using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Super PVx Info", "HunterZ", "1.6.0")] [Description("Displays PvE/PvP/etc. status on player's HUD")] public class SuperPVxInfo : RustPlugin { #region Plugin Data // list of plugins whose PVP delay statuses are tracked public enum PvpDelayType { AbandonedBases, DynamicPvp, PlayerBasePvpZones, RaidableBases, TruePve } // primary status types tracked by this plugin public enum PVxType { PVE, PVP, PVPDelay, SafeZone } // PVP statuses that are managed via listening to player enter/exit hooks [Flags] public enum PvpBubbleTypes { None = 0, // Nikedemos plugins CargoTrainEvent = 1 << 0, // Adem plugins Caravan = 1 << 1, Convoy = 1 << 2 } // PVP events that are managed via listening to start/stop hooks that // provide a PVP area definition private enum PvpLocationEventType { // KpucTaJl plugins AirEvent, ArcticBaseEvent, FerryTerminalEvent, GasStationEvent, HarborEvent, JunkyardEvent, PowerPlantEvent, SatelliteDishEvent, SupermarketEvent, WaterEvent } #pragma warning disable CS0649 [PluginReference] private readonly Plugin AbandonedBases, DynamicPVP, DangerousTreasures, PlayerBasePvpZones, PopupNotifications, RaidableBases, SimpleStatus, TruePVE, ZoneManager; #pragma warning restore CS0649 private ConfigData _configData; // active TruePVE PVP delay timers by plugin name by player ID private readonly Dictionary> _excludedPlayers = new(); // NOTE: this is not to be used directly for sending messages, but rather // for populating the default language dictionary, and for enumerating // which messages exist private readonly Dictionary _notifyMessages = new() { ["Unexpected Exit From Abandoned Or Raidable Base"] = "{0}Left Abandoned/Raidable Base Zone", ["Unexpected Exit From Dangerous Treasures Event"] = "{0}Left Dangerous Treasures Zone", ["Safe Zone Entry"] = "{0}Entering Safe Zone", ["Safe Zone Exit"] = "{0}Leaving Safe Zone", ["PVP Height Entry"] = "{0}WARNING: Entering Sky/Portal PVP Zone", ["PVP Height Exit"] = "{0}Leaving Sky/Portal PVP Zone", ["PVP Depth Entry"] = "{0}WARNING: Entering Train Tunnels PVP Zone", ["PVP Depth Exit"] = "{0}Leaving Train Tunnels PVP Zone" }; private Timer _saveDataTimer; private StoredData _storedData; private const string _uiName = "SuperPVxInfoUI"; #endregion Plugin Data #region Utility Methods private static bool IsValidPlayer(BasePlayer player, bool checkConnected) => null != player && !player.IsNpc && player.userID.IsSteamId() && (!checkConnected || player.IsConnected); private static PlayerWatcher GetPlayerWatcher(BasePlayer player) => IsValidPlayer(player, true) ? player.GetComponent() : null; private void SendCannedMessage(BasePlayer player, string key) { if (null == _configData || !_configData.NotifySettings.Enabled.TryGetValue( key, out bool enabled) || !enabled) { return; } var message = lang.GetMessage(key, this, player.UserIDString); if (null == message) return; if (_configData.NotifySettings.ChatEnabled) { SendReply(player, string.Format( message, _configData.NotifySettings.ChatPrefix)); } if (_configData.NotifySettings.PopupNotificationsEnabled && null != PopupNotifications) { PopupNotifications.Call( "CreatePopupNotification", string.Format( message, _configData.NotifySettings.PopupNotificationsPrefix), player); } } private void ExcludePlayerRemove(ulong userid, string pluginName) { // get timers-by-plugin for player if (!_excludedPlayers.TryGetValue(userid, out var excludeTimers) || null == excludeTimers) { return; } // remove timer entry if present, and destroy it if needed if (excludeTimers.Remove(pluginName, out var removedTimer) && null != removedTimer && !removedTimer.Destroyed) { removedTimer.Destroy(); } // abort if timers-by-plugin is still not empty for this player if (excludeTimers.Count > 0) return; // timers-by-plugin is empty - remove PVP delay status var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(userid); if (null != player) { SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.TruePve, false); } } #endregion Utility Methods #region Oxide Methods protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() => lang.RegisterMessages(_notifyMessages, this); private void Init() { LoadData(); PlayerWatcher.AllowForceUpdate = null == _configData || _configData.forceUpdates; PlayerWatcher.Instance = this; PlayerWatcher.PvpAboveHeight = null == _configData ? 1000.0f : _configData.pvpAboveHeight; PlayerWatcher.PvpBelowHeight = null == _configData ? -50.0f : _configData.pvpBelowHeight; PlayerWatcher.UpdateIntervalSeconds = null == _configData ? 1.0f : _configData.updateIntervalSeconds; if (null != _configData && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_configData.toggleCommand)) { AddCovalenceCommand(_configData.toggleCommand, nameof(ToggleUI)); } } private void OnServerInitialized() { if(null != TruePVE && null != PlayerBasePvpZones && TruePVE.Version >= new VersionNumber(2, 2, 3) && PlayerBasePvpZones.Version >= new VersionNumber(1, 1, 0)) { Puts("OnServerInitialized(): TruePVE 2.2.3+ & PlayerBasePvpZones 1.1.0+ detected! TruePVE PVP delays will be used"); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerBasePvpDelayStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerBasePvpDelayStop)); } if (null != _storedData) { // purge any mappings that Zone Manager doesn't recognize var deadZoneIds = Pool.Get>(); foreach (var (zoneId, _) in _storedData.Mappings) { if (!ZM_CheckZoneID(zoneId)) deadZoneIds.Add(zoneId); } foreach (var deadZoneId in deadZoneIds) { PrintWarning($"Purging unknown/obsolete zoneId={deadZoneId} from database"); _storedData.Mappings.Remove(deadZoneId); } if (deadZoneIds.Count > 0) SaveData(); Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref deadZoneIds); } // setup SimpleStatus integration if appropriate SS_CreateStatuses(); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { OnPlayerConnected(player); } if (true ==_configData?.NotifySettings.PopupNotificationsEnabled && null == PopupNotifications) { PrintWarning("Notify via PopupNotifications enabled, but required plugin is missing"); } } private void Unload() { // clear out any active TruePVE PVP delay timers foreach (var (_, excludeTimers) in _excludedPlayers) { foreach (var (_, excludeTimer) in excludeTimers) { if (null != excludeTimer && !excludeTimer.Destroyed) { excludeTimer.Destroy(); } } excludeTimers.Clear(); } _excludedPlayers.Clear(); // destroy GUIs for all active players foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { OnPlayerDisconnected(player, _uiName); } PlayerWatcher.Instance = null; // if save timer active, destroy