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About Me

  1. Version 2.0.4


    Meteor Event plugin allows you to make custom meteor shower events on your server. You can set up a timed event that starts a meteor shower that contains unlimited possible entities and the ability to activate big rocks, which need explosives to destroy them. Resources from meteors can be multiplied and changed. You can even create custom global events with fully customized gathering sources. Video Preview (Version 2.0.0) Features Ability to set up custom timed events. Infinite amount of meteor presets. Two different types of meteors. Normal and large meteors that require explosives. Configurable meteor scale, yield, explosive damage, radiation, item output and much more. Ability to run custom events, per-player events and random player events. Configurable amount of meteors per online player count. Fully customizable drop for any RUST entity. Fully customizable ambient events. You can choose which tools you use to gather your meteors. Players can call their own meteor showers. Ability to call random meteors on players while destroying regular rocks around the map. Highly configurable calling command. Configurable discord webhook shower announcement. Customizable falling angles for events. Ability to set multiple different timed events. Commands /ms - Opens the Meteor Event Control UI. msadmin run <profileName> <amount> - Starts a custom meteor shower of profile <profileName> with <amount> meteors. (Console Command) msadmin direct <profileName> [amount] [playerId] - Spawns [amount] meteors of profile <profileName> above [playerId]'s head. (Console Command) msadmin kill - Kills all meteors around the map. (Console Command) Permissions meteorevent.admin - Allows you to use admin features meteorevent.use - Allows use of the /ms command, if permission required. (Configurable) meteorevent.purchase.{profile.Key} - Allows to purchase & call certain meteor events. (Configurable) Configuration Hints Used Economy Plugin 0 - None 1 - Economics 2 - ServerRewards 3 - BankSystem 4 - ShoppyStock Explosive Config The key value - shortname of the damage entity, it's not an item shortname, it's an 3D model that's visible in-game. For explosive ammo use ammo.rifle.explosive. Hooks (For Developers, they need to be enabled in config) void OnMeteorShowerStart(int meteorAmount, string profile, bool isDirect, BasePlayer directPlayer) void OnFallingMeteorSpawned(string meteorPrefabKey, SphereEntity parentEntity, BaseEntity meteorEntity) void OnMeteorLanded(BaseEntity meteorEntity, string meteorPrefabKey) void OnMeteorsKilled() Config Walkthrough Global Meteor Config Configuration part for any type and any spawned meteor. Meteor Prefabs This is a full list of available meteors that can fall from the sky. Here is a default list of them: barrel - The Big Barrel Event Prefab. It's a very big barrel with a fully custom gather method that contains 2000 Scrap and 10,000 Metal by default. falling_star - The ambient event that runs sometimes in the sky but never falls onto the ground. All it does is spawn falling stars in the sky, so you can have a cool effects at night. metal_ore - Regular metal ore meteor prefab. stone_ore - Regular stone ore meteor prefab. sulfur_ore - Regular sulfur ore meteor prefab. toilet - Funny meteor that was made during plugin development. It also contains a fully custom gather that contains HQM and Metal. Meteor Profiles This part of the config is what's visible when you open the /ms command. If you want to make a working meteor event, you need to add a new section here. By default, there are 4 profiles: barrel - Runs Big Barrel Event that contains "barrel" prefabs. default - Runs regular Meteor Event that contains "metal_ore", "stone_ore" and "sulfur_ore" prefabs. falling_stars - Runs Falling Stars Event that contains "falling_star" prefabs. toilets - Runs Falling Stars Event that contains "toilet" prefabs. IMPORTANT! The keys in `Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)` must be equal to the keys in the `Meteor Prefabs` section, or the plugin won't work correctly! The Angle in the Falling Angle Config represents how fast and in which direction the meteors are falling. X and Z are diagonal values, and Y is a vertical value. Making values higher will make meteors fall faster, and the opposite. Timed Events Random timed events for your server. You don't need to put all Meteor Profiles here, just those that you want to make automatic. Enable Random Direct Falling Meteors On Mining Regular Ones and Random Direct Falling Meteor Options This option will mean that if a player breaks a regular meteor on the map, there will be a chance to call a direct meteor on him. The default config contains an annotation to the "default" meteor profile, but this event takes 30 seconds by default, so the meteor will fall in the next 30 seconds, not instantaneously. Default Config (Version 2.0.0) { "Commands": [ "ms", "meteor" ], "Command Require Permission": false, "Enable Logs": true, "Enable Plugin Hooks": false, "Global Meteor Config": { "Destroy Meteors Underwater": false, "Destroy Trees On Impact Radius (0 to disable)": 25.0, "Max Meteors On Map At One Time": 80, "Falling Meteor Ground Check Radius (increase might be required if meteors are falling slowly)": 25.0, "Kill Meteors On Roads": true, "Kill Meteors On Rail Tracks": true, "Kill Meteors On Monuments": false, "Meteor Spread On Map (higher = smaller impact radius)": 2.5, "Explosive Ammo Max Shoot Distance": 50.0 }, "Meteor Prefabs": { "barrel": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 12.0, "Maximum Scale": 12.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 12.5, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2000, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 10000, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": { "hammer.salvaged": { "Require Exact Skin ID": false, "Tool Skin ID": 0, "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage": 3.0 } } }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": {}, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": {} }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E0D5C30", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#6E665A", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "Space Barrel" } }, "falling_star": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/cinematic/cinelights/cinelight_point_cool.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 1.5, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 30.0, "Minimum Scale": 2.0, "Maximum Scale": 5.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": false, "Enable Meteor Flame": false, "Enable Meteor Smoke": false, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": {}, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": {} }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Explosion", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.4, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "metal_ore": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 0.5, "Maximum Scale": 2.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [ "rock", "stone.pickaxe" ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 35, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 900, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 20, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": true } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": 3, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 5, "assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab": 1 } }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "stone_ore": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 0.5, "Maximum Scale": 2.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [ "rock", "stone.pickaxe" ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "stones", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 50, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 1500, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": 3, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 5, "assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab": 1 } }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "sulfur_ore": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 0.5, "Maximum Scale": 2.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [ "rock", "stone.pickaxe" ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 20, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 450, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": 3, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 5, "assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab": 1 } }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "toilet": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/toilet_b.static.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 1.2, "Maximum Scale": 3.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 12.5, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 300, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 5000, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": { "hammer.salvaged": { "Require Exact Skin ID": false, "Tool Skin ID": 0, "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage": 3.0 }, "paddle": { "Require Exact Skin ID": false, "Tool Skin ID": 0, "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage": 2.5 } } }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 50, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": {} }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E0D5C30", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#6E665A", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "Space Toilet" } } }, "Meteor Profiles": { "barrel": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -2.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 10.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": true, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -0.6, "z": 0.0 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "barrel": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": false, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": false, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 10, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } }, "default": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -9.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 30.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": true, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 0.0 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": -300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": -3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 1.2 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": -100.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "metal_ore": 1, "stone_ore": 1, "sulfur_ore": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": true, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": true, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 3, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } }, "falling_stars": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -9.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 60.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": false, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 45.5, "y": -4.2, "z": 12.7 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": -56.5, "y": -3.2, "z": -14.2 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "falling_star": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": false, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": false, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 10, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } }, "toilets": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -9.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 60.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": true, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 0.0 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": -300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": -3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 1.2 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": -100.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "toilet": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": false, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": false, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 10, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } } }, "Timed Events": { "default": { "Event Every X Seconds (minimal time, in seconds)": 1200, "Event Every X Seconds (maximal time, in seconds)": 2400, "Used Meteor Config Keys (profile: spawn weight)": { "default": 10, "falling_stars": 1 }, "Direct Meteors To Players": false, "Meteor Amount Based On Player Count": true, "Meteor Count (if based on player count - per player)": 4.0, "Max Meteor Count": 40, "Chance To Start Event (0-100)": 100.0, "Commands Ran On Start": [], "Webhook Message": { "Enabled": false, "Embed": true, "Webhook": "", "Inline": true, "Color": 0, "Title": "Meteor Shower", "Message": "Meteor Shower with {0} meteors is incoming!" } }, "toilets": { "Event Every X Seconds (minimal time, in seconds)": 28800, "Event Every X Seconds (maximal time, in seconds)": 50400, "Used Meteor Config Keys (profile: spawn weight)": { "toilets": 1 }, "Direct Meteors To Players": true, "Meteor Amount Based On Player Count": false, "Meteor Count (if based on player count - per player)": 10.0, "Max Meteor Count": 10, "Chance To Start Event (0-100)": 5.0, "Commands Ran On Start": [ "say There is {meteorCount} falling toilets in the sky!" ], "Webhook Message": { "Enabled": false, "Embed": true, "Webhook": "", "Inline": true, "Color": 0, "Title": "Meteor Shower", "Message": "Meteor Shower with {0} meteors is incoming!" } } }, "Enable Random Direct Falling Meteors On Mining Regular Ones": true, "Random Direct Falling Meteor Options": [ { "Spawn Chance (0-100)": 1.0, "Meteor Profile Name (not prefab key)": "default", "Meteor Min Amount": 1, "Meteor Max Amount": 3, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false }, { "Spawn Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Profile Name (not prefab key)": "toilets", "Meteor Min Amount": 1, "Meteor Max Amount": 3, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false } ] }
  2. jtedal

    Train Homes

    Version 1.0.9


    Live in one place? It's not interesting. Live in a camping car module? Too small. Have a full-fledged mobile home? That's what you need! Video Description With this plugin, your players will be able to build their own small base on the wagon and wander around the server with it. Or you can even assemble a whole train of such wagons. Chat Command (For admins) /showfreewagons - Writes the number of available wagons to the console, and also shows their location on the server. (Permission is required for use) /givewagon <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify (Permission is required for use) Chat Command (For Player) /thinstruction - instructions on some features of the plugin /removewagon - take a hammer in your hands, write a command and hit the wagon Console Command (RCON only) clearallwagons - clears the server of all custom wagons. Be careful! The action is irreversible and players will lose all their items and resources. It should be used only before you want to turn off the plugin from the server, because after unloading, custom wagons can be created on the server. givewagon <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify Plugin Config https://pastebin.com/jbsateCv Permissions trainhomes.givewagon - gives permission to use the chat command /givewagon trainhomes.showfreewagons - gives permission to view the location of free wagons Hooks private bool OnWagonSpawn(BasePlayer player) API private bool IsEntityFromBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId of the object belongs to the wagon private bool IsBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the base private bool IsTrainHomes(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the track private bool IsFreeWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a free wagon on the track Check out more of my work here JTedal's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library.
  3. Monster


