using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Rust Spawner", "Zoin", "2.0.2")] [Description("Rust Spawner is a plugin that you can spawn cars/helis/animals/scarecrow")] class RustSpawner : CovalencePlugin { #region Variables Dictionary CoolDowns = new Dictionary(); const string Horse_Perm = ""; const string Wolf_Perm = "rustspawner.wolf"; const string Bear_Perm = "rustspawner.bear"; const string Sedan_Perm = "rustspawner.sedan"; const string Scarecrow_Perm = "rustspawner.scarecrow"; const string Minicopter_Perm = "rustspawner.minicopter"; const string ScrapHeli_Perm = "rustspawner.scrapheli"; const string NoCooldown_Perm = "rustspawner.nocooldown"; #endregion #region Configuaration protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { LogWarning("Creating a new configuration file"); Config["Cooldown"] = 300; Config["BuildingSpawn"] = false; } #endregion #region LanguageAPI protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["NoPermission"] = "You do not have access to that command!", ["InvalidInput"] = "Please enter a valid spawnable name!", ["IndoorsBlocked"] = "You cannot spawn indoors only outside!", ["Info"] = "You can spawn the following entitys\nhorse ,wolf ,bear ,minicopter ,sedan ,scarecrow", ["Cooldown"] = "You are still on cooldown!", ["Spawned"] = "Your {0} has been spawned!", ["Prefix"] = "[Rust Spawner] " }, this); } #endregion #region Hooks private void Init() { permission.RegisterPermission(NoCooldown_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Horse_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Wolf_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Bear_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Minicopter_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Sedan_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(ScrapHeli_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Scarecrow_Perm, this); } #endregion #region Commands [Command("rspawn")] private void Spawn(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (player.IsServer) { return; } string prefix = lang.GetMessage("Prefix", this, player.Id); if (args.Length < 1) { player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("InvalidInput", this, player.Id)); return; } switch (args[0]) { case "horse": { if (player.HasPermission(Horse_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "wolf": { if (player.HasPermission(Wolf_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "bear": { if (player.HasPermission(Bear_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "mini": { if (player.HasPermission(Minicopter_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "scrapheli": { if (player.HasPermission(ScrapHeli_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "car": { if (player.HasPermission(Sedan_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "scarecrow": { if (player.HasPermission(Scarecrow_Perm)) SpawnEntity(player, "assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab"); else player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("NoPermission", this, player.Id)); break; } case "info": { player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("Info", this, player.Id)); break; } default: player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("InvalidInput", this, player.Id)); break; } } #endregion #region Functions void SpawnEntity(IPlayer player, string entity_name) { BasePlayer PlayerObject = player.Object as BasePlayer; string prefix = lang.GetMessage("Prefix", this, player.Id); #region Cooldown if (!player.HasPermission(NoCooldown_Perm)) { if (CoolDowns.ContainsKey(player.Id)) { player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("Cooldown", this, player.Id)); return; } else { string id = player.Id; Timer Cooldown = timer.Once((float)Config["Cooldown"], () => { CoolDowns.Remove(id); }); CoolDowns.Add(id, Cooldown); } } #endregion #region Building Check if (!(bool)Config["BuildingSpawn"] & !PlayerObject.IsOutside()) { player.Reply(prefix + lang.GetMessage("IndoorsBlocked", this, player.Id)); return; } #endregion #region Raycast Vector3 ViewAdjust = new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, 0f); Vector3 position = PlayerObject.transform.position + ViewAdjust; Vector3 rotation = Quaternion.Euler(PlayerObject.serverInput.current.aimAngles) * Vector3.forward; int range = 10; RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(position, rotation, out hit, range)) { return; } #endregion #region Actual Spawning BaseEntity Entity = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(entity_name, hit.point); if (Entity) { Entity.Spawn(); player.Reply(prefix + string.Format(lang.GetMessage("Spawned", this, player.Id), Entity.ShortPrefabName)); } #endregion } #endregion } }