and force write if (null != _saveDataTimer) WriteData(); } private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; // abort if an active watcher is already attached // isActiveAndEnabled is needed because sometimes reloading the plugin // causes it to catch a watcher that is still in the process of being // destroyed var watcher = player.GetComponent(); if (watcher != null && watcher.isActiveAndEnabled) return; watcher = player.gameObject.AddComponent(); watcher.Init( IsPlayerInBase(player), IsPlayerInPVPDelay(player.userID.Get()), GetPlayerZoneType(player), player); watcher.StartWatching(); } #pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter private void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player, string reason) #pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter { if (IsValidPlayer(player, false)) { player.gameObject.GetComponent()?.OnDestroy(); } DestroyUI(player); } private void OnPlayerRespawned(BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; // check everything because the player could be anywhere now if (watcher.InBaseType != null) watcher.CheckBase = true; watcher.CheckPVxEvent = true; watcher.CheckZone = true; watcher.CheckPvpDelay = true; watcher.Force(); }); #endregion Oxide Methods #region TruePVE Hook Handlers // called when a plugin maps a Zone Manager zone to a TruePVE ruleset private void AddOrUpdateMapping(string zoneId, string ruleset) { if (null == _storedData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleset)) { return; } NextTick(() => { _storedData.Mappings[zoneId] = ruleset; SaveData(); }); } // called when a plugin deletes a mapping private void RemoveMapping(string zoneId) { if (null == _storedData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneId)) return; NextTick(() => { _storedData.Mappings.Remove(zoneId); SaveData(); }); } // called when a plugin requests a timed rule exclusion (PVP exit delay) private void ExcludePlayer( ulong userid, float maxDelayLength, Plugin plugin) { if (null == plugin || !userid.IsSteamId()) return; var pluginName = plugin.Name; NextTick(() => { // if delay is non-positive, just try to remove any existing record if (maxDelayLength <= 0.0f) { ExcludePlayerRemove(userid, pluginName); return; } // handle the case of updating an existing record var hasTimers = _excludedPlayers.TryGetValue(userid, out var excludeTimers); if (hasTimers && excludeTimers.TryGetValue(pluginName, out var excludeTimer)) { if (null != excludeTimer && !excludeTimer.Destroyed) { excludeTimer.Reset(maxDelayLength); return; } // pathological: remove defunct entry and we'll create a new one below excludeTimers.Remove(pluginName); } // handle the case that no timers have ever been recorded for player // (just create an empty timers-by-plugin sub-dictionary) if (null == excludeTimers) { excludeTimers = new(); _excludedPlayers.Add(userid, excludeTimers); } // add a timer to the dictionary that simply removes itself on fire // existence of a dictionary entry then represents an active PVP delay excludeTimers.Add(pluginName, timer.Once( maxDelayLength, () => { ExcludePlayerRemove(userid, pluginName); })); var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(userid); if (null != player) { SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.TruePve, true); } }); } #endregion TruePVE Hook Handlers #region ZoneManager Integration #region ZoneManager Utilities bool ZM_CheckZoneID(string zoneId) => ZoneManager?.Call("CheckZoneID", zoneId) is string s && null != s; private string[] ZM_GetPlayerZoneIDs(BasePlayer player) => ZoneManager?.Call("GetPlayerZoneIDs", player) is string[] s ? s : new string[0]; // if player is in a zone, return its type if possible, else return null public PVxType? GetPlayerZoneType(BasePlayer player) { if (null == _configData || !IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return null; // get current zone (if any) (var zoneId, var zoneName) = GetSmallestZoneIdAndName(player); // go by zone name first if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName)) { if (_configData.PveZoneManagerNames.Any( x => zoneName.Contains(x, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)) ) { return PVxType.PVE; } if (_configData.PvpZoneManagerNames.Any( x => zoneName.Contains(x, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)) ) { return PVxType.PVP; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneId)) { // return PVP if this is a TruePVE/NextGenPVE exclusion zone // (needed for e.g. ZoneManagerAutoZones which doesn't put "PVP" in // its zone names) if (IsExcludeZone(zoneId)) { return PVxType.PVP; } // check Zone Manager flags if (ZM_GetZoneFlag(zoneId, "pvpgod")) { if (ZM_GetZoneFlag(zoneId, "pvegod")) { // no-PvP *and* no-PvE => treat as safe zone return PVxType.SafeZone; } // no-PvP only => treat as PvE zone return PVxType.PVE; } } // give up return null; } private (string, string) GetSmallestZoneIdAndName(BasePlayer player) { if (ZoneManager == null) return (null, null); float smallestRadius = float.MaxValue; string smallestId = null; string smallestName = null; var zoneIDs = ZM_GetPlayerZoneIDs(player); foreach (var zoneId in zoneIDs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneId)) continue; var zoneName = ZM_GetZoneName(zoneId); // get whichever of 2D zone size or radius is greater than zero var zoneMagnitude2D = ZM_GetZoneSize(zoneId).Magnitude2D(); float zoneRadius = zoneMagnitude2D < float.Epsilon ? ZM_GetZoneRadius(zoneId) : zoneMagnitude2D; if (zoneRadius < float.Epsilon) continue; // if zone is the smallest we've seen, record it as such if (zoneRadius < smallestRadius) { smallestRadius = zoneRadius; smallestId = zoneId; smallestName = zoneName; } } return (smallestId, smallestName); } private bool ZM_GetZoneFlag(string zoneId, string zoneFlag) => ZoneManager?.Call("HasFlag", zoneId, zoneFlag) is bool flagState && flagState; private string ZM_GetZoneName(string zoneId) => ZoneManager?.Call("GetZoneName", zoneId) is string zoneName ? zoneName : ""; private float ZM_GetZoneRadius(string zoneId) => ZoneManager?.Call("GetZoneRadius", zoneId) is float zoneRadius ? zoneRadius : 0.0f; private Vector3 ZM_GetZoneSize(string zoneId) => ZoneManager?.Call("GetZoneSize", zoneId) is Vector3 zoneSize ? zoneSize :; private bool IsExcludeZone(string zoneId) => null != _storedData && null != _configData && _storedData.Mappings.TryGetValue(zoneId, out string ruleset) && _configData.PveExclusionNames.Any( x => ruleset.Contains(x, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)); // common logic for setting watcher's