    Version 1.0.4


    XPrison - prison for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XPrison - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Ability to create a prison using the CopyPaste plugin or a custom prefab created in RustEdit. [ To use a prefab as a prison, you need to specify its coordinates in the config ] [ The prison is protected from any kind of damage. ] - Adjustment of attires for the prisoner. - Setting nicknames for prisoners. [ Random prefix with nickname in chat ] - Setting allowed console and chat commands. [ The rest will be blocked ] - Radio tuning for prisoners. [Detailed settings in the spoiler] - The ability to send the player to life or temporary imprisonment. - Two options for serving a temporary sentence: Online. [ The player needs to spend his entire term online in prison ] By date (offline). [ The player will be released after the specified time. He can go offline and wait offline for the end of the term ] - The ability to add prisoners even if they have never been on the server or on the date. [ A file with the prisoner's data will be automatically created ] - The ability to block slots with clothes. [ To prevent the prisoner from taking off his uniform ] - Automatic release of prisoners at the end of the term. - Block damage to prisoners. - As spawners for prisoners, the - "Tesla Coil" is used. [ If there are no spawners, then the prisoners will spawn around the map, but will not be able to farm and deal damage. There will be appropriate warnings in the server console ] - As a spawner for admins is used - "Press Plate". - "Igniter" is used as spawners for visitors. - Various chat notifications. [ Sending to the prisonand release. The duration of the term. ] - An admin or a player with a permit is not subject to various prison restrictions. - The ability to teleport a prisoner to prison (clear his inventory). [ Or kill the prisoner and he will respawn in prison ] - Ability to teleport prisoner from prison to Outpost or Bandit Camp (clear his inventory) [ Or kill the prisoner and he will respawn on the beach ] - If a prisoner is teleported to and from prison, without clearing his inventory, then you can arrange a quest for them: If you survive in prison, you can save your loot, as well as the loot that you got from other prisoners in prison. - Mini game. The prisoner can press buttons and reduce his time of detention. [ Useful for prisoners who are serving time online ] - Mini game 2. The prisoner can recycle items inside the zone and reduce his time of imprisonment. You can get the prison file for the CopyPaste plugin from the developer after purchase. -> Overview - YouTube <- Permissions xprison.admin - access to admin functionality. [ Not required for admin player ] xprison.visitor - access to visiting the prison for ordinary players. Commands /zonaloc - find out your coordinates and the coordinates of the prison. /tpzona - teleport to the prison. [ For Administrators/Visitors ] /zona - check the length of the term. /zonamenu - open the prisoner management menu. cmd_prisoner add <SteamID [ 76561100000000000 ]> <Life imprisonment [ True / False ]> <Term duration [ 3600 ]> <Option to serve time [ True - online / False - by date (possibly offline.) ]> - send to the player's zone. ( Regardless of online player or offline ) cmd_prisoner remove <SteamID [ 76561100000000000 ]> false 0 - release the prisoner. ( Regardless of online player or offline ) [ You can, for example, give the opportunity to redeem yourself through the store ] API bool API_IsOnlinePrisoner(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the online player is a prisoner. void API_AddOnlinePrisoner(BasePlayer prisoner, bool life - Life imprisonment [ True / False ], int duration - Term duration [ 3600 ]) - send an online player to the zone. void API_RemoveOnlinePrisoner(BasePlayer prisoner) - free online prisoner. bool API_IsOfflinePrisoner(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the offline player is a prisoner. void API_AddOfflinePrisoner(BasePlayer prisoner, bool life - Life imprisonment [ True / False ], int duration - Term duration [ 3600 ]) - send an offline player to the zone. void API_RemoveOfflinePrisoner(ulong userID) - free offline prisoner. string API_GetOnlinePrisonerPrefix(BasePlayer player) - return the prisoner's online prefix. Config { "General settings": { "Profile SteamID for custom avatar": 0, "List of allowed console commands on the prison": [ "global.respawn" ], "List of allowed chat commands in the prison": [ "zona" ] }, "Settings prison": { "Prison location coordinates": { "x": 1000.0, "y": 700.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Prison file name for the CopyPaste plugin": "zona606", "Diameter from the point you specify to search for prison structures, spawners, and more": 35.0, "Automatically turn on the boombox after the prison spawns": true, "Use the CopyPaste plugin for the prison [ True - CopyPaste | False - the prison location point you specified, you can use a custom prefab or build the prison manually ]": true, "Allow regular players to visit the prison": false, "Allow ordinary players to visit the prison only with an empty inventory": true }, "Prisoner settings": { "Lock the clothing slots": true, "Lock the slots on the belt": false, "Lock inventory slots": false, "Lock clothing items - [ Player will not be able to discard them ]": true, "Use a nickname prefix for the prisoner - [ Set to False if the prefix should be disabled or the prefix is used by a third party chat plugin ]": true, "Link to prisoner lock screen image": "https://i.imgur.com/SZoYTLt.png", "Layer UI lock screen image - [ Overlay | Hud ]": "Hud", "Use screen lock": false, "Do not kill the prisoner when he enters the prison, but simply teleporting": false, "When a prisoner is teleported to prison, clear his inventory": false, "Do not kill the prisoner when he is released from prison, but simply teleporting to the Outpost or Bandit Camp": false, "When a prisoner teleports out of prison, clear his inventory": false, "[ Mini-game ] Allow prisoners to shorten their time by pressing buttons inside the prison": true, "[ Mini-game ] For pressing one button, how many seconds to reduce the term of imprisonment": 1, "[ Mini-game 2 ] Allow inmates to reduce their incarceration time by recycling items inside the prison": true, "[ Mini-game 2 ] List of items and number of seconds": { "rock": 1 }, "List of prisoner's attires [ Shortname - SkinID ]": { "burlap.headwrap": 2655848185, "burlap.shirt": 2655843517, "burlap.trousers": 2655838948 }, "List of prisoner nicknames": [ "Schellen", "Schilten", "Espadas", "Bastos", "Oros", "Denari", "Rosen", "Copas", "Herz", "Eichel", "Kule", "Laub", "Zelený", "Grün" ] } }
  4. Version 1.0.0


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Discord Core adds some basic connections between your RUST and Discord server. It allows you to display player count, Discord to Game chat and send message to server or connected players. Features Allows you to connect user's RUST account to Discord account. Allows to send private messages to connected players. You can grant discord/game role to players who connected accounts. You can create Discord to RUST chat and display messages from RUST in Discord channel. Can display your player count in bot status. Allows you to send private and server messages through API. Important Notice To make this plugin works, you need to have Discord Extension and pre-made Discord Bot. Full tutorial how to make it is available on Discord Extension web page. The bot needs to be connected to only one server! Commands /discord - Generates or shows your discord connection code. (Editable in config) How to connect? To connect your Steam account to Discord, you need to generate the code through /discord command and send the code as a private message to your previously created bot. For Developers void API_SendPrivateMessage(string userId, string message) - If player is connected, it sends private message to connected discord user. void API_SendMessage(string channelId, string message) - Sends message to channel on discord. Default Configuration (Version 1.0.0) { "BOT API Token": "Paste Token Here!", "Commands": [ "discord", "dc", "connect" ], "Show Player Count In Status": false, "Connect Granted - Discord Group ID": "", "Connect Granted - RUST Group Name": "", "RUST Chat - Discord Channel ID": "", "RUST Chat - Discord Output Format": "**{0}** » *{1}*", "RUST Chat - RUST Output Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Discord]</color> <color=#5c81ed>{0}</color> » {1}" }
  5. Mevent


    Version 1.32.2


    Plugin adds a system of 18+ different skills Features: Beautiful user interface Universality (plugin working with different economic plugins) Customization (all interface you can set up in configuration) Performance Commands skills - open interface giveallskills name/steamid - give the player every skills at the maximum stage giveskill name/steamid [SkillType] [Stage] [ID - for None] - give the player the skill with the stage skills.convert.olddata - convert from old data skills.wipe - wipe skills removeskill name/steamid [SkillType] [ID - for None] - remove a player's skill skills.permissions.wipe – use it to manually remove permissions from player data Permissions skills.bypass - bypass for skills skills.wipe - using the command "skills.wipe" Skills Types Wood Stones Metal Sulfur Attack Secure Regeneration Metabolism ComponentsRates StandUpChance CraftSpeed FastOven Kits (works only with the Kits by Mevent plugin) None Cloth Butcher Scrap RecyclerSpeed TransferWipe MixingTableSpeed Gather CraftRates FAQ Where can I see an example of a config? Config How do I set an image to the background? 1. Enter a link to the image in the "Image" field 2. Set "Save Image Color" to true 3. Reload Image Library (oxide.reload ImageLibrary) 4. Reload Skills (oxide.reload Skills) !ATTENTION: The image must not exceed 3 MB Example: https://pastebin.com/cDxiBVrh How to use BankSystem to store the economy "Economy": { "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "Plugin name": "BankSystem" }, How to use ServerRewards to store the economy "Economy": { "Balance add hook": "AddPoints", "Balance remove hook": "TakePoints", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards" }, How to use "Required skills stages"? Config example: "Required skill stages": [ { "Type": "CraftSpeed", "ID": 0, "Stage": 1, "Require the presence of this skill? (otherwise only the stage will be checked)": true } ] Hooks CanSkillLearn(BasePlayer player, string skillType, int skillID, int stage) OnSkillLearned(BasePlayer player, string skillType, int skillID, int stage)
  6. Version 0.2.4


    Introducing the AutoBan plugin for Rust servers - a powerful and efficient tool for managing and controlling player behavior on your server. This plugin is designed to help server owners and administrators keep their servers running smoothly and free from rule-breaking players. AutoBan's key feature is its ability to automatically ban players based on reports made by other players. If a player exceeds a certain number of reports (configurable by the server owner), they will be automatically banned with a customizable reason message. In addition, the plugin includes a variety of tools for server administrators to manage and view reports and bans, including console commands, chat commands, and a broadcast feature that notifies administrators of new bans. Here is a list of features included in the AutoBan plugin: Automatic banning of players based on the number of reports they have received Customizable reason messages for bans Valid report reasons that can be set by the server owner Option to broadcast ban messages to the chat Ignored players list that allows certain players to be excluded from automatic banning Timer for broadcasting bans to administrators and console Chat commands and console commands for managing reports and bans Permissions system for controlling who can access the plugin's features Detailed logging of all bans and reports Discord Alerts Option to send reports to a url Timed bans Usage: CHAT COMMANDS: /AB.report <username> reason> /AB.viewreports /AB.ban <user> <reason> /AB.unban user /AB.showbans /AB.resetreports <userid> CONSOLE COMMANDS: AB.getreports AB.getbans AB.resetreportsConsole <userid> AB.ban <userid> <reason> AB.unban <userid> <reason> OXIDE PERMISSIONS: AutoBan.report AutoBan.chatreport AutoBan.viewreports AutoBan.ignore AutoBan.ban AutoBan.unban AutoBan.viewbans CONFIG: { "Max reports till user gets banned": 5, "Reason given to banned user": "You have been reported too many times, and have been banned for precautionary measures, an admin will review this suspension soon.", "Valid reasons *searches subject title and message of the report* ( To make sure report is scanned, add different variations of reason; like cheat, cheater, cheating, cheats, etc. )": [ "cheating", "cheats", "hacks", "aimbot", "hacking", "esp", "teaming", "racism", "griefing", "walling", "doorcamping", "spawn killing" ], "Valid report types": [ "cheat", "abusive", "name", "spam" ], "Scan type of F7 reports": true, "Broadcast ban to chat": true, "Ignored Players *Steam ID's Only*": { "76561198000000000": "Admin" }, "Timer for broadcasting bans to admins and console": 820, "Send bans to users with the AutoBan.viewbans permission based on timer ( In-Game )": false, "Send reports to URL": false, "URL to send reports to": "http://example.com", "Send reports to Discord": false, "Send bans to Discord": false, "Discord Reports Webhook URL": "http://example.com", "Discord Bans Webhook URL": "http://example.com", "Ban Timer ( In hours or 'permanent' )": "72" } This plugin is a must-have for any server owner looking to keep their servers running smoothly and efficiently. With its powerful features and easy-to-use interface, AutoBan makes it easy to manage and control player behavior on your server. ROADMAP: Currently adding protection for mass reporting as a team
  7. Razor


    Version 2.1.3


    Auto plant and pick crops in planter. Also auto water or require a water hookup to water. When crops become ripe it will auto pick them if they have seeds in the box it will replant them in the open space. The plant and the checks are on timers it can take anywhere from 1 to 10 min before it gets picked / planted. There are 2 small stashes mounted to the box one will not accept items and that is where the picked items will go.. the other is to place your seeds in. Permission = "autofarm.allow" - Perm needed to place down a autofarm.
  8. Version 1.4.1


    Never worry about your players fighting over a monument, make them compete for ownership! With this plugin you can configure several parameters then players can compete to claim a monument for a set time. There is enough configuration and options that this would work well for any server, whether PvE or PvP. Video Description This plugin will automatically find Facepunch standard monuments, including Cargo Ship and Oil Rigs that are on the map, and which can be specified in the configuration. This will create a zone around each monument in which customizable rules apply for anyone coming to the monument, whether they become owner or not. You can also create a zone using coordinates anywhere on the map, and assign certain rules to it. Chat Command (For all players) /mocd - Displays all cooldowns for the player /CreateCustomZone {name} - Creates a file for a custom zone in the Data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner/Custom Zones folder with the administrator position at the time of file creation Console Command (RCON only) mocdreset {SteamID64} - Resets all cooldowns for the player Plugin Config example of a configuration for monuments sample configuration for the plugin Ideas for updates that may be implemented in the future Current ideas for the future of this plugin. These are things that I want to implement possibly. You can also write to us in Discord to suggest ideas or to vote for any that I share here. Respawn loot, NPC, Bradley, etc. on command Respawn loot when getting a new owner Purchase of owner status through third-party plugins or through commands Ownership retention for as long as there is fuel in Excavator or Quarries Add plugin support for notifications and also add notifications via Rust GUI Disabling and enabling zones while the plugin is running Creating a zone by command API The answer true or false will tell whether there is a zone in this coordinate private bool HasZone(Vector3 posMonument) The answer true or false will tell whether the zone belongs to someone private bool HasOwner(Vector3 posMonument) The answer ulong will tell who the zone belongs to private ulong GetOwnerID(Vector3 posMonument) The answer true or false will tell whether the player can become the owner private bool CanPlayerBecomeOwner(Vector3 posMonument, BasePlayer player) Forcibly establishes the owner of the zone, bypassing checks on his ability to become the owner. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to become one or the zone is occupied by another player private bool SetOwnerID(Vector3 posMonument, ulong userID) Deletes a zone. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it private bool RemoveZone(MonumentInfo monument) Creates a zone for the desired monument. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it private bool CreateZone(MonumentInfo monument) Translation assistance by Jbird. Check out more of my work here JTedal's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library. Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  9. Version 1.2.6


