using ProtoBuf; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Facepunch; using System.Text; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("TugAuth", "SiCkNeSs", "1.0.3")] [Description("Get the list of authorized players on a tugboat")] public class TugAuth : RustPlugin { string usePerm = "tugauth.use"; private void OnServerInitialized() { permission.RegisterPermission(usePerm, this); } [ConsoleCommand("tugauth")] private void tugAuthConsole(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); if (!arg.IsRcon && (player == null || !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, usePerm))) { arg.ReplyWith("You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } if (!getSearchPos(arg, player, out Vector3 searchPosition)) { arg.ReplyWith("Invalid arguments. Provide valid float values for X, Y, and Z, or rely on the player's current position."); return; } if (!arg.IsRcon) { tugCommand(searchPosition, true, player); return; } tugCommand(searchPosition); } private bool getSearchPos(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, BasePlayer player, out Vector3 position) { position =; if (arg.Args.Length == 3) { if (arg.Args.Length == 3 && float.TryParse(arg.Args[0], out float x) && float.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out float y) && float.TryParse(arg.Args[2], out float z)) { position = new Vector3(x, y, z); return true; } return false; } if (player != null) { position = player.transform.position; return true; } return false; } [ChatCommand("tugauth")] private void tugAuthChat(BasePlayer player) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, usePerm)) { SendReply(player, "You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } SendReply(player, "Check the console!"); tugCommand(player.transform.position, true, player); } private void tugCommand(Vector3 position, bool playerCommand = false, BasePlayer player = null) { var closestTug = GetClosestTug(position); if (closestTug == null) { SendMessage("No TugBoat found near the specified position.", playerCommand, player); return; } var authList = ListAuthed(closestTug); if (authList == null || authList.Count == 0) { SendMessage("There are no authorized users on this TugBoat.", playerCommand, player); return; } var sb = Pool.Get(); try { sb.Append("Listing Tug Authorized Players:"); foreach (var auth in authList) { if (auth != null) { sb.AppendLine($"{auth.username} - {auth.userid}"); } } SendMessage(sb.ToString(), playerCommand, player); } finally { Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref sb); } } private void SendMessage(string message, bool playerCommand = false, BasePlayer player = null) { if (playerCommand) { player.ConsoleMessage(message); } else { Puts(message); } } private List ListAuthed(BaseVehicle tugBoat) { foreach (BaseEntity child in tugBoat.children) { VehiclePrivilege vehiclePrivilege = child as VehiclePrivilege; if (!(vehiclePrivilege == null)) { return vehiclePrivilege.authorizedPlayers; } } return new List(); } private Tugboat GetClosestTug(Vector3 pos) { var closest = -1f; Tugboat result = null; List tugboats = Pool.Get>(); try { foreach (BaseNetworkable entity in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities) { if(entity is Tugboat tugboat){ tugboats.Add(tugboat); } } for (int i = 0; i < tugboats.Count; i++) { var dist = Vector3.Distance(pos, tugboats[i].transform.position); if (closest < 0 || dist < closest) { closest = dist; result = tugboats[i]; } } } finally { Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref tugboats); } return result; } } }