zone check request flag private void CheckZone(BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; watcher.CheckZone = true; watcher.Force(); }); #endregion ZoneManager Utilities #region ZoneManager Hook Handlers private void OnEnterZone(string zoneId, BasePlayer player) => CheckZone(player); private void OnExitZone(string zoneId, BasePlayer player) => // check if player is exiting from a smaller zone into a larger one CheckZone(player); #endregion ZoneManager Hook Handlers #endregion ZoneManager Integration #region PVP Plugin Integrations #region PVP Plugin Utilities // create or update an event record with the given data private void CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType type, Vector3 location, float radius) { if (null == _storedData) return; if (_storedData.PvpEvents.TryGetValue(type, out var eventData)) { eventData.Location = location; eventData.Radius = radius; } else { _storedData.PvpEvents.Add(type, new(location, radius)); } SaveData(); } // delete an event record with the given data, if any private void DeleteLocationPvpEvent(PvpLocationEventType type) { if (null == _storedData) return; if (_storedData.PvpEvents.Remove(type)) SaveData(); } // check whether player is in any Raidable Base // TODO: add Abandoned Bases support? // this is expensive, and should only be called if state is totally unknown // (e.g. on connect) private PVxType? IsPlayerInBase(BasePlayer player) { // get list of all active Raidable Bases if (RaidableBases != null && RaidableBases.Call("GetAllEvents") is List<(Vector3 pos, int mode, bool allowPVP, string a, float b, float c, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, BasePlayer owner, List raiders, List intruders, List entities, string baseName, DateTime spawnDateTime, DateTime despawnDateTime, float radius, int lootRemaining)> rbEvents // && rbEvents.Exists(x => x.intruders.Contains(player)) ) { // look for a base that the player is in foreach ( var (_, _, allowPVP, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, intruders, _, _, _, _, _, _) in rbEvents) { if (intruders.Contains(player)) { // base found; return its type return allowPVP ? PVxType.PVP : PVxType.PVE; } } } // player not in any bases return null; } // check whether player in an a PVP event that only provides event // start/stop hooks with location, requiring active polling of player // position private bool IsPlayerInPvpEvent(BasePlayer player) { if (null == _storedData) return false; foreach (var (_, eventData) in _storedData.PvpEvents) { if (Vector3.Distance(eventData.Location, player.transform.position) <= eventData.Radius) { return true; } } return false; } // check whether player is in an event that can be PvE or PvP // note that this is only useful for unexpected exits (e.g. respawning) // because we don't get a PvP-versus-PvE indication from this private bool IsPlayerInPVxEvent(BasePlayer player) => null != DangerousTreasures && Convert.ToBoolean(DangerousTreasures.Call( "EventTerritory", player.transform.position)); // check if player has any PVP delays active // this should only be called when hook-reported states don't exist yet, or // can't be relied upon for some reason private HashSet IsPlayerInPVPDelay(ulong playerID) { var pvpDelays = new HashSet(); if (AbandonedBases != null && Convert.ToBoolean( AbandonedBases.Call("HasPVPDelay", playerID))) { pvpDelays.Add(PvpDelayType.AbandonedBases); } if (DynamicPVP != null && Convert.ToBoolean( DynamicPVP.Call("IsPlayerInPVPDelay", playerID))) { pvpDelays.Add(PvpDelayType.DynamicPvp); } if (PlayerBasePvpZones != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString( PlayerBasePvpZones.Call("OnPlayerBasePvpDelayQuery", playerID)))) { pvpDelays.Add(PvpDelayType.PlayerBasePvpZones); } if (RaidableBases != null && Convert.ToBoolean( RaidableBases.Call("HasPVPDelay", playerID))) { pvpDelays.Add(PvpDelayType.RaidableBases); } if (_excludedPlayers.TryGetValue(playerID, out var excludeTimers) && excludeTimers.Count > 0) { pvpDelays.Add(PvpDelayType.TruePve); } return pvpDelays; } // common logic for Abandoned/Raidable Base entry hooks private static void EnteredBase( BasePlayer player, PVxType baseType, Vector3 baseLocation, float baseRadius) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; watcher.BaseLocation = baseLocation; watcher.BaseRadius = baseRadius; watcher.InBaseType = baseType; watcher.Force(); } // common logic for Abandoned/Raidable Base exit hooks private static void ExitedBase( BasePlayer player, bool checkPlayerValid = true) { if (checkPlayerValid && !IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; watcher.CheckZone = true; watcher.InBaseType = null; watcher.Force(); } // common logic for "in PVP bubble" hooks to set/clear a player's state private static void SetPvpBubble( BasePlayer player, PvpBubbleTypes type, bool state) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; var oldState = watcher.InPvpBubbleTypes; if (state) { watcher.InPvpBubbleTypes |= type; } else { watcher.InPvpBubbleTypes &= ~type; if (PvpBubbleTypes.None == watcher.InPvpBubbleTypes) { watcher.CheckZone = true; } } if (watcher.InPvpBubbleTypes != oldState) { watcher.Force(); } } // common logic for "in PVP bubble" hooks to clear all players' states private static void EndPvpBubble(PvpBubbleTypes type) { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { SetPvpBubble(player, type, false); } } // common logic for PVP Delay hooks private static void SetPvpDelay( BasePlayer player, PvpDelayType type, bool state) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; if (state) { watcher.AddPvpDelay(type); } else if (watcher.ClearPvpDelay(type) <= 0) { watcher.CheckBase = true; watcher.CheckZone = true; } watcher.Force(); } // common logic for PVx event hooks private static void SetPvxEvent( BasePlayer player, PVxType eventType, bool state) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; var watcher = GetPlayerWatcher(player); if (null == watcher) return; if (state) { watcher.InPVxEventType = eventType; } else { watcher.CheckZone = true; watcher.InPVxEventType = null; } watcher.Force(); } #endregion PVP Plugin Utilities #region RaidableBases Hook Handlers #pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter private void OnPlayerEnteredRaidableBase( BasePlayer player, Vector3 location, bool allowPVP, int mode, string id, float _, float __, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, string baseName, DateTime spawnTime, DateTime despawnTime, float radius, int lootRemaining) => #pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter NextTick(() => EnteredBase( player, allowPVP ? PVxType.PVP : PVxType.PVE, location, radius)); #pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter private void OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase( BasePlayer player, Vector3 location, bool allowPVP, int mode, string id, float _, float __, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, string baseName, DateTime spawnTime, DateTime despawnTime, float radius) => #pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter NextTick(() => ExitedBase(player)); private void OnRaidableBaseEnded( Vector3 location, int mode, bool allowPvP, string id, float _, float __, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, BasePlayer owner, List raiders, List intruders, List entities, string baseName, DateTime spawnDateTime, DateTime despawnDateTime, float protectionRadius, int lootAmountRemaining) => NextTick(() => { // set zone check flag for any players in base radius foreach (var player in intruders) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) continue; // skip player if not within radius of raidable base if (Vector3.Distance(location, player.transform.position) > protectionRadius) { continue; } ExitedBase(player, false); } }); private void OnPlayerPvpDelayStart( BasePlayer player, int mode, Vector3 location, bool allowPvP, string id, float _, float __, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, string baseName, DateTime spawnDateTime, DateTime despawnDateTime, int lootAmountRemaining) => NextTick(() => SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.RaidableBases, true)); private void OnPlayerPvpDelayReset( BasePlayer player, int mode, Vector3 location, bool allowPvP, string id, float _, float __, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, string baseName, DateTime spawnDateTime, DateTime despawnDateTime, int lootAmountRemaining) => NextTick(() => SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.RaidableBases, true)); private void OnPlayerPvpDelayExpired( BasePlayer player, int mode, Vector3 location, bool allowPvP, string id, float _, float __, float loadTime, ulong ownerId, string baseName, DateTime spawnDateTime, DateTime despawnDateTime, int lootAmountRemaining) => NextTick(() => SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.RaidableBases, false)); #endregion RaidableBases Hook Handlers #region AbandonedBases Hook Handlers private void OnPlayerEnteredAbandonedBase( BasePlayer player, Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List intruders, List intruderIds, List entities) => NextTick(() => EnteredBase( player, allowPVP ? PVxType.PVP : PVxType.PVE, eventPos, radius)); private void OnPlayerExitAbandonedBase( BasePlayer player, Vector3 location, bool allowPVP) => NextTick(() => ExitedBase(player)); private void OnAbandonedBaseEnded( Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List participants, List participantIds, List entities) => NextTick(() => { foreach (var player in participants) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) continue; if (Vector3.Distance(eventPos, player.transform.position) > radius) { continue; } ExitedBase(player, false); } }); private void OnPlayerPvpDelayStart( BasePlayer player, ulong userid, Vector3 eventPos, List intruders, List entities) => NextTick(() => SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.AbandonedBases, true)); private void OnPlayerPvpDelayExpiredII( BasePlayer player, ulong userid, Vector3 eventPos, List intruders, List entities) => NextTick(() => SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.AbandonedBases, false)); #endregion AbandonedBases Hook Handlers #region DangerousTreasures Hook Handlers private static void OnPlayerEnteredDangerousEvent( BasePlayer player, Vector3 eventPos, bool allowPVP) => SetPvxEvent(player, allowPVP ? PVxType.PVP : PVxType.PVE, true); private static void OnPlayerExitedDangerousEvent( BasePlayer player, Vector3 eventPos, bool allowPVP) => SetPvxEvent(player, allowPVP ? PVxType.PVP : PVxType.PVE, false); #endregion DangerousTreasures Hook Handlers #region PVP Bubble Hook Handlers #region Cargo Train Event Hook Handlers private void OnPlayerEnterPVPBubble( TrainEngine trainEngine, BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => SetPvpBubble( player, PvpBubbleTypes.CargoTrainEvent, true)); private void OnPlayerExitPVPBubble( TrainEngine trainEngine, BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => SetPvpBubble( player, PvpBubbleTypes.CargoTrainEvent, false)); private void OnTrainEventEnded(TrainEngine trainEngine) => NextTick(() => EndPvpBubble(PvpBubbleTypes.CargoTrainEvent)); #endregion Cargo Train Event Hook Handlers #region Adem Hook Handlers private void OnPlayerEnterCaravan(BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => SetPvpBubble(player, PvpBubbleTypes.Caravan, true)); private void OnPlayerExitCaravan(BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => SetPvpBubble(player, PvpBubbleTypes.Caravan, false)); private void OnCaravanStop() => NextTick(() => EndPvpBubble(PvpBubbleTypes.Caravan)); private void OnPlayerEnterConvoy(BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => SetPvpBubble(player, PvpBubbleTypes.Convoy, true)); private void OnPlayerExitConvoy(BasePlayer player) => NextTick(() => SetPvpBubble(player, PvpBubbleTypes.Convoy, false)); private void OnConvoyStop() => NextTick(() => EndPvpBubble(PvpBubbleTypes.Convoy)); #endregion Adem Hook Handlers #endregion PVP Bubble Hook Handlers #region PlayerBasePvpZones Hook Handlers private void OnPlayerBasePvpDelayStart(ulong playerId, string zoneId) { NextTick(() => { var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId); SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.PlayerBasePvpZones, true); }); } private void OnPlayerBasePvpDelayStop(ulong playerId, string zoneId) { NextTick(() => { var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId); SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.PlayerBasePvpZones, false); }); } #endregion PlayerBasePvpZones Hook Handlers #region DynamicPVP Hook Handlers private void OnPlayerAddedToPVPDelay( ulong playerId, string zoneId, float pvpDelayTime) { NextTick(() => { var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId); SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.DynamicPvp, true); }); } private void OnPlayerRemovedFromPVPDelay(ulong playerId, string zoneId) { NextTick(() => { var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId); SetPvpDelay(player, PvpDelayType.DynamicPvp, false); }); } #endregion DynamicPVP Hook