    Spawns set numbers of customised npcs at monuments, various events, supply drops, biomes, custom locations, and 'toplayer'. Plugin Description. Highly customisable and intuitive npc plugin, setup almost exclusively in UI. See images for an overview of the available options globally, and per npc profile. Every option in the UI is clickable, showing a detailed description of its use. Optional dependencies - Kits (free at uMod.org) CustomLoot Permissions. botrespawn.allowed - Required for non-admin use Chat commands. /botrespawn - Opens UI. /botrespawn add *profilename* - Adds a custom profile then opens UI. (please don't use spaces or hyphens) /botrespawn remove *profilename* - Removes a custom profile. /botrespawn info - Tells you about the npc you're looking at. Console commands. bot.count - Gives total number of spawned npcs. bots.count - Gives a breakdown of spawned npcs per profile. botrespawn toplayer NameOrId ProfileName amount(optional) botrespawn enable/disable "Profile name here" botrespawn tempspawn "Profile name here" - Spawns npcs from a profile at random points around that profile's location addspawn - Enabled via UI, in Edit Spawnpoints menu - for keybinding. botrespawn showspawns - Added for binding convenience. botrespawn checknav - Added for binding convenience. * Note = addspawn and showspawns commands require the user to select "Edit with console commands" first, from a profile's spawnpoints menu. Default locations. All major monuments are automatically included, plus profiles for the four biomes. The following events also have default profiles Airdrop (supply grenade optional) Locked Crate Spawn Locked Crate Hack Start APC Kill PatrolHeli Kill CH47 Kill Configurable via json, per profile. BotNames BotNamePrefix Announcement_Text Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons (accepts item shortnames) See note at end for weapon list formatting. Everything else is configurable via UI - All options have a description in UI, accessible by clicking the name/label. Kits. Kits are managed, per profile, in UI. As with BotSpawn, kit probability can be balanced by assigning a number to a kit. When selecting multiple kits, increasing a kit's number increases its chances of being picked. Only kits with weapons in the belt are shown in UI. Please stick to normal bullet weapons and melee weapons for now, with your npcs. There are plans to support the more unusual weapons in future. Spawnpoints. Adding and managing spawnpoints is done, per profile, in UI, or by enabling 'add by command' in spawnpoints menu, then using 'addspawn' console command. You can bind this command for your convenience. When opting to use the 'addspawn' command, a button will show in UI main page, allowing you to quickly return to the profile you were editing. A new feature is that each spawn point can have overrides, forcing that specific npc to have different values to the rest of the profile's npcs. At present you can override Stationary Kits Health RoamRange If you choose to use Parent_Monument, you can select it via UI, but do so before you add custom spawn points (if applicable). Parent_Monument ensures that your profile and its spawn points will relocate after a map change, so that they are in the same place, relative to that chosen monument. If a profile uses custom spawn points, but does not have enough custom spawn points to cover the whole population, it will spawn randomly placed npcs to make up the numbers, in accordance with the profile "Radius" setting. EG : Day_Time_Spawn_Amount 10 Number of custom spawn points 5 Result : 5 npcs on custom spawn points, and 5 randomly placed around the area, within the specified radius. Murderer Murderer true/false is no longer an option. Instead, the AI will respond differently based on the weapons you give it. If you want the AI to run directly at victims and attack, give it melee weapons only. I believe you can still make murderer-style kits, although you also have Frankenstein clothing options built into the the UI options now. Peacekeeper Peacekeeper is now based on whether or not players are marked hostile. An additional option 'Peacekeeper_Uses_Damage' restores the old behaviour, where peacekeeper npcs will completely ignore players until attacked by them. Configuration. "DataPrefix": "default", (tells BotReSpawn which data files to load), "UseServerTime": Uses server IsNight check, instead of manual day/hour settings, "Show_Profiles_Seconds": 10, "DayStartHour": 8, "NightStartHour": 20, "SuicideBoom": true, (toggles explosion sound for suicide npcs), "APC_Safe": true, "Turret_Safe": true, "Animal_Safe": true, "Supply_Enabled": false, (spawn 'airdrop' bots for user-called supplys), "Ignore_Skinned_Supply_Grenades": true, "Remove_BackPacks_Percent": 100 is always : 0 is never, "Remove_KeyCard": true, (any keycards in bot default loot will be destroyed), "Remove_Frankenstein_Parts": true, (any frankenstein parts in bot default loot will be destroyed), "Ignore_Sleepers": true/false, "Pve_Safe": true, (bots will not be injured by fire/barbs, etc.), "Max_Chute_Fall_Speed": 100, "Staggered_Despawn": false, "Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe": false "Announce_Toplayer": false "RustRewards_Whole_Numbers": true "XPerience_Whole_Numbers: true "NPCs_Damage_Armour": true "Limit_ShortRange_Weapon_Use": false "Allow_Ai_Dormant": false "Prevent_Biome_Ai_Dormant": false "Scale_Meds_To_Health": false (increases npc heal amount relative to npc's max health. "Ignore_Factions": false - Makes all profiles fight all profiles if true. "Reduce_Damage_Over_Distance: false "Deaggro_Memory_Duration: 20 - Number of seconds it takes an npc to forget you outside deaggro range/line of sight. "Ignore_HackableCrates_With_OwnerID" - Makes hackable crate profiles only respond to crates with OwnerID 0 (server spawned) "NPCs_Assist_NPCs" - true/false. When a botrespawn npc is attacked, nearby botrespawn npcs will also respond and defend. "Enable_Targeting_Hook": false "Allow_AlphaLoot": true Can be used to prevent AlphaLoot from giving loot to BotReSpawn npcs. "Parachute_From_Height": 200 "Smooth_Damage_Scale": false "Allow_Oilrigs": false - NPCs here must be custom spawn point and stationary true. These values are adjustable and described in detail in in-game UI, with the exception of DataPrefix. Profile values. Each profile value and description is not listed here, but all (apart from text strings) are now configurable via UI, and have sensible default values. Every option has a full in-game description, accessible by clicking an option's name/label. If any specific setting/value is unclear, please just ask in CF discord, my discord, or the support section here. Notes : Durations which used to be in seconds are now in minutes. "Type" is an internal use variable - Users should not change this option. Profile copy/paste does not include location, Parent_Monument, or custom spawnpoints. BotNames, and Headshot weapons should be formatted as follows: ["name1"], for single or ["name1", "name2", "name3"], for many. ["rifle.lr300"], for single or [ "rifle.lr300", "pistol.m92" ], for many. Faction and Subfaction of 0 means this profile will not fight any other, and will not be attacked by any other. Faction and Subfaction settings greater than 1 are used for configuring which profiles should be allies / enemies. API : string[] AddGroupSpawn(Vector3 location, string profileName, string group, int quantity) string[] RemoveGroupSpawn(string group) string NPCProfile(NPCPlayer npc) (returns "No Name" for non BotReSpawn npcs) object OnBotReSpawnNPCTarget(ScientistNPC npc, BasePlayer player) void OnBotReSpawnNPCSpawned(ScientistNPC npc, string profilename, string group) void OnBotReSpawnNPCKilled(ScientistNPC npc, string profilename, string group, HitInfo info) bool IsBotReSpawn(NPCPlayer npc) bool IsBotReSpawn(ulong id) For preventing BotReSpawn npc spawns for event profiles. object OnBotReSpawnCrateDropped(HackableLockedCrate crate) object OnBotReSpawnCrateHackBegin(HackableLockedCrate crate) object OnBotReSpawnAPCKill(BradleyAPC apc) object OnBotReSpawnPatrolHeliKill(PatrolHelicopterAI heli) object OnBotReSpawnCH47Kill(CH47HelicopterAIController ch) object OnBotReSpawnAirdrop(SupplyDrop drop) Example usage. [PluginReference] private Plugin BotReSpawn; Vector3 location = new Vector3(0,0,0); string[] Spawn = BotReSpawn?.Call("AddGroupSpawn", location, "The Dome 0", "MadeUpNameHere", 5) as string[]; Puts($"{Spawn[0]}"); Puts($"{Spawn[1]}"); Passing 0 for quantity will spawn the appropriate amount of npcs for the time of day, according to the profile. Method call OnBotReSpawnNPCSpawned(ScientistNPC npc, string profile, string group, notifies of spawned npcs. Example. void OnBotReSpawnNPCSpawned(ScientistNPC npc, string profile, string group) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(group)) Puts($"BotReSpawn spawned an npc from profile {profile}"); else Puts($"BotReSpawn spawned an npc from profile {profile} - API group name {group}"); } FAQ. Q: My npcs don't move and/or won't attack A: If you have any PVE plugins or settings please try disabling those temporarily to test. A: Make sure the server has the following settings. nav_wait true nav_disable false ai.think true A: If you use Rust Admin, please ensure that the animal AI option is enabled. A: If you have Vanish installed please try unloading it. If this worked, check you don't have the permission for permanent Vanish. Q: There's a million options. Where do I start? A: Open the UI with /botrespawn and set AutoSpawn to true for at least one monument, then click the button to reload that profile. A: Everything else is preference/user customisation. A: If the monument has a building/structure near the middle, like Dome, you may need to increase the spawn radius option to get going. Q: My bots won't die / my bots take damage when attacking people. A: Make sure Godmode permissions allow you to do damage. A: Same for vanish ^. A: Ensure you don't have a PVE plugin which is causing this damage behaviour. Q: I take damage when attacking my bots. A: This can also be caused by server, or plugin, PVE settings. Q: Will X kill my bots? A: Radiation, drowning, falling, and helicopters should not kill your bots. A: Turrets targeting bots can be toggled. Bradleys targeting bots can be toggled. A: Fire (campfires etc) will kill your bots. Damage from barbs, cacti etc will kill your bots, but can be prevented with the 'Pve_Safe' config option set to true. Q: What weapons can my bots use? A: As far as I know they should use all weapons except for throwable melee (eg. spears). A: Flamethrowers, nail guns, rocket launchers, bows, grenade launchers, etc were added in a recent update. A: Throwable explosives can be used as 'backup' weapons and are thrown when line-of-sight is temporarily broken. A: All npcs, even those with throwables, must have at least one valid held weapon to use. Q: Can I have custom profile locations? A: Yes. Your custom locations are stored in data with a filename of *YourPrefix*-CustomProfiles.json. Use chat command '/botrespawn add NewNameHere' to create a profile at your present location. A: Doing so will open the UI, at the page for your new profile's settings. Q: Can I spawn bots at events. A: Yes. There are event profiles for aidrop, hackable crate spawn and hack start, and the destruction of CH47, Patrol Heli, and APC. For the airdrop profile, spawn at user-supply call is an additional option, found in the global config. Q: Can I have specific custom spawn points? (underground, etc) A: Yes. Use the built in UI to create custom spawn points and set UseCustomSpawns to true, for some profile.. A: That BotReSpawn profile will now ignore radius settings and use the precise spawn points from your file. A: Event profiles which can occur underground should work automatically now (crate spawn/crate hack). A: Even if parachutes are enabled, these profiles should still work with underground-spawning npcs, if the event takes place under ground. Q: My bot kits aren't working. A: Kits which don't have a valid weapon in the belt will not be made available in the UI. A: Please redeem the kit yourself to an empty inventory, to ensure that the expected items are definitely in it. Q: How can I prove that bots have spawned? I can't find them. A: Type bot.count into console for a total number, or bots.count for a per-profile breakdown. A: Respawn timer is taken into account so if you spawn one and kill him, bot.count will show 0 until respawn. Q: bot.count console command shows that there are 0 bots. A: Double check that at least one monument is set "AutoSpawn": true in your config, and reload the plugin. A: Also, don't forget their respawn timer. If they're all dead when you do bot.count, it will show 0.
  10. UserLeftRust


