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  1. Monster


    Version 1.1.3


    XRPG - rpg system. Lumberjack, miner, hunter. - When changing the monitor resolution, the panel moves along with the heal bar. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XRPG - There is a lang ru/en. - Setting the maximum category level. - Setting the panel size. - Setting rates for resource gathering. - Setting rates for resource pickuping. - Setting rates for killing animals. - Permission rate multiplier setting. [ Players with permissions will increase rates faster ] - Setting the maximum boosted rates for permissions. - The ability to block the boosting of RPGs with certain tools. - Ability to disable the panel or messages. - The ability to slow down boosting. [ The higher the rates, the slower the boosting ] -> Overview - YouTube <- Permissions xrpg.use - allow access to RPG boosting. xrpg.top - allow access to view TOP players. Commands /rank - view TOP players. Config { "General settings": { "Enable RPG boosting slowdown | The higher the rates, the slower the boosting": false, "Enable RPG panel": true, "Enable RPG messages": true, "Delete data automatically after wipe": false, "Starting multiplier for boosting rates": 1.0, "Text size": 13, "Notification text size": 10, "List of ignored tools": [ "jackhammer", "chainsaw" ] }, "Mini panel location": { "AnchorMin": "1 0", "AnchorMax": "1 0", "OffsetMin": "-402 16", "OffsetMax": "-210 98", "Progress display: TRUE - from minimum to maximum rates | FALSE - from 0 to maximum rates ": true }, "Permissions settings": { "xrpg.default": { "Lumberjack max rates": 12.5, "Miner max rates": 12.5, "Hunter max rates": 12.5, "Rate boosting multiplier": 1.25 } }, "Lumberjack settings": { "Lumberjack max rates": 10.0, "Lumberjack starting rates": 2.5, "Enable boosting lumberjack rates by gathering resources": true, "Enable boosting lumberjack rates by picking up resources": true, "Resources for the gathering/picking of which to accrue lumberjack rates | Resources that will be subject to lumberjack rates": { "wood": 0.05, "charcoal": 0.05 } }, "Miner settings": { "Miner max rates": 10.0, "Miner starting rates": 1.75, "Enable boosting miner rates by gathering resources": true, "Enable boosting miner rates by picking up resources": true, "Resources for the gathering/picking of which to accrue miner rates | Resources that will be subject to miner rates": { "stones": 0.05, "metal.ore": 0.05, "metal.fragments": 0.05, "sulfur.ore": 0.05, "sulfur": 0.05 } }, "Hunter settings": { "Hunter max rates": 10.0, "Hunter starting rates": 1.5, "Enable boosting hunter rates by gathering resources": true, "Enable boosting hunter rates by picking up resources": true, "Enable boosting hunter rates by killing animals": true, "Resources for the gathering/picking of which to accrue hunter rates | Resources that will be subject to hunter rates": { "cloth": 0.05, "leather": 0.05, "bone.fragments": 0.05, "fat.animal": 0.05 }, "Animals for killing which to accrue hunter rates": { "boar": 0.75, "bear": 0.75, "stag": 0.75, "wolf": 0.75, "testridablehorse": 0.75, "chicken": 0.75 } } }
  2. Version 2.1.4


    Overview This plugin adds a crafting skill system and the ability to craft higher quality items that have increased stats. Features Crafting skill progression system 5 crafting category trees (with more to come!) Progression paths for individual items Quality tiers for crafted items Stat modifiers for quality items Player signatures on crafted items Leaderboards for top crafters on the server Inventory overlay for display item qualities Support for vendor shops and other item containers Inspection tool for viewing modified stats of items Adjustable HUD elements Clean crafting skill menu GUI In game documentation and help menu for players Customizable animated notifications for XP gain Toggleable skill HUD progress bar Useful commands for server admins and moderators Crafting Categories Gunsmithing Toolcrafting Tailoring Bowmaking Weaponsmithing First Aid (Planned) Cooking (Planned) Engineering (Planned) More TBD! Permissions qualitycrafting.admin - Grants access to admin commands General Commands /qc help - Opens the plugin help menu. /qc skills - Opens the plugin skills menu. /qc buttons <show/hide> - Toggles the visibility of the HUD buttons. Admin Commands /qc wipeskills <player> - Wipes all skill xp data for a specified player. /qc grantxp <player> <skill> <xp> - Grants the specified player crafting xp for the given item or category. /qc grantlevel <player> <skill> <level> - Advances the crafting skill level of the specified player by the given amount. /qc setlevel <player> <skill> <level> - Sets the crafting skill level for the given item or category. /qc setquality <player> <quality> <item uid?> - Sets the quality level of an item. If no item id is given, the current active item will be targeted. /qc xprate <category> <multiplier?> - Temporarily overrides the configured xp multiplier for the given category. If a multiplier is not given, it will be reset to the default value. /qc getlevel <player> <skill> - Displays the crafting skill level information for the specified player Config { "Notifications": { "Item Crafted Notification": { "Show": true, "X": 480, "Y": 124 }, "XP Gained Notification": { "Show": true, "X": 480, "Y": 124 } }, "HUD": { "Inspect Button": { "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/tPi2qM4.png", "X": 407, "Y": 19, "Size": 25 }, "Quality Button": { "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/KMWMn0K.png", "X": 407, "Y": 52, "Size": 25 }, "Skills Button": { "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/x0Zg12R.png", "X": 830, "Y": 30, "Size": 32 }, "Tracked Skill": { "X": 890, "Y": 17, "Size": 160 } }, "Colors": { "HUD Background": "0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5", "Menu Background": "0.16078 0.16078 0.12941 1", "HUD Button Toggled": "1 1 1 1", "HUD Button Untoggled": "1 1 1 0.4", "XP Bar": "0.5 1 0.5 1", "Text": "1 1 1 0.4" }, "Sounds": { "Item Crafted Normal": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/loot.start.fx.prefab", "Item Crafted Rare": "assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/effects/research-success.prefab", "Item Duplicated": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_unlock.prefab", "Skill Level Up": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.updated.prefab" }, "UI Images": { "Close": "https://i.imgur.com/AbG6hrk.png", "Help": "https://i.imgur.com/tVSQyuX.png", "Arrow Up": "https://i.imgur.com/Mgua5IP.png", "Arrow Down": "https://i.imgur.com/L5kufsD.png" }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 }, "General": { "Blueprint XP Gain": true }, "Categories": { "Gunsmithing": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/BH0ndEH.png", "Base XP Multiplier": 1.0, "Base Crafting Speed": 1.0, "Perk Increases Per Level": { "Crafting Speed": 0.04, "Duplicate Chance": 0.002 } }, "Toolcrafting": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/I0i8tBW.png", "Base XP Multiplier": 1.0, "Base Crafting Speed": 1.0, "Perk Increases Per Level": { "Crafting Speed": 0.04, "Duplicate Chance": 0.002 } }, "Tailoring": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/WlrTTKR.png", "Base XP Multiplier": 1.0, "Base Crafting Speed": 1.0, "Perk Increases Per Level": { "Crafting Speed": 0.04, "Duplicate Chance": 0.002 } }, "Bowmaking": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/NsBOZg1.png", "Base XP Multiplier": 1.0, "Base Crafting Speed": 1.0, "Perk Increases Per Level": { "Crafting Speed": 0.04, "Duplicate Chance": 0.002 } }, "Weaponsmithing": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/1eAdvAq.png", "Base XP Multiplier": 1.0, "Base Crafting Speed": 1.0, "Perk Increases Per Level": { "Crafting Speed": 0.04, "Duplicate Chance": 0.002 } } }, "Quality Tiers": { "Star Icon": "https://imgur.com/fbELboi.png", "Tier 0": { "Icon": null, "Color": "0.9 0.9 0.9 1" }, "Tier 1": { "Icon": "https://imgur.com/BKx4Hs8.png", "Color": "0.11764 1 0 1" }, "Tier 2": { "Icon": "https://imgur.com/NSZTZ4v.png", "Color": "0 0.43921 1 1" }, "Tier 