using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Rust Gestures", "Beast_", "1.0.2")] [Description("Unlock Rust DLC Gestures For Everyone")] public class RustGestures : RustPlugin { #region Fields [PluginReference] private Plugin ImageLibrary; private static RustGestures instance; private Configuration config; private const string PERMS = "rustgestures.use"; private const string MAINPANELNAME = "RustGesturesPanel"; private static Dictionary playerPages = new Dictionary(); #endregion #region Configuration private class Configuration { [JsonProperty("Rust Gestures Commands")] public string[] commands = new string[] { "gestures", "rg" }; [JsonProperty("Show all gestures in a single page")] public bool disablePages = false; [JsonProperty("Gestures list", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List gesturesList = new List { new GestureInfo { Id = 478760625, Name = "Raise the Roof", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 1855420636, Name = "Cabbage Patch", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 1702547860, Name = "The Twist", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 2662905952, Name = "Loser", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 452952148, Name = "Cut Throat", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 933114077, Name = "Finger Gun", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 2299615665, Name = "Shush!", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 995421278, Name = "Watching You", Image = ""}, new GestureInfo { Id = 3823341693, Name = "Rock Paper Scissors", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 722391486, Name = "Shush! (Vocal)", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 3712618926, Name = "No-no!", Image = "" }, new GestureInfo { Id = 1161511754, Name = "Knuckle Crack", Image = "" } }; public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ToJson()); } public class GestureInfo { public uint Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Image { get; set; } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new Configuration(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) throw new JsonException(); SaveConfig(); } catch { PrintWarning($"Configuration file {Name}.json is invalid; using defaults"); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(config); #endregion #region Hooks private void Init() { instance = this; permission.RegisterPermission(PERMS, this); } private void OnServerInitialized() { if (ImageLibrary == null || !ImageLibrary.IsLoaded) { PrintError("ImageLibrary is not loaded! Plugin has been disabled!"); Interface.Oxide.UnloadPlugin(Name); return; } AddCovalenceCommand(config.commands, nameof(RustGesturesCommand)); foreach (var gesture in config.gesturesList) { AddImage(gesture.Image, $"image_{gesture.Id}"); } } private void Unload() { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (player != null && player.IsConnected) { UIHelper.ClearUI(player); } } playerPages.Clear(); } #endregion #region Commands private void RustGesturesCommand(IPlayer iplayer, string command, string[] args) { var player = iplayer.Object as BasePlayer; if (player == null) return; if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PERMS)) { PrintToChat(player, "You don't have permissions to use this command!"); return; } if (!playerPages.ContainsKey(player.userID)) playerPages[player.userID] = 0; UIHelper.CreateUI(player); } [ConsoleCommand("rustgestures.previous")] private void PreviousPage(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) return; if (playerPages[player.userID] > 0) { playerPages[player.userID]--; UIHelper.CreateUI(player); } } [ConsoleCommand("")] private void NextPage(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) return; int currentPage = playerPages[player.userID]; int totalPages = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)config.gesturesList.Count / 3); if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) { playerPages[player.userID]++; UIHelper.CreateUI(player); } } [ConsoleCommand("rustgestures.exit")] private void ExitMenu(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) return; UIHelper.ClearUI(player); playerPages.Remove(player.userID); } [ConsoleCommand("")] private void SelectGestureCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null || arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length < 1) return; string selected = arg.Args[0]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selected)) return; if (uint.TryParse(selected, out uint gestureID)) { var gesture = config.gesturesList.