    Version 1.3.2


    Scopes is an on screen crosshair solution for all your rusty shooting needs. Features Selection of 6 Scopes that are customisable via the config. Permissions Scopes.Toggle << Required to use Scopes. Commands /Scope << Tells players to use the following: /Scope 1 << Scope1 (Default is 「」 /Scope 2 <<Scope2 (Default is + /Scope 3 <<Scope3 (Default is ◎ /Scope 4 <<Scope4 (Default is ◬ /Scope 5 <<Scope5 (Default is ・ /Scope 6 <<Scope6 (Default is Ⓧ /NoScope <<Disables the Scope. Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the Scopes.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "symbols": [ "「」", "+", "◎", "◬", "・", "Ⓧ" ], "Colour": "1 0 0 1" } SPECIAL CAUTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN WHEN EDITING THE CONFIG. USE NOTEPAD++ OR VSC. SOME PLAIN TEXT EDITORS (Like the one built into WinSCP) CANNOT LOAD THE SYMBOLS AND REPLACES THEM WITH GARBAGE! Variables As you can see to change a symbol you just type in your favourite character Within Rusts abilities (Some symbols are not supported as they are not included in Rusts Language packs... can be a little bit trial and error) Symbol Color is in the RGBA format Examples below.. Color Examples blackSolid black. RGBA is (0 0 0 1). blueSolid blue. RGBA is (0 0 1 1). clearCompletely transparent. RGBA is (0 0 0 0). cyanCyan. RGBA is (0 1 1 1). grayGray. RGBA is (0.5 0.5 0.5 1). greenSolid green. RGBA is (0 1 0 1). greyEnglish spelling for grey. RGBA is the same (0.5 0.5 0.5 1). magentaMagenta. RGBA is (1 0 1 1). redSolid red. RGBA is (1 0 0 1). whiteSolid white. RGBA is (1 1 1 1). The Last digit dictates Alpha channel... so for an opaque appearance select a value below 1 E.g. 0.7
  11. KpucTaJl

    Better Npc

    Version 1.3.0


    This plugin adds variety of NPC sets with very high number of parameter sets on standard and custom monuments. Also it is added during dropping the server AirDrop, locked crate and destroying a tank or helicopter Dependencies (optional, not required) AlphaLoot CustomLoot True PVE Kits Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Custom maps Maps that have default settings for their custom monuments. For these maps, you will not need to create places for the appearance of NPCs, they have already been created by the map developer and are located inside the archive when buying the map You can also download all these files for all maps here Detroit: Irreparable Damage Oregon 2: Last Hope Lostly Island Frontier – American Old West Oregon: Land of Dead Badlands Foreign Lands Namalsk Kong: Skull Island Destroyed World Deathland Dreamland Last Train Pandora Railway Island Wasteland Cataclysm: Fury of Nature Last Oasis Crazy Island Standard monuments This item of the plugin settings is used for appearing NPCs in all standard monuments. All these settings are located in the Monument folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument). Each file in this folder corresponds to a standard monument If there is no standard monument file in the folder, you can create it (you need to name the file the same way as the standard monuments on the map inside the game). You can copy the settings from any other standard monument Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply The size of the monument – this parameter contains two values. It is the length and width of the monument. This parameter is necessary for random appearance of NPC on the monument and indication of limits of removal of standard NPCs on the monument (if it is necessary) Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It deletes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Custom monuments This item of the plugin settings is responsible for the appearance of NPCs on custom monuments. All these settings are located in the Custom folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom). Each file in this folder corresponds to a custom monument If you have bought a map with already configured NPC appearance files for custom monuments you will copy these files into the Custom folder. If you want to create and configure the appearance of NPC in your custom location on the map, you will use the command in the administrators’ chat /SpawnPointAdd {name} (see the description of this command below in the instruction) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Position – It is a position of the custom monument on the map Rotation – It is a rotation of the custom monument on the map (this parameter is necessary for using custom places to appear of NPC on the monument, if the monument is used on more than one map) Radius – It is the radius of the custom monument from the position on the map Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It removes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Roads This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of roads. All these settings are located in the Road folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Road). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular road type ExtraNarrow – It is a narrow, unpaved walkway ExtraWide It is a wide, paved, two-lane, beltway road Standard – It is a regular, paved road Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the road. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the road (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Biomes This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of biomes. All these settings are located in the Biome folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Biome). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular biome type (Arctic, Arid, Temperate, Tundra) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the biome. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the biome (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) In-game events This item of the plugin settings is used to appear the NPCs in standard Rust events. All of these settings are located in the Event folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event). Each file in this folder corresponds to its own type of event The supported events: When the plane drops the server AirDrop, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets CH47 – When the chinook drops a locked crate during patrolling the map, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets Bradley – When someone destroys a tank, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Helicopter – When someone shoots down a patrol helicopter, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the event. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Radius – NPC appearance radius Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the event (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) The NPC preset parameters Enabled? [true/false] – It is enabling/disabling the preset Minimum numbers – Day – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the day preset Maximum numbers – Day – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the day preset Minimum numbers – Night – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the night preset Maximum numbers – Night – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the night preset NPCs setting – It is all NPC settings of this preset (see the description of NPC settings for details) Type of appearance (0 – random; 1 – own list) – It is a type of NPC appearance. You can create your own list of places of NPC appearance. The NPC will appear only randomly. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types Own list of locations – It is your own list of NPC appearances. You need to use the number of locations at least the maximum possible number of NPCs in this preset. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types The path to the crate that appears at the place of death – It is the full path to the crate prefab that appears at the place of death of an NPC. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank Which loot table should the plugin use (0 – default; 1 – own; 2 – AlphaLoot; 3 – CustomLoot; 4 – loot table of the Rust objects; 5 – combine the 1 and 4 methods) – It is the type of the NPC loot table in this preset. Type 5 includes two types (1 and 4) at the same time and locates items from both types Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5) – It is a setting of the loot tables from Rust objects. You can see the loot table of Rust objects description for more details Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5) – It’s NPC’s own loot table. You can see the description of your own loot table for more details The NPC settings description Names is a list of NPC names. It is selected from the list randomly Health – It’s the HP amount of the NPC Roam Range – It’s the patrolling area distance. It’s the distance that the NPC can move from the place of appearance during patrolling Chase Range – It’s the chase range of the target. It’s the distance that the NPC can chase his target from the place of appearance Attack Range Multiplier – It’s the attack range multiplier of the NPC’s weapon Sense Range – It’s a target detection radius Target Memory Duration [sec.] – It’s the time that the NPC can remember his target Scale damage – It’s the damage multiplier from NPC to the player Aim Cone Scale – It’s the spread of NPC shooting, the default value in Rust is 2. It doesn’t take negative values Detect the target only in the NPCs viewing vision cone? [true/false] – It’s the parameter that allows detecting the target only in a certain NPC viewing. If you want to detect the target in 360 degrees, you will set the parameter “False” Vision Cone – It’s the NPC viewing. The range of values is from 20 to 180 degrees. If the previous parameter is False, this parameter is not used Speed – It’s the NPC speed. The default value in Rust is 5 Minimum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the minimum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Maximum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the maximum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Disable radio effects? [true/false] – You can disable/enable radio effects Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false] – If this parameter is True, the NPC will not move or run Remove a corpse after death? [true/false] – This parameter can control the deleting of NPC corpses (only backpacks are left). This parameter improves efficiency if there are a lot of NPCs Wear items – It’s a list of NPCs’ clothes and armor Belt items – It’s a list of weapons and items NPCs’ fast slots. Medical syringes are used for healing. If you give grenades to an NPC, he will use them. Smoke grenades are used for creating smoke screens (if you don’t need them, you should remove them from your inventory). If you give a Rocket Launcher to an NPC, he will raid the target’s building (if the target is inside it) Kits – It gives a pack of Kits plugin. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank. I recommend using the previous 2 points to configure NPC items A description of the Rust loot table settings Minimum numbers of prefabs –It’s the minimum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Maximum numbers of prefabs –It’s the maximum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of prefabs – It’s a list of prefabs that need to add in the loot table. It is necessary to indicate the full path to the prefab and the probability of falling out this prefab A description of the own loot table settings Minimum numbers of items – It’s the minimum number of items Maximum numbers of items – It’s the maximum number of items Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of items – It’s a total list of all items that can fall out in the NPC loot table. You can specify any standard items, their blueprints and any skinned or custom items The commands in the chat (for admins only) /SpawnPointPos {name} – To show the local admin’s position coordinates relative to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAdd {name} – To create the NPC appearance point {name} in the Admin’s custom coordinates. A file with this name will be created in the folder Custom and you can configure it as you need /SpawnPointAddPos {number} {name} – To write the local admin’s coordinate into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddWear {number} {name} – To write all the admin’s dressed clothes into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddBelt {number} {name} – To write all the admins’ quick slots cells into a preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name} – To show to the Admin all the custom NPC appearance points in the preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) in the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointReload {name} – Reload Spawn Point with the name {name} Console commands (RCON only) ShowAllNpc – Shows the number of all NPCs of the BetterNpc plugin on your server Hooks object CanAirDropSpawnNpc(SupplyDrop supplyDrop) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard an AirDrop. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanCh47SpawnNpc(HackableLockedCrate crate) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard a locked chinook crate. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanBradleySpawnNpc(BradleyAPC bradley) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the boxes from crushed Bradley. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanHelicopterSpawnNpc(BaseHelicopter helicopter) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the crates from crushed patrol helicopter. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance API void DestroyController(string name) – It destroys the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} void CreateController(string name) – It creates the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} These APIs can be used with standard monuments, custom monuments (NPC locations) and roads. The name of this monument is in standard monuments {name}. It is the name of the file in the Custom and Road folder in custom monuments and roads My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal
  12. Version 2.2.5


    Creates a unique event at the Harbor monument for players to participate in for rewards. Players must battle numerous NPCs and APCs to access the puzzle to open the loot room! Description This event started off as a warning on the chatbox about the ships coming soon to dock in Port, loaded with precious cargo. After the period has passed, a ship appears in one of the locations at Harbour that are accessible from the map, where the crane loads the container. The loading area is protected by one Tank and 7 NPCs by default. The container door is locked, you must push a button from inside the cranes cockpit to open the door. Inside the container, there is a default security camera, locked box, 2 DMS, 2 Elite, and 2 Military boxes. The locations and loot from all crates/NPCs can be configured within configurations, and unwanted crates/NPCs added or removed. Also, ships will generate the default ship loot, e.g. The config file allows to modify tank as well as loot inside of the ship. When the event occurs, the map displays the markers (configured in the config file). All players that are inside the event area will have a timer counting down the amount of time until the event ends. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation HeliControl Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /harborstart – starting of the event /harborstop – ending of the event /harborpos – determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the cargoship is read) Console commands (RCON only) harborstart – starting of the event harborstop – ending of the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnHarborEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnHarborEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnHarborEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!
  13. Version 1.6.5


