using HarmonyLib; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using System.Collections.Generic; // Updates // [1.0.1] // Bug Fix: Constant values ​​have been moved from the configuration file to the plugin. namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Water Passthrough", "ArtiOM", "1.0.1")] [Description("Change the default water flow from containers to liquid.")] internal class WaterPassthrough : RustPlugin { public Dictionary defaultVar = new Dictionary() { {"waterbarrel", 12}, {"water.pump.deployed", 12}, {"poweredwaterpurifier.deployed", 12}, {"", 12}, {"waterpurifier.deployed", 12}, {"", 12}, {"water_catcher_large", 12}, {"water_catcher_small", 6} }; #region Config private static ConfigData config; private class PassthroughSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Precent(true)/Amount(false)")] public bool type; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Value")] public double value; } private class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Passthrough Settings")] public Dictionary passthroughSettings = new Dictionary(); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); } catch { LoadDefaultConfig(); } SaveConfig(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { config = new ConfigData { passthroughSettings = new Dictionary { {"waterbarrel", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"water.pump.deployed", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"poweredwaterpurifier.deployed", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"waterpurifier.deployed", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"water_catcher_large", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, {"water_catcher_small", new PassthroughSettings {type = true, value = 1} }, } }; } protected override void SaveConfig() { Config.WriteObject(config); } #endregion #region Hooks void Init() { LoadConfig(); } void OnEntitySpawned(LiquidContainer container) { if(config.passthroughSettings.ContainsKey(container.ShortPrefabName)) ChangeLiquidContainer(container); } void OnServerInitialized(bool initial) { Puts("Loading liquid container configuration! The server may be lagging!"); int counter = 0; foreach (LiquidContainer container in BaseNetworkable.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (config.passthroughSettings.ContainsKey(container.ShortPrefabName)) { if(ChangeLiquidContainer(container)) counter++; } #if DEBUG PrintWarning($"{container.ShortPrefabName}, {container.autofillTickAmount}, x{container.autofillTickRate}"); #endif } Puts($"Approved changes in {counter} containers."); } bool ChangeLiquidContainer(LiquidContainer container) { PassthroughSettings setup; if (config.passthroughSettings.TryGetValue(container.ShortPrefabName, out setup)) { if(defaultVar.TryGetValue(container.ShortPrefabName, out int value)) { value = value * 2; if (setup.type) { if (container.autofillTickAmount == (int)(setup.value * value)) return false; container.autofillTickAmount = (int)(setup.value * value); container.maxOutputFlow = (int)(container.autofillTickAmount / container.autofillTickRate); } else { if (container.autofillTickAmount == (int)setup.value) return false; container.autofillTickAmount = (int)setup.value; container.maxOutputFlow = (int)(setup.value / container.autofillTickRate); } } else { Puts("Const value is not set by plugin author! Contact to ArtiIOMI"); } } return true; } #endregion } }