using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("ServerMessage", "WuyZar", "1.0.1")]
[Description("Discord :")]
public class ServerMessage : RustPlugin
private const string CommandTrue = "sm.true";
private const string CommandFalse = "sm.false";
private const string BackgroundTrue = "";
private const string BackgroundFalse = "";
private void ConsoleCommandTrue(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
HandleMessageCommand(arg, BackgroundTrue);
private void ConsoleCommandFalse(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
HandleMessageCommand(arg, BackgroundFalse);
private void HandleMessageCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, string backgroundUrl)
if (!arg.IsAdmin && arg.Connection != null)
arg.ReplyWith("Server Message : \nYou do not have permission to use this command.");
string[] args = arg.Args;
if (args == null || args.Length < 2)
arg.ReplyWith("Server Message : \nUsage: sm.true