    Road Bradley plugin expands possibilities with APC fights. It spawns Bradleys with custom AI on selected roads and/or allow player to purchase their own Bradley for fights. The plugin is highly configurable, so you can set almost every variable by your own. This plugin also fully support custom map configuration. Video Preview (Version 1.1.0) Editor Preview (Version 1.3.0) Features You can set Bradley to spawn and patrol the roads. You can give players access to purchase their own Bradley, and lock damage/loot to only the owner, or his Friends/Clan (Required plugins) or Teams. Custom Bradley AI. (target distance, clothing check, tool check, view distance) (In my opinion better than the vanilla one) Currency plugin support. Custom markers on Bradleys. Rust-themed UI. Tank unstuck system. Fully customizable in config and help messages in console if tank is stuck for more than 30 seconds. Customizable routes for custom maps. Ability to route through more than 1 road and possibility to set route to the longest map road. Chances to spawn other tank profiles in timed spawns. Permission system for purchases unlock. Cooldowns and daily limits. Health, damage, napalm and debris configuration. Custom loot support. All Bradley routes available to display. You can reward players by percentage of damage dealt per Bradley. You can setup random road timed events. You can make your own roads and edit pre-generated ones in custom road editor. You can setup bradley fight bags to respawn players without losing the loot and come back to fight very fast. Command that you can use to spawn bradleys. You can customize bradley building damage and restrict fighters to fight only in owned buildings, or bradley will get despawned. Customizable main cannon damage and support for building damage modifier. Bradley can call MLRS Airstrike on fighters when their health will drop to configured level. You can configure new RF Explosives to automatically explode from radius or change their frequency. Config Informations The "Tank Routes - Spawns Per Maps" config part ins based on levelurl so if your map file is named CustomMapV1.3.3.map if you add CustomMap to config it will work. It might depend also on map host. Checked on DropBox and Discord. Tank Road IDs can be checked through /tankroute command. Permissions roadbradley.admin - Allows you to use /tankroute command. roadbradley.bypass - Bypass Bradley purchase cost. Commands /tankroute - Displays help about methods of route displays. /buytank - Opens the Bradley purchase UI. (Configurable) /spawnrbtank <profile> <userId> - Will spawn tank with profile for the userId player. (Chat and Console command) /spawnrbtank <profile> <route> - Will spawn tank with profile on configured route. (Chat and Console command) /tankcount - Shows active road bradley count. (Chat and Console command) For Developers void OnRoadBradleySpawned(BasePlayer owner, BradleyAPC apc, string profile, string targetRoad) - Called when someone succesfully purchased an road bradley. void OnRoadBradleyKilled(BradleyAPC apc, ulong bradleyOwnerId, string profile) - Called when road bradley gets killed. bool CanRoadBradleyTarget(BradleyAPC apc, BasePlayer player) - Override custom target method. Needs to be enabled in config. Default Config (Version 1.6.1) { "Tank Purchase - Commands": [ "buytank", "bt" ], "Tank Route - Use Asphalt Roads Only": false, "Tank Route - Check for Map Obstacles (recommended for custom maps with prefabs on roads": false, "Tank Route - Remove Roads With Obstacles From Pool": false, "Tank Route - Teleport Bradley To Random Road Position after X Stuck Errors (0, to disable)": 0, "Tank Route - Broadcast Stuck To Fighters": true, "Tank Route - Obstacle Keyword Whitelist": [ "roadsign", "train_track", "road_tunnel", "doorcloser" ], "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints from all routes": 1, "Tank Route - Minimal Route Checkpoints To Use": 5, "Tank Route - Remove Timed-Event Roads From Purchasable Pool": false, "Tank Route - Randomize Spawn On Road": true, "Tank Route Editor - Height Offset": 0.1, "Targeting - Target NPC": false, "Targeting - Target Sleepers": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Check For Caller Building Damage": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Allow Damage For Caller Team Buildings": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Unowned Damage Entity Reminder": 50, "Loot & Damage Share - Unowned Damage Entity Bradley Kill": 200, "Loot & Damage Share - Ignore Crate Ownership Checks": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use Friends": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use Clans": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use RUST Teams": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Limit Server Spawned Bradleys Loot To Top Damage Player": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Disable Unowned Tank Damage To Buildings": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Disable Tank Damage To TC And Sleeping Bags": false, "Purchases - Used Purchase System (0 - None, 1 - Economics, 2 - ServerRewards, 3 - ShoppyStock)": 3, "Purchases - Used Currency (If ShoppyStock Is Used)": "myCurrencyKey", "Purchases - Currency Symbol (used in display)": "$", "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradleys (0, to disable)": 3, "Limits - Daily Limit Type (true - calls, false - won fights)": true, "Tank Info - Display Timed Bradley Info": true, "Tank Info - Timed Bradley Shop Name Format": "<size=12>{0} BRADLEY\n[Health: {1}]</size>", "Tank Info - Display Purchased Bradley Info": true, "Tank Info - Purchased Bradley Shop Name Format": "<size=12><color=#5c81ed>{1}'s</color> {0} BRADLEY\n[Health: {2}]</size>", "Tank Health UI - X Anchor (0-1)": 0.5, "Tank Health UI - Y Anchor (0-1)": 0.0, "Bag Respawns - Enabled": true, "Bag Respawns - Max Bags Per Player": 4, "Bag Respawns - Max Bed Distance From Player": 100.0, "PopUpAPI - PopUp Profile Name": "Legacy", "Tank Disarm Frequency": 1470, "Enable CanRoadBradleyTarget Hook": false, "Custom Tank Death Properties": { "Show Road Bradley Death Locations On Map": true, "Fireball Count (0, to disable)": 0, "Use Fireballs As Chest Lock (not recommended, high performance impact, if false, uses custom method)": false, "Hide Gib Flying Spheres (used for their scaling, will make gibs 'jump' once)": true }, "Tank Unstuck - Killed Entity Names": [ "servergibs_bradley", "scraptransporthelicopter", "magnetcrane.entity", "minicopter.entity", "supply_drop" ], "Tank Routes - Spawns Per Maps": { "default": [ "default" ], "Detroit": [ "default", "custom" ], "HapisIsland": [ "hapis" ], "ParadiseIsland": [ "custom" ] }, "Tank Routes - Purchasable Road ID Blacklist Per Map": { "default": [ "Edited_756", "Edited_33" ], "Detroit": [ "Edited_4" ] }, "Tank Routes - Custom Purchasable Roads Per Map": { "default": [ "CustomRoad1", "CustomRoad2" ], "Detroit": [ "DetroitRoad1", "DetroitRoad2", "DetroitRoad3" ], "HapisIsland": [ "HapisRoad2", "HapisRoad3", "HapisRoad4" ] }, "Tank Routes - Spawn Configuration": { "custom": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [ [ "0", "1" ], [ "2", "3" ] ], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": false, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 1200, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 12, "3": 20 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Extreme": 1, "Hard": 3 } }, "default": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": true, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 900, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 8 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Hard": 2, "Normal": 5 } }, "hapis": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [ [ "HapisRoad1" ] ], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": false, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 900, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 8 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Hard": 2, "Normal": 5 } } }, "Tank Routes - Purchasable": { "Extreme": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "roadbradley.extreme", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 7200, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 1, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": { "roadbradley.limit.premium": 3, "roadbradley.limit.vip": 2 }, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 5000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 10000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] }, "Hard": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 7200, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 1, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": {}, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 1500, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] }, "Normal": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 3600, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 3, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": {}, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 100, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 1500, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] } }, "Tank Routes - Configuration": { "Extreme": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.7, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 5000.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 75.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 15, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 25.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": true, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 4, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [ 4500.0, 3000.0, 1000.0, 100.0 ], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "custom", "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [ { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" }, { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 500, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 }, "Hard": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.6, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 2500.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 50.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 15, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 20.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": true, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 2, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [ 2300.0, 1100.0 ], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "", "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [ { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 }, "Normal": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.6, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 1000.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 50.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 10, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 15.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": false, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 2, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "", "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 } }, "Loot - Presets": { "custom": { "Loot - Min. Crates": 2, "Loot - Max. Crates": 4, "Loot - Min. Items Per Crate": 4, "Loot - Max. Items Per Crate": 5, "Loot - Loot Table": [ { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "Amount": 1, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 1, "Additional Items": [] }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 1000, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 2, "Additional Items": [] }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 1, "Additional Items": [ { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Amount": 20, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ] } ] } } }
  14. Version 1.4.4


    This plugin connects your https://tip4serv.com/ store to your Rust Oxide server. It checks if a player has made a donation on your Tip4Serv store and delivers the order in a minute (group, inventory item...) by typing commands in the server console. Supports Rust Garry's Mod FiveM Minecraft Discord ARK and more HMAC authentication Tip4serv adds a layer of security using HMAC authentication to communicate. It is a strong authentication method that is used by banks HMAC WIKI Features for starter plan (only 5% fee) Unlimited game servers & commands Create subscriptions plan Commands status tracking Stock management Deliver roles & messages on Discord Easily offer a product to a friend Create discount coupon Add managers for your store Purchase email and invoice Sales statistics Private flow for subscribers Custom sub-domain Resend commands Fast delivery of orders (less than 5 minutes) No ads Features for PRO members (subscription required) Dynamic Dark/Light theme Account linking with avatars Product page with gallery & video GUI colors editor & additional CSS Top customers & related products Store available in 15 languages English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Several payment methods Here are the payment methods you can offer your players: Card, Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Ideal, Giropay, Bancontact, Sofort, My Bank, Sepa, EPS, BACS, Multibanco, BECS, Przelexy24, BOLETO, OXXO, Mercado Pago. Installation via Plugin Open an account at https://tip4serv.com/, follow the instructions and add a Rust server. Drag and drop tip4serv.cs into the oxide plugins directory on your Rust server Reload the plugin by typing oxide.reload Tip4serv in your Rust server console. Set key to your tip4serv API key in the config file tip4serv.json. Reload plugin by typing oxide.reload Tip4serv in console. You should get this message: Server has been successfully connected Installation via RCON Open an account at https://tip4serv.com/, follow the instructions and add a Rust server. Enter your server IP Enter your server RCON port Enter your server RCON password You should get this message: Server has been successfully connected Setting up commands on Tip4Serv Before setting up your commands on Tip4serv.com, you should know that command work in your server's console (not ingame as an admin). Here are some sample commands you can use in the products configuration: MY PRODUCTS. But you can use any plugin commands you want. Give a group or permission Add a player to a group previously created with oxide.group add [group-name]: oxide.usergroup add {steam_id} group-name Remove a player from a group: oxide.usergroup remove {steam_id} group-name Give a permission to a player: oxide.grant user {steam_id} permission-name Remove a permission from a player: oxide.revoke user {steam_id} permission-name Give an item to a player inventory with steam_id (advised) IMPORTANT: Please select the option [Player must be online] in your product editor inventory.giveto {steam_id} item-short-name quantity Example: inventory.giveto {steam_id} scientist 5 Give an item to a player inventory with Give plugin IMPORTANT: Please select the option [Player must be online] in your product editor giveto {steam_id} item-short-name quantity Example: giveto {steam_id} fun.guitar 1 Give a kit to a player with Give plugin: givekitto {steam_id} kit-name Give money Give money to a player with Economics plugin: deposit {steam_id} amount Give points Give points to a player with Server Rewards plugin: sr add {rust_username} amount Quantity multiplier You can also multiply the quantity choosen by the customer like this: {quantity*50} Note: You must first activate the **Allow quantity choice** option in your product. Use this command on Tip4serv if you want to sell bundles of $200 with economics plugin: deposit {steam_id} {quantity*200} This will run in your server console after a purchase if the player buys product 4 times: deposit 76561198181797231 800 Store examples https://originrust.tip4serv.com/ https://2stonedrust.tip4serv.com/ https://murga.tip4serv.com https://instantcode.tip4serv.com Need Help ? Read the Tip4Serv documentation here https://docs.tip4serv.com Any issues feel free to contact us here https://tip4serv.com/contact
  15. Version v4


    FOR SUPPORT PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON DISCORD https://discord.gg/TBCQxkbreq OPEN A SUPPORT TICKET AND I WILL HELP YOU RESOLVE ANY ISSUE YOU MAY HAVE. FOR SUPPORT PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON DISCORD https://discord.gg/TBCQxkbreq OPEN A SUPPORT TICKET AND I WILL HELP YOU RESOLVE ANY ISSUE YOU MAY HAVE. FOR SUPPORT PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON DISCORD https://discord.gg/TBCQxkbreq OPEN A SUPPORT TICKET AND I WILL HELP YOU RESOLVE ANY ISSUE YOU MAY HAVE. FOR SUPPORT PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON DISCORD https://discord.gg/TBCQxkbreq OPEN A SUPPORT TICKET AND I WILL HELP YOU RESOLVE ANY ISSUE YOU MAY HAVE. The combination of Outpost, Ranch, and Bandit Camp creates a multifaceted location where players can engage in a variety of activities. This area is equipped with 10 recyclers, facilitating efficient resource management and item recycling, and includes an Airwolf helipad for aerial transportation. Furthermore, it features two ranches where players can purchase horses, and additional vending machines, some of which are sourced from the Bandit Camp, offering a wide range of items for sale. Directions: This files contains the prefab Outpost and my modifications made to it. You must use the Custom Vending Setup plugin because RustEdit has a bug with Stablemasters to not work correctly. There is an invisible vending machine in front of the stable master asking like his interface of selling the horses and other goods. Attached in the file is a DATA file for Custom Vending Setup. You need to download and install this DATA file I provided into " oxide\data\CustomVendingSetup.json " and run command " o.reload CustomVendingSetup " in your server console. This will push through the changes for the Custom Vending machine I setup for the stablemaster to mimic "selling" the horse items in a normal ranch. If you're not going to use the .map file (RustMaps.Kaooa-merged-outpost-ranch-bandit-camp.map) you will need to manually line up the custom-prefab with the Outpost monument if you're looking to edit it with RustEdit.
  16. Gruber