3": { "Icon": "https://imgur.com/XSbgf72.png", "Color": "0.63921 0.20784 0.93333 1" }, "Tier 4": { "Icon": "https://imgur.com/cEZUU9F.png", "Color": "0.87531 0.70196 0 1" }, "Tier 5": { "Icon": "https://imgur.com/RD7ED4R.png", "Color": "1 0.29803 0.14901 1" }, "Percent Stat Increases Per Tier": { "Projectile Damage": 0.08, "Protection": 0.01, "Melee Damage": 0.2, "Durability": 0.2, "Gather Rate": 0.1 } } } Localization { "gunsmithing": "Gunsmithing", "toolcrafting": "Toolcrafting", "weaponsmithing": "Weaponsmithing", "bowmaking": "Bowmaking", "tailoring": "Tailoring", "top crafters": "Top Crafters", "craft speed": "Crafting Speed", "total xp": "Total XP", "xp": "XP", "perks": "Perks", "duplicate chance": "Duplicate Chance", "no items have been crafted": "No items have been crafted in this category yet.", "crafting skills": "Crafting Skills", "item inspection": "Item Inspection", "crafted by": "Crafted by {0}", "no creator": "No Creator", "damage": "Damage", "durability": "Durability", "gathering": "Gathering", "protection": "Protection", "gain item xp": "+{0} XP", "gain item xp with bonus": "+{0} XP (+{1} Bonus)", "quality chance": "Quality chances", "player not found": "Player '{0}' does not exist.", "command success": "Successfully executed command.", "command error": "Error executing command", "usage": "Usage: {0}", "invalid value": "Invalid value '{0}'.", "value not allowed": "Value '{0}' is not allowed. Allowed Values {1}.", "level up skills": "Level Up Skills", "craft items or study": "Craft items or study unlocked blueprints to gain XP points to advance your crafting level.\n\nYou can advance your category crafting level as well as your item crafting level for a specific item.", "craft quality items": "Craft Quality Items", "advancing your item crafting level": "Advancing your item crafting level will increase the chance of crafting a quality item.\n\nThere are five tiers of quality, each tier increases the base stats for that item.", "inspect your creations": "Inspect Your Creations", "use the quality and inspect buttons": "Use the quality and inspect buttons near the hotbar to reveal the quality level and stats of items in your inventory.\n\nQuality level is represented by a number of stars or a specific color.", "overview": "Overview", "commands": "Commands", "support": "Support", "crafted": "Crafted", "max level": "Max Level", "duplicated": "Duplicated!", "plugin page": "Plugin Page", "donate": "Donate", "general commands": "General Commands", "admin commands": "Admin Commands", "plugin help": "Plugin Help", "track": "Track", "untrack": "Untrack", "no permission": "You do not have permission to use that command." } FAQ Q: How do I see the quality level of the items in my inventory? A: Click the star button to toggle the quality overlay. This will automatically un-toggle when you close your inventory. Q: How do I view my crafting skill levels? A: Click the icon with the bar graph to open the menu or use the command “/qc skills”. Q: Why doesn’t the inventory item information UI display the correct stats for my quality items? A: Unfortunately there is no way to override the information for Rust’s default inventory UI. To view the true stats of an item, use the inspect HUD button which looks like a magnifying glass. Q: Why can’t I see the HUD buttons? A: If you can’t see the HUD buttons you can try “/qc buttons show” to enable them. If that doesn’t work, then your server administrator probably disabled them. Q: Does this work with skins? A: Yes Q: The item images for notifications aren’t loading? A: Sometimes the image doesn’t load if this is the first time that item’s image has been requested since the server restart. It should load correctly next time that image is requested. Q: What do the percentages in the top right corner of the item skills represent? A: Those percentages show the chance of crafting a certain quality level version of that item. Q: How do I get the progress bar to permanently stay on the screen? A: In the skills menu, click the “track” button to show the progress bar on your HUD.
