using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("SignUploadAPI", "Bunsen", "1.0.0")] [Description("Upload the contents of a sign the player is looking at to Imgur. Optional DiscordCore and ServerRewards integration.")] public class SignUploadAPI : RustPlugin { #region Plug-in References [PluginReference] private Plugin ServerRewards; [PluginReference] private Plugin ImgurApi; [PluginReference] private Plugin DiscordCore; #endregion #region Global Variables and Typography private HashSet signUploadCooldown = new HashSet(); private ulong imageIcon = 76561198317970917; private string h1 = ""; private string h2 = ""; private string sub = ""; private string p = ""; private string close = ""; private string colorClose = ""; private string highlight = ""; #endregion #region Oxide Hooks // Initialize permission. void Init() { permission.RegisterPermission("signuploadapi.use", this); // Required to use SignUploadAPI permission.RegisterPermission("", this); // If given and Use Server Rewards is enabled, deducts no RP upon use of SignUploadAPI. } void OnServerInitialized() { if (ImgurApi == null) Puts("You are missing ImgurApi, get it here:"); if (config.useServerRewards && ServerRewards == null) Puts("You are missing Server Rewards, get it here:"); if (config.useDiscordCore && DiscordCore == null) Puts("You are missing Server Rewards, get it here:"); cmd.AddChatCommand(config.command, this, "uploadSignFromRaycast"); lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this); } #endregion #region Handle Sign-Uploading void uploadSignFromRaycast(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { // The following are various causes of error the player may encounter. if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "signuploadapi.use")) { SendErrorPlayer(player, $"{p}{lang.GetMessage("noPermission", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}"); return; } if (config.cooldown > 0 && signUploadCooldown.Contains(player.userID)) { SendErrorPlayer(player, $"{p}{lang.GetMessage("cooldownError", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}"); return; } if ((config.useServerRewards && getPoints(player) < config.cost) && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "")) { SendErrorPlayer(player, $"{p}{lang.GetMessage("currencyError", this, player.UserIDString)} {highlight}{lang.GetMessage("currency", this, player.UserIDString)}{colorClose}!{close}"); return; } // Using Raycast, find the entity in front of the player. BaseEntity sign = entityRaycast(player); // If there was no entity detected handle the error. if (sign == null) { SendErrorPlayer(player, $"{p}{lang.GetMessage("notLookingAtValid", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}"); return; } // If the player specifys a first argument, make it the title of the uploaded picture. Else, set to Untitled. string title = args.Length < 1 ? lang.GetMessage("noTitle", this, player.UserIDString) : args[0]; if (sign is PhotoFrame) { PhotoFrame signPF = sign as PhotoFrame; BaseEntity photoEntity = null; // Is the photoframe holding a photo? If so - upload the contents of the picture instead. if(signPF.inventory.itemList.Count() > 0) photoEntity = signPF.children.First(); if (photoEntity != null && photoEntity.ShortPrefabName == "photo.entity") { var data = FileStorage.server.Get(((PhotoEntity)photoEntity).ImageCrc, FileStorage.Type.png,; if (data != null) { UploadImage(data, player, title); return; } } } else if (sign is Signage) { var data = FileStorage.server.Get(((Signage)sign).textureIDs.First(), FileStorage.Type.png,; if (data != null) { UploadImage(data, player, title); return; } } else { SendErrorPlayer(player, $"{p}{lang.GetMessage("notLookingAtValid", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}"); return; } } private void UploadImage(byte[] image, BasePlayer player, string info) { // The following callback is called by the ImgurAPI plugin containing response information. This may take a few seconds. Action> action = (hashSet) => { bool success = (bool)hashSet["Success"]; if (!success) { SendErrorPlayer(player, $"{p} \n\n{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hashSet)}{close}"); return; } Hash data = hashSet["Data"] as Hash; if (config.useDiscordCore) { DiscordCore?.Call("SendMessageToUser", player.userID.ToString(), $"{data?["Link"]}"); if (config.channelName != null) DiscordCore?.Call("SendMessageToChannel", config.channelName, $"\n\n**{lang.GetMessage("discordMessage", this, player.UserIDString)} {player.displayName}**\n{data?["Link"]}"); } if (config.useServerRewards && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "")) { takePoints(player, config.cost); } SendReplyWithIcon(player, $"{h1}{lang.GetMessage("success", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}\n" + $"{p}{lang.GetMessage("fileAccessedAt", this, player.UserIDString)} {highlight}{data?["Link"]}{close}" + (config.useServerRewards ? $"{sub}\n{config.cost} {lang.GetMessage("rpWithdrawl", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}" : "")); Interface.CallHook("OnSignUploaded", info, player.userID); }; // Inform the player their sign is uploading. SendReplyWithIcon(player, $"{h2}{lang.GetMessage("uploading", this, player.UserIDString)}{close}"); // If the cooldown configuration setting is set to greater than 0 seconds, add them to a HashSet of users then remove them from it after the specificed time. if (config.cooldown > 0) { signUploadCooldown.Add(player.userID); timer.Once(config.cooldown, () => { signUploadCooldown.Remove(player.userID); }); } ImgurApi?.Call("UploadImage", image, action, info); } #endregion #region Helper Functions private BaseEntity entityRaycast(BasePlayer player) { RaycastHit RayHit; var flag1 = Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out RayHit, 20f); var baseEntity = flag1 ? RayHit.GetEntity() : null; return baseEntity; } private void SendErrorPlayer(BasePlayer player, string message) { Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab", player.transform.position); SendReplyWithIcon(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("error", this, player.UserIDString)} " + message); } private void SendReplyWithIcon(BasePlayer player, string message) { Player.Message(player, message, imageIcon); } #endregion #region Handle Server Rewards private int getPoints(BasePlayer player) { if (config.useServerRewards) { object answer = ServerRewards?.Call("CheckPoints", player.userID); if (answer != null) return (int)answer; } return 0; } private bool takePoints(BasePlayer player, int amount) { if (config.useServerRewards) { object answer = ServerRewards?.Call("TakePoints", player.userID, amount); if (answer == null) return false; else return true; } return false; } #endregion #region Plug-in Configuration private static ConfigData config; private class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Command")] public string command; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Discord Core")] public bool useDiscordCore; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Channel to Upload to")] public string channelName; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Server Rewards")] public bool useServerRewards; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Cost to Upload")] public int cost; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Cooldown Between Uploads (seconds)")] public float cooldown; } private ConfigData getDefaultConfig() { ConfigData output = new ConfigData { command = "uploadsign", useDiscordCore = false, channelName = "", useServerRewards = false, cost = 20, cooldown = 30 }; return output; } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); } catch { Puts("Config data is corrupted, replacing with default"); config = new ConfigData(); } SaveConfig(); } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(config); protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = getDefaultConfig(); #endregion #region Localization Dictionary messages = new Dictionary() { {"noPermission", "You don't have the appropriate permission to use this."}, {"notLookingAtValid", "You weren't looking at a sign or photoframe." }, {"uploadError", "An error occured uploading the image" }, {"error", "Error. " }, {"uploading", "Uploading..." }, {"rpWithdrawl", "RP deducted" }, {"noTitle", "Untitled" }, {"fileAccessedAt", "The file may be accessed at" }, {"success", "Successful Upload." }, {"currencyError", "You don't have enough" }, {"currency", "RP" }, {"cooldownError", "You're trying to use this command again too soon." }, {"discordMessage", "NEW IMAGE UPLOADED BY" } }; #endregion } }