    Version 1.2.8


    Nuclear war, what could be worse than that. War is a harbinger of death. I present to your attention a map in the post-nuclear world. Nuclear bombs were dropped long ago on this once beautiful island, radiation destroyed most of the living world, craters formed and a handful of people were able to take refuge in shelters. You are one of the lucky ones who have been in the shelter for a long time, you were born in the shelter and do not know what is happening on the surface. In the craters formed after the missile strike, they served as excellent places for the construction of cities and factories, the remaining technologies allowed the surviving population to develop. On this map you will find many custom monuments in an unusual style, and the music plugin from KpucTaJl will add to you the atmosphere of the old world. Monorails run along the entire outskirts of the island, which fit very well into the atmosphere. Remember, the wasteland does not spare anyone, good luck! I express my gratitude to STAR for providing the DELTA monument. Description 2 Size: 4000к Prefab Count: ~60к Included with the map are several mandatory (Map Protection, TrainRustEdit, NpcRustEdit, SoundRustEdit) plugins made by our team's coders KpuctaJl Operation of the "SoundRustEdit" plugin In some moments there is a radio that plays and the music changes, there are 12 different songs from the Fallout game in the plugin How can I view the map? You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UpUXuxs4Vx Custom monuments: Sunctuary Vault 103 Concord City Camp in Pit Vault 118 General Atomics Robotics Opencast Mine Large Dam Rad Farm Radar Vault Tec Barge Village Junk Town Olivia Station Open Air Cinema Diner Starline Restaurant Mobile Station Red Rocket (2 options) Monorails and railway tracks Many islands, for those who like to live far from the mainland Places to build (some can only be accessed by air transport) Monuments from Facepunch: Launch Site Nuclear Missile Silo Outpost Ferry Terminal Junkyard Water Treatment Plant Train Yard Airfield Military Tunnel Power Plant Giants Excavator OilRig (2) Harbor Bandit Camp Sewer Branch Lighthouse Fishing Village Ranch The Dome Satellite Dish Roadsite Monument Underground Tunnels Arctic Research Base Underwater Lab Required Dependencies:https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
  17. IIIaKa


    Version 0.1.2


    Useful Rules Agreement Plugin. Allowing you to prevent players who do not agree with your rules from playing on the server. Disables the ability to use the keyboard, mouse, commands, chat and voice chat in the game until the rules window is closed; Inability to press the accept button until you have read all the pages; Ability to request agreement with the rules once, upon updating the rule date. For this, the date from the configuration file "Date of rules update." is used; A timer after which the player will be kicked if they do not accept the rules; A consecutive refusals counter, upon reaching which the player will be banned; Adds 4 new hooks for developers. 2 of them can be overrided; Effect of opening the rules; Effect of accepting the rules; The ability to enable/disable rules; The ability to request players to agree to the rules again, using a command. rules.ignore - Provides the ability to ignore rules agreements. rules.admin - Provides the ability to ignore rules agreements. Also includes the ability to use enable/disable and reask commands. { "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "Rules command": "rules", "Date of rules update. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm": "2024-04-14 00:45", "Enable agreement with rules requirement?": true, "Is it necessary to ask for agreement to the rules once?": true, "Should a player be prevented from using chat until they agree to the rules?": true, "Should a player be prevented from using commands until they agree to the rules?": true, "Should a player be prevented from using voice chat until they agree to the rules?": true, "Is it necessary to request agreement from all players with the rules after plugin (re)load or enabled?": true, "The time in seconds after which a player will be kicked(0 to disable)": 0.0, "The number of rule rejects in a row after which a player will be banned(0 to disable)": 5, "Show Rules Sound - Prefab Name(leave it blank to disable)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Rules Accepted Sound - Prefab Name(leave it blank to disable)": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "Panel - Main Width": 640, "Panel - Main Height": 540, "Panel - Title Background Color": "#1AA6F2", "Panel - Title Background Transparency": 0.9, "Panel - Title Sprite Image": "assets/icons/warning.png", "Panel - Title Sprite Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Title Text Size": 16, "Panel - Title Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Title Text Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Panel - Title SubText Size": 11, "Panel - Title SubText Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Title SubText Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Panel - Pagination Background Color": "#E6E6E6", "Panel - Pagination Background Transparency": 0.7, "Panel - Pagination Text Size": 14, "Panel - Pagination Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Pagination Text Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Panel - Content Background Color": "#E6E6E6", "Panel - Content Background Transparency": 0.7, "Panel - Content Progress Height": 2, "Panel - Content Progress Color": "#338FFF", "Panel - Content Progress Transparency": 1.0, "Panel - Content Text Size": 14, "Panel - Content Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Content Text Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Panel - Content Text FadeIn": 1.0, "Panel - Footer Background Color": "#79CBFF", "Panel - Footer Background Transparency": 0.8, "Panel - Footer Button Text Size": 14, "Panel - Footer Button Text Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Panel - Footer Button Decline Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Footer Decline Background Color": "#E6E6E6", "Panel - Footer Decline Background Transparency": 0.7, "Panel - Footer Button Accept Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Panel - Footer Accept Background Color": "#338FFF", "Panel - Footer Accept Background Transparency": 1.0, "Panel - Footer Inactive Accept Background Color": "#E6E6E6", "Panel - Footer Inactive Accept Background Transparency": 0.7, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } Note: List of available fonts: https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts. EN: { "RulesAccepted": "Thank you for accepting our terms! Enjoy the game!", "RulesEnabled": "The requirement to agree with the rules is enabled!", "RulesDisabled": "The requirement to agree with the rules is disabled!", "RulesAlreadyEnabled": "The requirement to agree with the rules is already enabled!", "RulesAlreadyDisabled": "The requirement to agree with the rules is already disabled!", "RulesOnceEnabled": "One-time request for agreement with the rules enabled!", "RulesOnceDisabled": "One-time request for agreement with the rules disabled!", "RulesReAsk": "All players have been sent the agreement with the rules!", "RulesNotFound": "Argument {0} not found!", "KickReason": "You have been kicked because you declined our rules!", "BanReason": "You have been banned because you declined our rules {0} times in a row!", "BtnAccept": "Accept", "BtnDecline": "Decline", "Year": "Year", "January": "January", "February": "February", "March": "March", "April": "April", "May": "May", "June": "June", "July": "July", "August": "August", "September": "September", "October": "October", "November": "November", "December": "December", "PanelTitle": "Terms Of Service", "PanelLastUpdate": "Last updated on <color=brown>{0}</color>", "PanelPageNext": ">", "PanelPagePrevious": "<", "Rules_1": "<b>1. Information</b>\n\n<b>1.1</b> - Lack of knowledge of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility.\n<b>1.2</b> - By playing on the server, you automatically agree to all the rules listed below.\n<b>1.3</b> - If you have already been caught using cheats/macros or exploiting on another server/project, and there is proof against you, we reserve the right to ban you without further investigation.\n<b>1.4</b> - The administration determines the punishment for a player based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances. Violators may receive a warning or a permanent ban (there is no temporary bans). Bans apply to all servers within the project.\n<b>1.5</b> - The administration does not compensate for in-game items lost due to your errors, technical server/hosting issues, game bugs, or contact with rule violators.\n<b>1.6</b> - The administration does not interfere in player-to-player relationships. You are solely responsible for the people you choose to play with, so if a player deceives you, there will be no punishments for them from us.\n<b>1.7</b> - You are responsible for all your accounts. If one account is banned, the ban applies to all your accounts. The same applies if one of your accounts has a game ban (EAC).\n<b>1.8</b> - Impersonating a member of the server's administration is prohibited.", "Rules_2": "<b>2. Gameplay</b>\n\n<b>2.1</b> - It is prohibited to use/store/purchase/distribute third-party software or any other means that provide an advantage over other players.\n<b>2.2</b> - Using cheat services is forbidden.\n<b>2.3</b> - Exploiting game bugs is not allowed.\n<b>2.4</b> - Exceeding the player limit in a team is prohibited:\n<b>+</b> Alliances or truces with other players are not allowed if the total number of players involved exceeds the server's limitations;\n<b>+</b> Frequent changes of allies will be considered a rule violation, as will playing with another player while your teammate is AFK or not nearby;\n<b>+</b> Changing teammates temporarily is not allowed if the replaced teammate intends to continue playing with you;\n<b>+</b> Changing a partner is allowed if your previous partner will not be in contact with you in the future.", "Rules_3": "<b>3. In-Game Chat/Voice Chat</b>\n\n<b>3.1</b> - Discussion of politics, religion, immoral, and other inappropriate topics is prohibited.\n<b>3.2</b> - Inciting national, racial, or religious hatred or insulting other players and individuals is forbidden.\n<b>3.3</b> - Posting links to third-party services and websites in the chat is not allowed.\n<b>3.4</b> - Spamming (repeatedly posting meaningless phrases or characters) or sending identical messages in a short period of time is prohibited.\n<b>3.5</b> - Selling or pretending to sell cheats/macros is not allowed.\n<b>3.6</b> - Proposing actions that lead to an unwanted server exit is prohibited. Such actions include, for example, pressing <b>alt+f4</b>, typing <b>disconnect</b> in the console, and similar actions whose meanings other players may not be aware of.\n<b>3.7</b> - The administration reserves the right to mute or block a player in the chat if they behave inappropriately or disrespectfully towards other players.\n<b>3.8</b> - Selling/buying in-game items for real currency, crypto or skins is prohibited.", "Rules_4": "<b>4. In-Game Check</b>\n\n<b>4.1</b> - In-Game checks are conducted exclusively through the <b>Discord</b> program. Every player on our project must have the ability to access it for the purpose of undergoing in-game checks.\n<b>4.2</b> - Calls for in-game checks are made only through in-game notifications and never through voice or text chat.\n<b>4.3</b> - If a player leaves the server, ignores a in-game check, or refuses to participate in it, they will immediately receive a ban.\n<b>4.4</b> - Clearing your PC before a in-game check is prohibited.\n<b>4.5</b> - Refusal to provide the necessary information for the in-game check or inappropriate behavior will result in a ban.\n<b>4.6</b> - If a player is banned as a result of a in-game check (including bans for refusal, ignoring, leaving the server, and providing incorrect contact information), their entire team will also be banned.\n\n<b>+</b> You have the full right to refuse to undergo a in-game check, but in this case, you and your allies will be banned.\n<b>+</b> Leaving the server, providing incorrect contact information, and ignoring the in-game check will also be considered a refusal.\n<b>+</b> If you agree to undergo the in-game check, you automatically allow the administration to install third-party programs necessary for checking your PC(e.g., AnyDesk, RCC, etc.).", "Rules_5": "<b>Appeal Process</b>\nOne month after the ban, you have the ability to submit an appeal, but only if the ban was not for cheats or macros.\nAppeals can be submitted on our website.", "Rules_6": "Rules_6", "Rules_7": "Rules_7", "Rules_8": "Rules_8", "Rules_9": "Rules_9", "Rules_10": "Rules_10" } RU: { "RulesAccepted": "Спасибо, что приняли наши условия! Приятной вам игры!", "RulesEnabled": "Требование согласия с правилами включено!", "RulesDisabled": "Требование согласия с правилами выключено!", "RulesAlreadyEnabled": "Требование согласия с правилами уже включено!", "RulesAlreadyDisabled": "Требование согласия с правилами уже выключено!", "RulesOnceEnabled": "Однократный запрос на согласие с правилами включен!", "RulesOnceDisabled": "Однократный запрос на согласие с правилами выключен!", "RulesReAsk": "Всем игрокам разослано соглашение с правилами!", "RulesNotFound": "Аргумент {0} не найден!", "KickReason": "Вы были исключены, так как вы отклонили наши правила!", "BanReason": "Вы были заблокированы, так как вы в {0} раз подряд отклонили наши правила!", "BtnAccept": "Принимаю", "BtnDecline": "Отказываюсь", "Year": "года", "January": "Января", "February": "Февраля", "March": "Марта", "April": "Апреля", "May": "Мая", "June": "Июня", "July": "Июля", "August": "Августа", "September": "Сентября", "October": "Октября", "November": "Ноября", "December": "Декабря", "PanelTitle": "Условия использования", "PanelLastUpdate": "Последнее обновление <color=brown>{0}</color>", "PanelPageNext": ">", "PanelPagePrevious": "<", "Rules_1": "<b>1. Информация</b>\n\n<b>1.1</b> - Не знание правил не освобождает Вас от ответственности.\n<b>1.2</b> - Играя на сервере Вы автоматически соглашаетесь со всеми нижеперечисленными пунктами правил.\n<b>1.3</b> - Если Вы уже были замечены с читами/макросами или использованием просвета на другом сервере/проекте и на вас есть пруфы - мы имеем право забанить Вас без проверки.\n<b>1.4</b> - Администрация сама выбирает наказание для игрока в зависимости от степени нарушения и обстоятельств. Нарушитель может получить как предупреждение, так и перманентный бан(временных блокировок нет). Блокировка выдаётся на всех серверах проекта.\n<b>1.5</b> - Администрация не компенсирует игровые ценности, утраченные по причине вашей ошибки, технических проблем на сервере/хостинге, багов игры или контакта с нарушителями.\n<b>1.6</b> - Администрация не вмешивается во взаимоотношения игроков, за тех с кем вы играете ответственны только Вы, поэтому в случае если игрок вас обманет — ему ничего за это не будет.\n<b>1.7</b> - Вы несете ответственность за все свои аккаунты. Получив бан на одном аккаунте - Вы получите его и на остальных аккаунтах. То же самое будет если на одном из ваших аккаунтах имеется игровая блокировка(EAC).\n<b>1.8</b> - Запрещено выдавать себя за члена Администрации сервера.", "Rules_2": "<b>2. Геймплей</b>\n\n<b>2.1</b> - Запрещено использовать/хранить/приобретать/распространять стороннее ПО или любые другие средства, позволяющие получить преимущество над другими игроками.\n<b>2.2</b> - Запрещено использование услуг читеров.\n<b>2.3</b> - Запрещено использование багов.\n<b>2.4</b> - Запрещено превышать лимит игроков в команде:\n<b>+</b> Нельзя устраивать альянсы или перемирия с другими игроками если в сумме вас больше, чем указано в ограничениях сервера;\n<b>+</b> Частая смена союзников будет считаться за нарушение правил, тоже самое касается и игру с другим игроком пока тиммейт стоит афк или не находится рядом;\n<b>+</b> Запрещена смена союзников на время, если заменяемый союзник продолжит с вами играть;\n<b>+</b> Разрешено сменить напарника, если ваш предыдущий напарник в дальнейшем не будет с вами контактировать.", "Rules_3": "<b>3. Игровой Чат/Голосовой чат</b>\n\n<b>3.1</b> - Запрещено обсуждение политики, религии, аморальных и прочих неуместных тем.\n<b>3.2</b> - Запрещено разжигание национальной, расовой или религиозной ненависти или оскорбления других игроков и других людей.\n<b>3.3</b> - Запрещены ссылки в чате на сторонние сервисы и сайты.\n<b>3.4</b> - Запрещен флуд(многократное повторение бессмысленных фраз, символов) или многократное отправление одинаковых фраз за короткий промежуток времени.\n<b>3.5</b> - Запрещено продавать или делать вид что вы продаёте читы/макросы.\n<b>3.6</b> - Запрещено предлагать сделать действия, приводящие к нежеланному выходу с сервера. К таким действиям относится например нажатие <b>alt+f4</b>, прописывание <b>disconnect</b> в консоль и прочие подобные действия, о значении которых другие игроки могут не знать.\n<b>3.7</b> - Администрация оставляет за собой право выдать мут или заблокировать игрока в чате если тот ведёт себя неадекватно или некорректно по отношению к другим игрокам.\n<b>3.8</b> - Запрещена продажа/покупка игровых ценностей за реальную валюту, крипту или скины.", "Rules_4": "<b>4. Игровая проверка</b>\n\n<b>4.1</b> - Проверки проходят только через программу <b>Discord</b>. Каждый игрок на нашем проекте, в обязательном порядке должен иметь возможность зайти в нее для прохождения проверки.\n<b>4.2</b> - Вызов на проверку осуществляется только через игровое оповещение и ни в коем случае не через голосовой или текстовый чат.\n<b>4.3</b> - Если игрок покинул сервер, проигнорировал проверку или отказался от неё, то он сразу получает блокировку.\n<b>4.4</b> - Запрещено чистить ПК перед проверкой.\n<b>4.5</b> - За отказ показывать нужную для проверки информацию или неадекватное поведение — вы будете заблокированы.\n<b>4.6</b> - Если по итогу(итогом считается и блокировка за отказ / игнор / выход из сервера и предоставление некорректных данных для связи) проверки игрок блокируется, то и вся его команда блокируется вместе с ним.\n\n<b>+</b> Вы имеете полное право отказаться проходить проверку, но в этом случае Вы и ваши союзники будут заблокированы.\n<b>+</b> Так же отказом от проверки будет считаться выход с сервера, предоставление некорректных контактных данных и игнорирование проверки.", "Rules_5": "<b>+</b> Если Вы согласны пройти проверку - то автоматически разрешаете устанавливать сторонние программы нужные администрации для проверки вашего PC(AnyDesk, RCC и т.д).\n\n<b>Возможность разблокировки</b>\nЧерез месяц после блокировки можно подать апелляцию, но, только в случае если бан был получен не за читы или макросы.\nАпелляцию можно подать на нашем сайте.", "Rules_6": "Rules_6", "Rules_7": "Rules_7", "Rules_8": "Rules_8", "Rules_9": "Rules_9", "Rules_10": "Rules_10" } Note: Each number in the Rules_* means number of page. Page will be ignored if it is blank or contains only page name Rules_*. You can also add more than 10, for example Rules_11, and so on. rules enable - Enabling Rules agreements. Permission "rules.admin" required. rules disable - Disabling Rules agreements. Permission "rules.admin" required. rules once - Enabling/disabling one-time agreement request for the Rules. Permission "rules.admin" required. rules reask - Reasking all players for the Rules agreement. Permission "rules.admin" required. RulesEnabled: Called after the rules are enabled or the plugin is loaded with enabled config. RulesDisabled: Called after the rules are disabled or the plugin is unloaded. RulesAccepted: Called after the player has accepted the rules; Returning a non-null value overrides default behavior. RulesDeclined: Called before kicking or banning a player; Returning a non-null value overrides default behavior. void RulesEnabled() { Puts("The rules were enabled!"); } void RulesDisabled() { Puts("The rules were disabled!"); } object RulesAccepted(IPlayer player) { Puts($"Player {player.Name} has accepted the rules!"); return null; } object RulesDeclined(IPlayer player, int declines, int ban_attemps) { Puts($"Player {player.Name} has declined the rules! This is the {declines} declines out of {ban_attemps}!"); return null; }
  18. Answer