Handlers #region KpucTaJl Hook Handlers private void OnAirEventStart( HashSet entities, Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.AirEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnAirEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.AirEvent)); private void OnArcticBaseEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.ArcticBaseEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnArcticBaseEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.ArcticBaseEvent)); private void OnFerryTerminalEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.FerryTerminalEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnFerryTerminalEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.FerryTerminalEvent)); private void OnGasStationEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.GasStationEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnGasStationEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.GasStationEvent)); private void OnHarborEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.HarborEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnHarborEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.HarborEvent)); private void OnJunkyardEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.JunkyardEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnJunkyardEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.JunkyardEvent)); private void OnPowerPlantEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.PowerPlantEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnPowerPlantEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.PowerPlantEvent)); private void OnSatDishEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.SatelliteDishEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnSatDishEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.SatelliteDishEvent)); private void OnSupermarketEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.SupermarketEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnSupermarketEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.SupermarketEvent)); private void OnWaterEventStart( HashSet entities, Vector3 pos, float radius) => NextTick(() => CreateOrUpdatePvpLocationEvent( PvpLocationEventType.WaterEvent, pos, radius)); private void OnWaterEventEnd() => NextTick(() => DeleteLocationPvpEvent( PvpLocationEventType.WaterEvent)); #endregion KpucTaJl Hook Handlers #endregion PVP Plugin Integrations #region Command Handlers private void ToggleUI(IPlayer iPlayer, string command, string[] args) { if (iPlayer.Object is not BasePlayer player) return; if (!IsValidPlayer(player, true)) return; if (null == GetPlayerWatcher(player)) { OnPlayerConnected(player); } else { OnPlayerDisconnected(player, _uiName); } } #endregion Command Handlers #region UI Handling private void CreateUI( BasePlayer player, PVxType type, PVxType? oldType = null) { if (null == _configData || oldType == type) return; // create CUI for new type if configured and enabled if (_configData.UISettings.TryGetValue(type, out var cuiSettings) && cuiSettings.Enabled) { var cuiJson = cuiSettings.Json; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cuiJson)) { CuiHelper.AddUi(player, cuiJson); } } // Simple Status if (null == SimpleStatus) return; // clear old status (if there was one) if (null != oldType) { SimpleStatus.CallHook( "SetStatus", player.UserIDString, oldType.ToString(), 0); } // enable status for new type if configured and enabled if (_configData.SimpleStatusSettings.TryGetValue(type, out var ssSettings) && ssSettings.Enabled) { SimpleStatus.CallHook( "SetStatus", player.UserIDString, type.ToString()); } } // forcefully destroy any active UIs for the given player private void DestroyUI(BasePlayer player) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, _uiName); SS_HideAllStatuses(player); } #region SimpleStatus Integration // hide SimpleStatus statues for all enabled PVxType values private void SS_HideAllStatuses(BasePlayer player) { if (null == SimpleStatus || null == _configData) return; foreach (var (type, ssData) in _configData.SimpleStatusSettings) { if (null == ssData || !ssData.Enabled) continue; SimpleStatus.CallHook( "SetStatus", player.UserIDString, type.ToString(), 0); } } // register SimpleStatus statuses for each enabled PVxType value // NOTE: apparently there is no corresponding destroy API private void SS_CreateStatuses() { if (null == SimpleStatus || null == _configData) return; foreach (var (type, ssData) in _configData.SimpleStatusSettings) { if (null == ssData || !ssData.Enabled) continue; SimpleStatus.CallHook( "CreateStatus", this, type.ToString(), ssData.ToDict()); } } #endregion SimpleStatus Integration #endregion UI Handling #region Config File Handling private sealed class NotificationSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat notify enabled")] public bool ChatEnabled { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat notify prefix (empty string to disable)")] public string ChatPrefix { get; set; } = "[SuperPVxInfo]: "; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PopupNotifications notify enabled")] public bool PopupNotificationsEnabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PopupNotifications notify prefix (empty string to disable)")] public string PopupNotificationsPrefix { get; set; } = ""; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Individual Notification Toggles")] public Dictionary Enabled { get; set; } = new(); } private sealed class UiSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Min Anchor")] public string MinAnchor { get; set; } = "0.5 0"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max Anchor")] public string MaxAnchor { get; set; } = "0.5 0"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Min Offset")] public string MinOffset { get; set; } = "190 30"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max Offset")] public string MaxOffset { get; set; } = "250 60"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Layer")] public string Layer { get; set; } = "Hud"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Text")] public string Text { get; set; } = "PVP"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Text Size")] public int TextSize { get; set; } = 12; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Text Color")] public string TextColor { get; set; } = "1 1 1 1"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Background Color")] public string BackgroundColor { get; set; } = "0.8 0.5 0.1 0.8"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fade