  3. CarlLee


    Version 1.0.3


    Players can earn experience points and level up by killing NPCs or animals. As their level increases, they receive a certain damage reduction bonus. ConfigFIle: { "EXP gained when killing an object (Key is entity.ShortPrefabName)": { "chicken": 10, "stag": 50, "boar": 100, "wolf": 250, "bear": 200, "polarbear": 250, "simpleshark": 600, "scientist_junkpile_pistol": 300, "npc_tunneldweller": 300, "npc_tunneldwellerspawned": 300, "npc_underwaterdweller": 300, "scientistnpc_heavy": 400, "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": 400, "bradleyapc": 3000, "patrolhelicopter": 3000, "OTHER_SCIENTIST_NPC": 300 }, "EXP required to level up for each level": { "1": { "Exp": 100, "DamageReductionRate": 1.0 }, "2": { "Exp": 200, "DamageReductionRate": 2.0 }, "3": { "Exp": 300, "DamageReductionRate": 3.0 }, "4": { "Exp": 400, "DamageReductionRate": 4.0 }, "5": { "Exp": 600, "DamageReductionRate": 5.0 }, "6": { "Exp": 900, "DamageReductionRate": 6.0 }, "7": { "Exp": 1200, "DamageReductionRate": 7.0 }, "8": { "Exp": 1700, "DamageReductionRate": 8.0 }, "9": { "Exp": 2500, "DamageReductionRate": 9.0 }, "10": { "Exp": 6000, "DamageReductionRate": 10.0 }, "11": { "Exp": 8000, "DamageReductionRate": 11.0 }, "12": { "Exp": 10000, "DamageReductionRate": 12.0 }, "13": { "Exp": 15000, "DamageReductionRate": 13.0 }, "14": { "Exp": 30000, "DamageReductionRate": 14.0 }, "15": { "Exp": 40000, "DamageReductionRate": 15.0 }, "16": { "Exp": 50000, "DamageReductionRate": 16.0 }, "17": { "Exp": 70000, "DamageReductionRate": 17.0 }, "18": { "Exp": 100000, "DamageReductionRate": 18.0 }, "19": { "Exp": 120000, "DamageReductionRate": 19.0 }, "20": { "Exp": 140000, "DamageReductionRate": 20.0 }, "21": { "Exp": 250000, "DamageReductionRate": 21.0 }, "22": { "Exp": 300000, "DamageReductionRate": 22.0 }, "23": { "Exp": 350000, "DamageReductionRate": 23.0 }, "24": { "Exp": 400000, "DamageReductionRate": 24.0 }, "25": { "Exp": 500000, "DamageReductionRate": 25.0 }, "26": { "Exp": 700000, "DamageReductionRate": 26.0 }, "27": { "Exp": 1000000, "DamageReductionRate": 27.0 }, "28": { "Exp": 1400000, "DamageReductionRate": 28.0 }, "29": { "Exp": 1800000, "DamageReductionRate": 29.0 }, "30": { "Exp": 2000000, "DamageReductionRate": 30.0 }, "31": { "Exp": 2400000, "DamageReductionRate": 31.0 }, "32": { "Exp": 2800000, "DamageReductionRate": 32.0 }, "33": { "Exp": 3200000, "DamageReductionRate": 33.0 }, "34": { "Exp": 3600000, "DamageReductionRate": 34.0 }, "35": { "Exp": 4000000, "DamageReductionRate": 35.0 }, "36": { "Exp": 4800000, "DamageReductionRate": 36.0 }, "37": { "Exp": 5600000, "DamageReductionRate": 37.0 }, "38": { "Exp": 8200000, "DamageReductionRate": 38.0 }, "39": { "Exp": 9000000, "DamageReductionRate": 39.0 } }, "Online Exp": 300, "Online Exp Seconds": 600, "Chat Prefix": "[Level]:", "Chat Prefix color": "#00FFFF", "Chat steamID icon": 0 } LanguageFile: { "PlayerLevel": "Lv. {0}", "GetExpByRustAI": "You killed {0} and gained {1} experience points", "GetExpByOnline": "You gained {0} experience points (Server online reward every {1} minutes)", "DamageReduction": "Damage Reduction {0}%", "BroadcastUpLevel": "Congratulations <color=green>{0}</color> for leveling up to <color=red>{1}</color>", "LevelNotFound": "You need to specify the level to set", "CommandArgsError": "The command format you entered is incorrect, missing parameters or the parameter format is wrong.", "AdminOnlyCommand": "Only administrators can execute this command!" }


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