protected players can raid? is there a way i can only use the protected base function and go into purge mode last few days of the wipe? I do not want to use any of the other functions where it puts an abandoned base on the map (creates event) or converts and deletes. I want players to go hunting for inactive player bases.

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abandonedbases.attack will tell the players how much time is remaining if they try to attack the base. shooting it once is the recommended way to see this. if the base is expired then it will convert. when the timer expires it will despawn the base. if a player attacks their own base or any ally base then it will not do anything (clan/team/friend)

players cannot convert bases inside of zone manager zones
players cannot convert bases if disabled by Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times
players cannot convert if another abandoned event is nearby, Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together
players cannot convert any base that has no TC

this plugin does not provide any protection. TruePVE does that, and this plugin will tell TruePVE to allow the damage when the base is converted after the player hunts it down

Run On Server Startup and Run Every X Seconds are both disabled by default. if disabled then the plugin will not convert or destroy anything unless a player hunts that base first, but the player requires abandonedbases.attack

abandonedbases.convert permissions allow the player to use /sar, /sar claim and /sar cancel depending on the permissions they have

abandonedbases.convert - /sar, convert a base they have TC auth at
abandonedbases.convert.cancel - /sar cancel, cancel an event they have TC auth at
abandonedbases.convert.claim - /sar claim, cancel AND claim and event they have TC auth at and this becomes theirs, effectively "take over" the base.

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Thank you for explaining! Plugin is great, only issue I seem to keep having is with getting messages. This works for a period of time but then stops working. When I or anyone else shoots at a base there is no notification informing of base is protected. Even I don't get a notification of last time player was online when shooting bases. its hit or miss for the notifications. I have check and made sure all perms are correct and given.

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no problem

there is a 10 second cooldown between messages =p

this is so players don't get spammed with them accidentally.

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Yes sir, my problem is the notifications don't get displayed for extended periods of time. Like this morning, logged on and received no notifications about base protection or user last seen when shooting bases. Logged back in 7 hours later and I now receive notifications...server has not been modified or restarted since I logged in this morning. 

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Here are my files, basically I want to run a PVE server with PVP zones. no friendly fire, don't want to use the auto convert, players/clans have base protection for 30 hours, no npc, heli or Bradley. no notifications for abandoned bases unless players are out hunting and shoots a base to find out its not protected. I believe i also have it setup to NOT destroy base after timer. 


Edited by OgGinja
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please remove the plugin from the attachments

friendly fire is not controlled by this plugin. if you're in PVP then friends will take damage.

Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times will not show attack notifications while blocked during these hours.

your config matches your requirements

Edited by nivex
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sorry about that. removed the .cs. So i have to keep the disable between these times enabled to keep the no convert? but i loose notifications? 

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doesn't make sense lol. like said in my previous message. currently i have been getting notifications since around 5pm today and still getting the. Also, the way the disabled between these times are setup basically 24 hours now. i shouldn't be getting them now but i am?

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hours are military time. 0-23

yes, you should be getting them until midnight server time

not sure why I set the hours to 0 to 12 and 12 to 0. I must've thought the same as you then. I'll remove 12 to 0 (second one) since it won't work. setting the end date before the start date obviously cant work 😄


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What if I change the Min amount of players line? I have disabled the in-between timer currently and set the Min number of players to 350 as a test and I'm still getting notifications?

would you be able to add an option for what I'm looking for? just want a base protection based on logging in and a timer, have players hunt for bases instead of automatically converting?

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nah that won't stop notifications. TruePVE provides the protection. this plugin removes that protection after the base becomes abandoned

what you want already exists

Run Every X Seconds and Run Once On Server Startup are both disabled so the plugin won't automatically convert

you shouldn't use Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times to explicitly prevent the above automated options since they're already disabled

the only way for it to convert is if the player hunts the base or if you use commands to convert

Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times shouldn't be enabled unless you want to prevent hunting during specific times


Edited by nivex
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So, I just used purge command, Can I set this to not have bubbles and turn whole map PVP??

Edited by OgGinja
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set Sphere Amount to 0

no, the whole map can't go PVP. PVP is at events only when Allow PVP is true

there's not much point to leaving Abanoned Bases or TruePVE loaded if you want that

Prevent Looting or other loot protection plugins will not let them loot the boxes unless they destroy it. Remove Ownership bypasses this when set true

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Last question...maybe lol. Is there an option to turn off the zone creation when a base is converted?  If not can you add an option for no pvp zone when converted? 

Edited by OgGinja
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I don't understand.

if there is no zone then there can be no event, but those are not zone manager zones. if you are getting zone manager zones at these events then another plugin is adding them (maybe dynamicpvp? no idea since I dont use any zones from other plugins)
if you don't want PVP then you can disable Allow PVP options in the config but again I don't understand.
if you meant dome/sphere then you can set Sphere Amount to 0 in the config

Edited by nivex
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so, what I want is the base protection for 30 hours from last play time. but after the time expires the base will become unprotected and anyone can raid it. Players will have to constantly go around shooting bases to find one that is not protected for the challenge (no bubbles or announcements on map, currently this can be turned off.) but when the base is converted it turns the bubble area (even if bubble is set to 0) to a PVP event around the base. I just want the option for the base to become radiable without an event starting around the base when converted.

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that isn't possible. conversion is literally - the event - it is what allows you to do anything and everything. pvp, damage, dome, changing ownership, etc

PVE and PVP are part of that event.

if there is no event then players will not be able to do anything.

something has to tell TruePVE to allow that damage - the event does this

Edited by nivex
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