    Sea City

    Version 1.4


    A city taken over by scientists. Designed to be placed in the ocean or in a lake. (can also be easily adjusted to be placed on the mainland) This monument is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! NOTES – If you need support, you can find me on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge – You can edit the monument while placing it. FEATURES – Chinook drop zone point (chinook can drop the crate here just like at vanilla monuments) – Can be connected to the underground tunnels – Recycler, Blue keycard puzzle, scientists, loot – Ziplines
  19. Version 1.0.7


    Features : Set a maximum sleepingbag/bed limit per player with permissions Debug mode available through cfg settings Player commands for info/limitations Notifies the player he has reached the limit Support for sleepingbags/beachtowels (combined) Support for beds Settings for respawn cooldown Admin perm for bypass limits and cooldown ignore Set a Welcome message on sleeping bags and beds if placed Set Max rename to 1x and block others from renaming a sleepingbag/bed Sleepingbag + Beachtowel share settings (subject to change) Beds have their own settings Various messaging on placement (restricted/info/remaining or when reached the limit) Can refund true/false if reached the limit Commands : /bag info : Shows Plugin info + commands list /bag mylimit : Replies with the settings for your permission and how many placements you have left Permisions : betterbeds.restrictdefault : Gives the limitations to default rank/player betterbeds.restrictvip : Gives the limitations to vip rank/player betterbeds.renameblock : Blocks renaming of bag is not yours betterbeds.chat : Grants chat command usage betterbeds.admin : Sets bypass for admins or assigned player betterbeds.nocd : Grants no cd on respawning on sleepingbags/beds betterbeds.denypickup : Blocks picking up any placed sleepingbags/beds Configuration : { "Settings Plugin": { "Debug": false, "Chat Steam64ID": 0, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=yellow>Better Beds</color>] " }, "Settings Global": { "Bag cooldown": 30.0, "Bed cooldown": 20.0, "Only 1x rename per placement": false, "NO bed/sleepingbag cooldown": false }, "Settings Bags": { "Refund Sleepingbags": true, "Max placements Default": 5, "Max placements Vip": 10 }, "Settings Beds": { "Refund Beds": true, "Max placements Default": 1, "Max placements Vip": 3 } } Language file : { "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "BagText": "Welcome to our server", "Version": "Version : V", "LimitBags": "You have been limited to {0} sleepingbag(s)", "LimitBeds": "You have been limited to {0} bed(s)", "MaxLimitDefault": "You allready placed the limit of {0} for a player", "MaxLimitVip": "You allready placed the limit of {0} for Vips", "LimitHeader": "Your Restrictions and Placements :", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/bag info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InfoMyLimit": "\n<color=green>/bag mylimit</color> : Lists your restriction heights and placements", "InventoryFull": "<color=red>You had no inventory space no item refunded !</color> ", "InventoryNotFull": "<color=green>Your item has been refunded !</color> ", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>", "RenameBlock": "<color=red>Renaming is blocked on this server</color>", "RenameBlock2nd": "<color=red>Max 1 rename allowed on this server </color>", "BagsUsed": "You placed {0}", "BagsLeft": "You have {0} placement(s) left" }
  20. Version 2.1.3