In")] public float FadeIn { get; set; } = 0.25f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fade Out")] public float FadeOut { get; set; } = 0.25f; private string _json; public UiSettings() { _json = ""; } [JsonIgnore] public string Json { get { // generate JSON for a PVxType on first use, and cache it in _json // ...unless this PVxType is disabled, in which case return the // default empty string if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_json)) { _json = new CuiElementContainer { { new CuiPanel { Image = { Color = BackgroundColor, FadeIn = FadeIn }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = MinAnchor, AnchorMax = MaxAnchor, OffsetMin = MinOffset, OffsetMax = MaxOffset }, CursorEnabled = false, FadeOut = FadeOut, }, Layer, _uiName, _uiName }, { new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = Text, FontSize = TextSize, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = TextColor, FadeIn = FadeIn, }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.05 0.05", AnchorMax = "0.95 0.95" }, FadeOut = FadeOut, }, _uiName, CuiHelper.GetGuid() } }.ToJson(); } return _json; } } } // Class for managing Simple Status settings for an individual PVxType enum // value // Supports user-friendly JSON configuration values and uses them to // produce a dictionary to be passed to Simple Status hooks. private sealed class SimpleStatusSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Background Color")] public string Color { get; set; } = "0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Title Text")] public string TitleText { get; set; } = "PVx STATUS"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Title Color")] public string TitleColor { get; set; } = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Status Text")] public string StatusText { get; set; } = "UNKNOWN"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Status Color")] public string StatusColor { get; set; } = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Icon Path")] public string IconPath { get; set; } = "assets/icons/resource.png"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Icon Color")] public string IconColor { get; set; } = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"; // dictionary containing SimpleStatus values [JsonIgnore] private Dictionary _dict = null; // accessor for SimpleStatus values dictionary // Populates and returns the dictionary on first call, and returns the // cached dictionary on subsequent calls public Dictionary ToDict() { if (null == _dict) { _dict = new() { ["color"] = Color, ["title"] = TitleText, ["titleColor"] = TitleColor, ["text"] = StatusText, ["textColor"] = StatusColor, ["icon"] = IconPath, ["iconColor"] = IconColor }; } return _dict; } } private sealed class ConfigData { [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))] [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Server Default PVx (PVP or PVE)")] public PVxType defaultType = PVxType.PVE; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Assume PVP Below Height")] public float pvpBelowHeight = -50.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Assume PVP Above Height")] public float pvpAboveHeight = 1000.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Toggle UI Command (empty string to disable)")] public string toggleCommand = "pvxui"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Seconds Between Updates")] public float updateIntervalSeconds = 1.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Force Updates On State Change")] public bool forceUpdates = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Minimum Seconds Data File Saves")] public float saveIntervalSeconds = 5.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PVE Exclusion Mapping Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)")] public HashSet PveExclusionNames { get; set; } = new() { "exclude" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PVE Zone Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)")] public HashSet PveZoneManagerNames { get; set; } = new() { "PVE" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PVP Zone Names (case insensitive substrings / none to disable)")] public HashSet PvpZoneManagerNames { get; set; } = new() { "PVP" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Notification Settings")] public NotificationSettings NotifySettings { get; set; } = new(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Default UI Settings")] public Dictionary UISettings { get; set; } = new() { [PVxType.PVE] = new UiSettings { Enabled = true, Text = "PVE", TextSize = 14, TextColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", BackgroundColor = "0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8" }, [PVxType.PVP] = new UiSettings { Enabled = true, Text = "PVP", TextSize = 14, TextColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", BackgroundColor = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8" }, [PVxType.PVPDelay] = new UiSettings { Enabled = true, Text = "WAIT", TextSize = 14, TextColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", BackgroundColor = "1.0 0.5 0.0 0.8" }, [PVxType.SafeZone] = new UiSettings { Enabled = true, Text = "SAFE", TextSize = 14, TextColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", BackgroundColor = "0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8" } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Simple Status UI Settings")] public Dictionary SimpleStatusSettings { get; set; } = new() { [PVxType.PVE] = new SimpleStatusSettings { Enabled = false, Color = "0.0 0.7 0.0 0.8", TitleText = "PVE", TitleColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", StatusText = "SuperPVxInfo", StatusColor = "0.0 1.0 0.0 0.2", IconPath = "assets/icons/resource.png", IconColor = "0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0" }, [PVxType.PVP] = new SimpleStatusSettings { Enabled = false, Color = "0.7 0.0 0.0 0.8", TitleText = "PVP", TitleColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", StatusText = "SuperPVxInfo", StatusColor = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2", IconPath = "assets/icons/warning_2.png", IconColor = "1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0" }, [PVxType.PVPDelay] = new SimpleStatusSettings { Enabled = false, Color = "0.7 0.7 0.0 0.8", TitleText = "WAIT", TitleColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", StatusText = "SuperPVxInfo", StatusColor = "1.0 1.0 0.0 0.2", IconPath = "assets/icons/stopwatch.png", IconColor = "1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0" }, [PVxType.SafeZone] = new SimpleStatusSettings { Enabled = false, Color = "0.0 0.0 0.7 0.8", TitleText = "SAFE", TitleColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0", StatusText = "SuperPVxInfo", StatusColor = "0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2", IconPath = "assets/icons/peace.png", IconColor = "0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0" } }; } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _configData = Config.ReadObject(); if (_configData == null) { LoadDefaultConfig(); } else { // only PVE and PVP are allowed as the default server PVx types if (PVxType.PVE != _configData.defaultType && PVxType.PVP != _configData.defaultType) { PrintWarning($"Forcing nonsensical configured default type {_configData.defaultType} to PVE"); _configData.defaultType = PVxType.PVE; } // add default toggle states for any missing notifications foreach (var msgKey in _notifyMessages.Select(x => x.Key).Where( y => !_configData.NotifySettings.Enabled.ContainsKey(y))) { PrintWarning($"Adding new player notification toggle in disabled state: \"{msgKey}\""); _configData.NotifySettings.Enabled.Add(msgKey, false); } // remove toggle states for any unrecognized notifications in config var deadMsgKeys = Pool.Get>(); foreach (var (key, _) in _configData.NotifySettings.Enabled) { if (!_notifyMessages.ContainsKey(key)) deadMsgKeys.Add(key); } foreach (var deadMsgKey in deadMsgKeys) { PrintWarning($"Removing unknown/obsolete player notification toggle: \"{deadMsgKey}\""); _configData.NotifySettings.Enabled.Remove(deadMsgKey); } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref deadMsgKeys); } } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Exception while loading configuration file:\n{ex}"); LoadDefaultConfig(); } SaveConfig(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { PrintWarning("Creating a new configuration file"); _configData = new ConfigData(); // need to set default HashSet values here instead of in class, or else // they will get re-added on every load _configData.PveExclusionNames.Add("exclude"); _configData.PveZoneManagerNames.Add("PVE"); _configData.PvpZoneManagerNames.Add("PVP"); // also need to set default notification toggle states here, as the config // class doesn't have access to the message dictionary foreach (var msgKvp in _notifyMessages) { _configData.NotifySettings.Enabled.Add(msgKvp.Key, true); } } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_configData); #endregion Config File Handling #region Data File Handling private struct PvpEventData { public Vector3 Location { get; set; } public float Radius { get; set; } public PvpEventData(Vector3 pos, float radius) { Location = pos; Radius = radius; } } private sealed class StoredData { public Dictionary Mappings { get; set; } = new(); public Dictionary PvpEvents { get; set; } = new(); } private void LoadData() { try { _storedData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject(Name); } catch { _storedData = null; } if (_storedData == null) ClearData(); } private void ClearData() { _storedData = new StoredData(); SaveData(); } // this is a frontend to WriteData() that enforces a minimum delay between // data file writes private void SaveData() { // abort if save already pending if (null != _saveDataTimer) return; // start a save timer _saveDataTimer = timer.Once( null == _configData ? 5.0f : _configData.saveIntervalSeconds, WriteData); } private void WriteData() { if (null != _saveDataTimer) { if (!_saveDataTimer.Destroyed) _saveDataTimer.Destroy(); _saveDataTimer = null; } Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(Name, _storedData); } #endregion Data File Handling #region Player Watcher // player watcher class public class PlayerWatcher : FacepunchBehaviour { // public static members // true if force updates should be allowed public static bool AllowForceUpdate { get; set; } // reference back to plugin public static SuperPVxInfo Instance { get; set; } // consider at/above this height to be PvP public static float PvpAboveHeight { get; set; } // consider at/below this height to be PvP public static float PvpBelowHeight { get; set; } // config-based update interval public static float UpdateIntervalSeconds { get; set; } // public non-static members // coordinates of current abandoned/raidable base (if applicable) public Vector3 BaseLocation { get; set; } // radius of current abandoned/raidable base (if applicable) public float BaseRadius { get; set; } // true if abandoned/raidable base exit check requested private bool _checkBase; public bool CheckBase { get { return _checkBase; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _checkBase; _checkBase = value; } } // true if PVP delay check requested private bool _checkPvpDelay; public bool CheckPvpDelay { get { return _checkPvpDelay; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _checkPvpDelay; _checkPvpDelay = value; } } // true if dangerous treasures exit check requested private bool _checkPVxEvent; public bool CheckPVxEvent { get { return _checkPVxEvent; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _checkPVxEvent; _checkPVxEvent = value; } } // true if zone check requested private bool _checkZone; public bool CheckZone { get { return _checkZone; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _checkZone; _checkZone = value; } } // non-null if in abandoned/raidable base or bubble private PVxType? _inBaseType; public PVxType? InBaseType { get { return _inBaseType; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _inBaseType; _inBaseType = value; } } // in cargo train event PvP bubble private PvpBubbleTypes _inPvpBubbleTypes; public PvpBubbleTypes InPvpBubbleTypes { get { return _inPvpBubbleTypes; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _inPvpBubbleTypes; _inPvpBubbleTypes = value; } } // in dangerous treasures PVx event private PVxType? _inPVxEventType; public PVxType? InPVxEventType { get { return _inPVxEventType; } set { _forceUpdate |= value != _inPVxEventType; _inPVxEventType = value; } } // private members // true if check delay should be preempted private bool _forceUpdate; // true if in height was within PvP thresholds on last check private bool? _heightAbovePvp; // true if in height was within PvP thresholds on last check private bool? _heightBelowPvp; // true if in PVP start/stop event on last check private bool _inPvpEvent; // true if in safe zone on last check private bool? _inSafeZone; // true if in tutorial island on last check private bool? _inTutorial; // non-null if in Zone Manager zone private PVxType? _inZoneType; // reference back to player private BasePlayer _player; // set of active PVP exit delays private HashSet _pvpDelays = new(); // PvX state on last check private PVxType? _pvxState; // public methods // record an active PVP delay public void AddPvpDelay(PvpDelayType type) => _forceUpdate |= _pvpDelays.Add(type); // clear an active PVP delay // returns number of remaining active PVP delays public int ClearPvpDelay(PvpDelayType type) { _forceUpdate |= _pvpDelays.Remove(type); return _pvpDelays.Count; } // invoke watcher processing ASAP if warranted public void Force() { if (!