using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Solo Notifier", "crunch", "1.0.0")] [Description("Notifies raider if a base is owned by a solo")] public class SoloNotifier : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin UINotify, Notify; private Configuration _pluginConfig; List prefabs; public bool soloTeam; #region Main object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity == null || entity is BasePlayer || !entity.OwnerID.IsSteamId() || info?.InitiatorPlayer == null || info.InitiatorPlayer.IsNpc) { return null; } if (IsBuilding(entity)) { CheckStructure(entity, info); } return null; } public void CheckStructure(BaseEntity entity, HitInfo info) { soloTeam = false; ulong targetID = entity.OwnerID; var attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer; if (targetID == 0 || attacker == null) return; if (attacker.userID == targetID) return; BuildingPrivlidge privilege = entity.GetBuildingPrivilege(); if (privilege == null) return; if (IsDecaying(privilege)) return; if (targetID.IsSteamId() && !soloNotify.ContainsKey(attacker.userID)) { var authlist = privilege.authorizedPlayers.Select(x => x.userid).ToList(); foreach (var auth in authlist) { if (auth == attacker.userID) { AddNotifyTimer(attacker.userID, attacker.displayName); return; } } var player = BasePlayer.FindAwakeOrSleeping(Convert.ToString(targetID)); if (player == null) { soloTeam = true; } if (player != null && player.currentTeam != 0UL) { var teamMembers = player.Team.members.ToList(); var getTeam = $"{string.Join(", ", teamMembers)}"; if (teamMembers.Count < 2) soloTeam = true; } if (player != null && player.currentTeam == 0) { soloTeam = true; } var getAuth = $"{string.Join(", ", authlist)}"; if (authlist.Count < 2 && soloTeam) { if (UINotify) { UINotify?.Call("SendNotify", attacker.userID, _pluginConfig.uiType, _pluginConfig.notifyMessage); } else if (Notify) { Notify?.Call("SendNotify", attacker.userID, _pluginConfig.uiType, _pluginConfig.notifyMessage); } else { attacker.ChatMessage($"{_pluginConfig.notifyMessage}"); } if (_pluginConfig.notifyLog) Puts($"{attacker.displayName} notified of solo base"); } AddNotifyTimer(attacker.userID, attacker.displayName); } return; } private bool IsDecaying(BuildingPrivlidge privilege) => privilege == null || privilege.GetProtectedMinutes(true) <= 0; public Dictionary holdBlock = new Dictionary(); public bool IsBuilding(BaseCombatEntity entity) { if (entity is BuildingBlock) return true; var result = false; if (!result && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ShortPrefabName)) { var prefabName = entity.ShortPrefabName; if (holdBlock.TryGetValue(prefabName, out result)) return result; foreach (string p in _pluginConfig.DefaultPrefabs) if (prefabName.IndexOf(p) != -1) { result = true; break; } if (!holdBlock.ContainsKey(prefabName)) holdBlock.Add(prefabName, result); } return result; } #endregion #region NotifyTimer Dictionary soloNotify = new Dictionary(); void AddNotifyTimer(ulong playerID, string playerName) { if (!soloNotify.ContainsKey(playerID)) { soloNotify.Add(playerID, NotifyTimer(playerID, playerName)); } } void RemoveNotifyTimer(ulong playerID, string playerName) { if (soloNotify.ContainsKey(playerID)) { soloNotify[playerID].Destroy(); soloNotify.Remove(playerID); } } Timer NotifyTimer(ulong playerID, string playerName) { return timer.Once(_pluginConfig.Cooldown, () => { RemoveNotifyTimer(playerID, playerName); }); } #endregion #region Configuration private class Configuration { [JsonProperty("Cooldown time after attack")] public int Cooldown = 300; [JsonProperty("Message to attacker")] public string notifyMessage = "This player is a solo"; [JsonProperty("Log to console when player notified")] public bool notifyLog = true; [JsonProperty("UINotify Type (see")] public int uiType = 6; [JsonProperty("Prefabs to check")] public List DefaultPrefabs = new List { "door.hinged", "door.double.hinged", "floor.frame", "wall.frame", "wall.external", "gates.external", "window.bars", "shutter", "floor.ladder.hatch" }; } private Configuration GetDefaultConfig() => new Configuration(); protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _pluginConfig = GetDefaultConfig(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _pluginConfig = Config.ReadObject(); if (_pluginConfig == null) { throw new JsonException(); } } catch (Exception e) { Puts($"{e.Message}"); Puts($"Configuration file {Name}.json is invalid; using defaults"); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void SaveConfig() { Puts($"Configuration changes saved to {Name}.json"); Config.WriteObject(_pluginConfig, true); } #endregion } }