    Allows bases to become raidable when all players in a base become inactive. Compatible with TruePVE and NextGenPVE servers. Abandoned Bases checks each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive. Bases become inactive when all players authorized on the tool cupboard have been offline for the configured amount of days. When a base becomes inactive there are one of two outcomes. 1.) It will be immediately destroyed if it does not meet the configured minimum requirements. 2) It will become raidable for a configurable period of time, and when the time expires the base will be destroyed. Each zone has a map marker, allows PVP and is surrounded by a dome that protects it from being attacked from the outside. Players who zone hop will be flagged with a PVP delay where they can still be attacked for a configurable amount of time. Command /sar - requires abandonedbases.convert permission and converts a base into an abandoned base - this can be used on any base that you are authorized to and will cause the base to be destroyed when the timer expires Command /sab - starts a manual check for each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive (requires abandonedbases.admin permission) Command /sar radius - requires abandonedbases.convert permission and converts a base into an abandoned base and uses the specified radius for the dome / zone radius. Min and max radius are configurable. Command /sar cancel - requires abandonedbases.convert and abandonedbases.convert.cancel permissions - completely cancels an event (destroys map marker and dome, disables PVP and prevents base from being despawned) effectively allowing the base to be taken over Command /sar claim - requires abandonedbases.convert and abandonedbases.convert.claim permissions and converts a finished abandoned base into a claimed base that can be taken over by players Command /sar purge - converts all bases on the server into abandoned bases for purge day (requires abandonedbases.convert, abandonedbases.admin and abandonedbases.purgeday permissions) This is a two part command that requires you type /sab afterwards to begin. Requires abandonedbases.purgeday, abandonedbases.convert, and abandonedbases.admin permissions. Announcements are muted during purge to prevent spam. Time To Wait Between Spawns (15) will delay how quickly every base is converted Permissions (ADMINS REQUIRE PERMISSIONS TOO) abandonedbases.convert - required to use /sar command abandonedbases.convert.free - converting is free for users that have this permission abandonedbases.convert.claim - required to use /sar claim command abandonedbases.purgeday - required to use /sar purge command abandonedbases.admin - required to use /sab and purge commands abandonedbases.notices - users with this command can see all in-game notices from the plugin abandonedbases.attack - lets players hunt bases and convert them by attacking if they're abandoned abandonedbases.attack.time - shows players how much time is left before a base becomes abandoned when they attack it abandonedbases.attack.lastseen - required to see the last time the player was online when attacking a base Auto-add abandonedbases.immune to configuration if one does not exist already (lifetime set to "none") - abandonedbases.immune will not be automatically added if the configuration contains a different immunity permission already - abandonedbases.immune will give the user immunity to any base they've built at or are authed at from becoming abandoned - abandonedbases.exclude does not provide immunity and is explicitly intended for the plugin to ignore the player only - abandonedbases.exclude is intended for admins, mods, staff or helpers to be able to freely make repairs or auth at bases without interfering with the abandoned timer abandonedbases.exclude: excludes the user from being checked as an authorized user to a TC this permission should not be used to exempt users - exempt users with immunity by assigning them a permission from a role that has the lifetime set to "none" example roles that includes permission abandonedbases.immune and lifetime set to "none" to properly exempt a user or group by granting abandonedbases.immune to a user or group: "Purge Settings": [ { "Permission": "abandonedbases.immune", "Lifetime (Days)": "none" }, { "Permission": "abandonedbases.vip", "Lifetime (Days)": "7" }, { "Permission": "abandonedbases.veteran", "Lifetime (Days)": "5" }, { "Permission": "abandonedbases.basic", "Lifetime (Days)": "3" } ], Purge Settings Permission - The permission to use with this setting Lifetime (Days) - The amount of time in days before a base is considered abandoned. Set to none to not consider players with this permission as inactive. Conversions Before Destroying Base (1) - The amount of times a base can become abandoned before it is finally destroyed when the Despawn Timer expires. Comes with 3 configured permissions and lifetime days by default Abandoned Settings Blacklisted Commands (command1, command2, command3) - Commands players are not allowed using at a raid or marked with PVP delay Marker Name (Minutes) (Abandoned Player Base [{time}m]) - Text shown on map marker for minutes Marker Name (Seconds) (Abandoned Player Base [{time}s]) - Text shown on map marker for seconds Foundations Required (4) - Minimum amount of foundations required to become raidable Walls Required (3) - Minimum amount of walls required to become raidable Sphere Amount (10) - Increase to darken the dome, or decrease to brighten it Sphere Radius (50) - How big the dome is in meters Use Dynamic Sphere Radius (false) - Allow the dome to detect the best dome size Max Dynamic Radius (75.0) - How maximum size of the dynamic radius Min Custom Sphere Radius - The minimum radius allowed when using /sar <radius> Max Custom Sphere Radius - The maximum radius allowed when using /sar <radius> PVP Delay (15.0) - The amount of time in seconds that players can take damage after leaving the dome Despawn Timer (1800.0) - The amount of time in seconds that players have to finish the raid Reset Despawn Timer When Base Is Attacked (true) - When enabled this will reset the above despawn timer back to 1800 seconds by default Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires (false) - Use this to override and prevent a base from being destroyed when Despawn Timer expires Backpacks Can Be Opened (true) - When enabled players will be allowed to open their backpacks while inside of the dome Backpacks Can Be Looted By Anyone (false) - Bypass PreventLooting plugin and allow backpacks to be lootable if enabled Corpses Can Be Looted By Anyone (true) - Bypass PreventLooting plugin and allow backpacks to be lootable if enabled Allow PVP (true) - Allows PVP while inside of the dome, and when flagged with a PVP delay Seconds Until Despawn After Looting (600) Seconds Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged (true) Cancel Automated Events If Abandoned Owner Comes Online (false) Message Raiders When Event Ends During Automated Cancellation (true) Change Marker Color On First Entity Destroyed (true) Cooldown Between Conversions (3600) - Time required between each manual conversion of a base using /sar Cooldown Between Events (3600) - Time between each event - prevents looting, damage and using /sar claim Cooldown Between Cancel (3600) - Time the player must wait to use /sar cancel Cooldown Between Conversions Ignored During Purge (true) Cooldown Between Cancel Ignored During Purge (true) Cooldown Between Events Ignored During Purge (true) Prevent Hogging Ignored During Purge (false) Run Once On Server Startup (false) - Check for abandoned bases immediately after server startup is complete Run Every X Seconds (0.0) - The time in seconds to check for each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive Kill Inactive Sleepers (false) - When enabled players with a permission from purge settings will be executed when they are offline for the configured amount of lifetime days Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers (false) - Allows players to kill anyone sleeping inside of an abandoned base rather than the server killing them automatically Economics/ServerRewards Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled) - Used with /sar command to convert any base into an abandoned base Use Map Marker (true) Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled (true) Various auto turret settings Convert Bases and/or Claim Bases Credits: misticos for giving permission to use some of his code
  21. Version 4.2.4


    MyRustServer is a Rust Server Tool that allows you to create and manage your own Rust Server in just a few clicks. The tool brings many possibilities and options that simplify your life as a server admin. No unnecessary creation of batch files, easy installation of the server and extensions, easy updating of your plugins, wipe your server with one click and manage your players. Join the discord for better and faster support Big thanks to everyone who supports the project and helped me It is a standalone program, with which you can host your own server, connecting to other server host service providers is not possible. You can run MyRustServer on up to 4 different systems. You can create as many servers on one system as your hardware allows. Or buy at https://myrustserver.mysellix.io/shop where the key is sent automatically immediately after purchase. The dashboard shows you all relevant information about your server. Here you control your server. Auto Restart Server Auto Update Server Auto Update Oxide Only Updates on Startup Force Restart Set Game Mode (Vanilla, Softcore, Survival and Hardcore) Set CPU Affinity Set Process Priority Stop Server Restart Server Kill Server With the installer you can easily install and update your server. No batch files are used. Install or Update Server (Master, BETA, AUX01 and AUX02) Verify Server Files Install Discord Extension Install RustEdit Under Settings you give your server your personal touch. Here you can set everything for your server. Name Logo URL Web URL App Logo URL Description Tags Max Players Add Users (Admins, Mods) RCON Password Add Ports to Windows Firewall Server Port Server IP RCON Port RCON IP Query Port App Port Add Custom Maps Server Map (Procedural, Custom, Barren, Hapis, Craggy, Savas) Map Size Map Seed - Advanced Settings Add Start Configs (convars) Backups (MRS Folder, Oxide Folder, Server Folder) Start Rust Server on MyRustServer Startup Repair MyRustServer In Plugins you can easily manage your plugins. No annoying manual reload after editing. - Editor Edit (Auto Reload Plugin on Save, create a backup) Reload Update View Website Enable/Disable Delete - Update Check Plugins for Update (Supported sites for checking are: umod, codefling, chaoscode, lone.design, rustplugins and myvector) Update Plguins (Only plguins from uMod can be installed automatically after checking) Paid Plugins (here you set your purchased plugins) Blacklist Plugins Update All Plugins Auto Update Plugins - Plugin Installer Install Plugins from uMod Auto Wipe Shedule Custom Map Custom Seed Custom Folder/File Full Wipe Blueprints Map Oxide Data Backpacks Logs Player Deaths Player Identities Player Stats Player Tokens New Map Seed on Wipe Install or Update Oxide and Carbon Uninstall Oxide or Carbon Show Server in Modded or Community Choose your build (Production, Staging or Development) Permissions Manager View Server Console Send Commands to your Server Add Quick Commands Open Steam profile Copy SteamID Copy Name Check IP Kick Player Ban Player Teleport to Me to Player Teleport Player to Me Set/Remove Admin/Mod Send Server Messages (Restart, Updates and Wipe) Send Custom Messages Send Custom Commands Sets for each Message a Time Connect your server to your Discord to use as remote control or status information. Start Bot on MyRustServer Startup Send Server Status (Online, Offline, Restart) Send new Updates (Server, Client and Oxide) Send Wipe Notification - Send Commands Start Server Stop Server Restart Server Kill Server Update Server Update Oxide Update Carbon !No Support for OneDrive Drives! !No Support for Cracked Servers! Windows Only
  22. Version 0.1.2


    The plugin displays godmode and noclip indicators in the status bar. Depends on AdvancedStatus plugin. The ability to display godmode and noclip indications in the status bar. The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The abillity to set own image and customize the color of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to specify custom text. Additionally, customization options for the color, size, and font of the text. { "Check interval in seconds": 1.0, "Chat command": "fgs", "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "The status bar settings for Godmode": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#E3BA2B", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/XmZBOuP.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD33A", "Text": "MsgGod", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, "The status bar settings for Noclip": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#66A4D2", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/LY0AUMG.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#31648B", "Text": "MsgNoclip", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } P.S. List of available fonts. EN: { "MsgGod": "You are immortal", "MsgNoclip": "You are flying", "MsgGodEnabled": "Display of Godmode bar enabled!", "MsgGodDisabled": "Display of Godmode bar disabled!", "MsgNoclipEnabled": "Display of Noclip bar enabled!", "MsgNoclipDisabled": "Display of Noclip bar disabled!" } RU: { "MsgGod": "Вы неуязвимы", "MsgNoclip": "Вы в полете", "MsgGodEnabled": "Отображение Godmode бара включено!", "MsgGodDisabled": "Отображение Godmode бара выключено!", "MsgNoclipEnabled": "Отображение Noclip бара включено!", "MsgNoclipDisabled": "Отображение Noclip бара выключено!" } god - Enabling and disabling personal Godmode bar display. fly - Enabling and disabling personal Noclip bar display. Example: /fgs god
  23. Version v2


    I would like to offer you my version of the popular map from the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (2) - CS_ASSAULT. This monument is perfect for any server as I have meticulously worked on it and included everything just like in the original version. ABOUT THE MONUMENT: It consists of a train stop, residential buildings, and the main hangar with 4 entrances: The first entrance, which is also the main one, is the main gate. The second entrance is a black exit on the opposite side of the hangar. The third entrance is on the opposite side of the hangar on the second floor. And the fourth exit is through the ventilation shaft connecting the parapet of the second floor and the guardroom. Loot: On the outside, you can find regular crates, while military crates are located inside. The monument will be constantly updated.
  24. Version v2


    AZTEC Rust prefab AZTEC, also known as file de_aztec, is a video game map featured in the Counter-Strike 2 first-person shooter series. AZTEC Rust Prefab You will feel like an explorer of the ancient Aztec civilization, navigating through a magical map with ancient pyramids, challenging parkour, and an unparalleled waterfall!. Discord
  25. Version 1.2.0


    Description: WindyCleft (OneGrid) A small map in the (OneGrid) style with unique monuments featuring intriguing puzzles and a fully customized underwater monument. Specially designed for OneGrid servers and servers with up to 150 players online. Custom Monuments: Fuel processing plant - a semi-ruined factory with two floors. Two Tower - Two towers connected high in the mountains with military crates. Mysterious house - at first glance, it's just an ordinary wooden house in the forest under the mountain, but it's only at first glance. The house hides a secret military bunker with a puzzle and security. You'll find many interesting things there. Angar - it used to be used to unload military trains, but after the war in 2050, the island's new residents started using the hangar to repair their cars. However, from the past, there is one room that no one has been able to open yet; they say there is something very valuable inside. Zavod - an old factory that once supplied the island with fuel; now only one external fuel processor remains. Post - a small roadside monument. Puzzle - a monument from the Hapis map slightly modernized. ??? - During a rescue operation with a sunken ship, Captain Morrison discovered an unusual underwater signal. He reported this information to the Cobalt Corporation, and since then, no one has seen them. Old residents say there was once an island there, but it sank after a volcano eruption. FacePunch Monuments: Fishing village Oil Rig SuperMarket Gas Station HQM Quarry Sewer Branch The map will be constantly supported and updated. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord.


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