_forceUpdate) return; if (AllowForceUpdate) Invoke("Watch", 0.0f); _forceUpdate = false; } // reset watcher state public void Init( PVxType? inBaseType = null, HashSet pvpDelays = null, PVxType? inZoneType = null, BasePlayer player = null) { // (re)set public variables _checkBase = false; _checkPvpDelay = false; _checkPVxEvent = false; _checkZone = false; _inBaseType = inBaseType; _inPvpBubbleTypes = PvpBubbleTypes.None; _inPVxEventType = null; // (re)set private variables _forceUpdate = false; _heightAbovePvp = null; _heightBelowPvp = null; _inPvpEvent = false; _inSafeZone = null; _inTutorial = null; _inZoneType = inZoneType; _player = player; if (null == pvpDelays) { _pvpDelays.Clear(); } else { _pvpDelays = pvpDelays; } _pvxState = null; } // tear down watcher public void OnDestroy() { CancelInvoke(); Init(); Destroy(this); } // kick off the watcher's periodic processing // NOTE: this is used instead of Update() because the latter gets called // much too frequently for our needs, wasting a lot of processing power // on time counting overhead public void StartWatching() => InvokeRepeating("Watch", 0.0f, UpdateIntervalSeconds); // update states, derive resulting PVx state, and - if the latter changed // - update the GUI public void Watch() { // abort if plugin reference or player invalid if ( null == _player || null == Instance || !IsValidPlayer(_player, true)) { return; } UpdateFlags(); // determine new state var currentPvxState = GetPVxState(); // check for change from old/no state if (currentPvxState != _pvxState) { // (re)create GUI for new state Instance.CreateUI(_player, currentPvxState, _pvxState); // record new state _pvxState = currentPvxState; } } // private methods // check for (and optionally notify player regarding) changes in a // condition that requires polling by the watcher private void CheckPeriodic( ref bool? storedState, bool currentState, string enterMessage, string exitMessage) { if (currentState == storedState || null == Instance || null == _player) { // no change or missing stuff return; } if (currentState) { // false->true SendCannedMessage(enterMessage); } else { // true->false _checkZone = true; SendCannedMessage(exitMessage); } storedState = currentState; } // derive new PVx status from current set of states private PVxType GetPVxState() { // current order of precedence (subject to change): // - in Facepunch/ZoneManager safe zone => PvE // - in PvP base/bubble/event/zone => PvP // - above/below PvP height => PvP // - pvp exit delay active => PvP Delay // - in PvE base/event/tutorial/zone => PvE // - configured default if (true == _inSafeZone) return PVxType.SafeZone; if (PVxType.SafeZone == _inZoneType) return PVxType.SafeZone; if (PVxType.PVP == _inBaseType) return PVxType.PVP; if (PvpBubbleTypes.None != _inPvpBubbleTypes) return PVxType.PVP; if (_inPvpEvent) return PVxType.PVP; if (PVxType.PVP == _inPVxEventType) return PVxType.PVP; if (PVxType.PVP == _inZoneType) return PVxType.PVP; if (true == _heightAbovePvp) return PVxType.PVP; if (true == _heightBelowPvp) return PVxType.PVP; if (_pvpDelays.Count > 0) return PVxType.PVPDelay; if (PVxType.PVE == _inBaseType) return PVxType.PVE; if (PVxType.PVE == _inPVxEventType) return PVxType.PVE; if (true == _inTutorial) return PVxType.PVE; if (PVxType.PVE == _inZoneType) return PVxType.PVE; // defer to default state (or PVE if somehow not defined) return Instance?._configData == null ? PVxType.PVE : Instance._configData.defaultType; } // send message with the given key to watcher's player if appropriate private void SendCannedMessage(string message) { // note: _pvxState check is to suppress blasting change messages on // initial check if (null == _player || null == Instance || null == _pvxState || string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return; } Instance.SendCannedMessage(_player, message); } // perform any requested and/or periodic flag update checks that could // affect PVx state private void UpdateFlags() { // abort if plugin reference or player invalid if ( null == _player || null == Instance || !IsValidPlayer(_player, true)) { return; } // perform on-request checks // check for exit from base on request // TODO: this should no longer be needed for RaidableBases, but need to // test with AbandonedBases someday before removing if (_checkBase) { if (null != _inBaseType && Vector3.Distance(BaseLocation, _player.transform.position) > BaseRadius) { _inBaseType = null; SendCannedMessage("Unexpected Exit From Abandoned Or Raidable Base"); // check PVP delay status as well, since that may now also be wrong if (_pvpDelays.Count > 0) _checkPvpDelay = true; } _checkBase = false; } // check for exit from PVx event on request if (_checkPVxEvent) { if (null != _inPVxEventType && !Instance.IsPlayerInPVxEvent(_player)) { _inPVxEventType = null; SendCannedMessage("Unexpected Exit From Dangerous Treasures Event"); // check PVP delay status as well, since that may now also be wrong if (_pvpDelays.Count > 0) _checkPvpDelay = true; } _checkPVxEvent = false; } // get zone type on request (if any) if (_checkZone) { _inZoneType = Instance.GetPlayerZoneType(_player); _checkZone = false; } // PVP delay check if (_checkPvpDelay) { _pvpDelays = Instance.IsPlayerInPVPDelay(_player.userID.Get()); _checkPvpDelay = false; } // perform periodic checks // PVP event check _inPvpEvent = Instance.IsPlayerInPvpEvent(_player); // safe zone check CheckPeriodic( ref _inSafeZone, _player.InSafeZone(), "Safe Zone Entry", "Safe Zone Exit"); // tutorial island check // don't bother with enter/exit messages for this CheckPeriodic( ref _inTutorial, _player.IsInTutorial, "", ""); // height check CheckPeriodic( ref _heightAbovePvp, _player.transform.position.y > PvpAboveHeight, "PVP Height Entry", "PVP Height Exit" ); // depth check CheckPeriodic( ref _heightBelowPvp, _player.transform.position.y < PvpBelowHeight, "PVP Depth Entry", "PVP Depth Exit" ); } } #endregion Player Watcher } }