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == gestureID); if (gesture == null) return; var gestureConfig = GestureCollection.Instance.AllGestures.FirstOrDefault((gs) => gs.gestureId == gesture.Id); if (gestureConfig == null) return; UIHelper.ClearUI(player); player.Server_StartGesture(gestureConfig, BasePlayer.GestureStartSource.Player, true); } } #endregion #region Helper #region UI public static class UIHelper { public static void CreateUI(BasePlayer player) { var container = new CuiElementContainer(); container.Add(new CuiPanel { CursorEnabled = true, Image = { Color = "0.1125 0.1125 0.1125 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-275 -190", OffsetMax = "275 190" } }, "Overlay", MAINPANELNAME); container.Add(new CuiElement { Name = "PanelTitle", Parent = MAINPANELNAME, Components = { new CuiTextComponent { Text = "Rust Gestures", Font = "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", FontSize = 30, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" }, new CuiOutlineComponent { Color = "0 0 0 1", Distance = "1 1" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0 0.85", AnchorMax = "1 1", } } }); if (instance.config.disablePages) { int gesturesPerRow = 4; float buttonWidth = 48f; float buttonHeight = 52f; float spacingX = 5f; float spacingY = 5f; float startX = -((gesturesPerRow * (buttonWidth + spacingX)) - spacingX) / 2f; float startY = 0.63f; for (int i = 0; i < instance.config.gesturesList.Count; i++) { int row = i / gesturesPerRow; int col = i % gesturesPerRow; float positionX = startX + col * (buttonWidth + spacingX); float positionY = startY - row * (buttonHeight + spacingY) / 250f; var gesture = instance.config.gesturesList[i]; AddButton(container, gesture, positionX, positionY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); } } else { int currentPage = playerPages[player.userID]; int totalPages = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)instance.config.gesturesList.Count / 3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int gestureIndex = currentPage * 3 + i; if (gestureIndex >= instance.config.gesturesList.Count) break; var gesture = instance.config.gesturesList[gestureIndex]; AddButton(container, gesture, i); } if (currentPage > 0) { container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"rustgestures.previous" }, Text = { Text = "<", Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 18, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0 0", AnchorMax = "0 0", OffsetMin = "0 18", OffsetMax = "60 58" } }, MAINPANELNAME, "PreviousButton"); } if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) { container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"" }, Text = { Text = ">", Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 18, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "1 0", AnchorMax = "1 0", OffsetMin = "-60 18", OffsetMax = "0 58" } }, MAINPANELNAME, "NextButton"); } } container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = "0.8 0 0 1", Command = $"rustgestures.exit" }, Text = { Text = "Exit", Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 15, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.5 {(instance.config.disablePages ? "-0.03" : "0")}", AnchorMax = $"0.5 {(instance.config.disablePages ? "-0.03" : "0")}", OffsetMin = "-45 18", OffsetMax = "45 58" } }, MAINPANELNAME, "ExitButton"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, MAINPANELNAME); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); } public static void AddButton(CuiElementContainer container, GestureInfo gesture, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) { container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = "0.1886792 0.1886792 0.1886792 1", Command = $" {gesture.Id}" }, Text = { Text = gesture.Name, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 12, Align = TextAnchor.LowerCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"{0.5f + posX / 275f} {posY}", AnchorMax = $"{0.5f + (posX + width) / 275f} {posY + height / 250f}" } }, MAINPANELNAME, $"Button_{gesture.Image}"); container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = $"Button_{gesture.Image}", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Png = instance.GetImage($"image_{gesture.Id}") }, new CuiOutlineComponent { Color = "0 0 0 0.5", Distance = "1 -1" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0.1 0.1", AnchorMax = "0.9 0.9" } } }); } public static void AddButton(CuiElementContainer container, GestureInfo gesture, int index) { float buttonWidth = 120f; float spacing = 20f; float startX = -buttonWidth * 1.5f - spacing; float positionX = startX + index * (buttonWidth + spacing); container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = "0.1886792 0.1886792 0.1886792 1", Command = $" {gesture.Id}" }, Text = { Text = gesture.Name, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 14, Align = TextAnchor.LowerCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"{0.5f + positionX / 550f} 0.34", AnchorMax = $"{0.5f + (positionX + buttonWidth) / 550f} 0.7" } }, MAINPANELNAME, $"Button_{gesture.Image}"); container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = $"Button_{gesture.Image}", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Png = instance.GetImage($"image_{gesture.Id}") }, new CuiOutlineComponent { Color = "0 0 0 0.5", Distance = "1 -1" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0 0.2", AnchorMax = "1 0.8" } } }); } public static void ClearUI(BasePlayer player) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, MAINPANELNAME); playerPages.Remove(player.userID); } } #endregion public string GetImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) { if (ImageLibrary == null || !ImageLibrary.IsLoaded) { PrintWarning("ImageLibrary is not loaded or has been unloaded."); return null; } return (string)ImageLibrary.Call("GetImage", shortname, skin); } public bool AddImage(string url, string shortname, ulong skin = 0) { if (ImageLibrary == null || !ImageLibrary.IsLoaded) { PrintWarning("ImageLibrary is not loaded or has been unloaded."); return false; } return (bool)ImageLibrary.Call("AddImage", url, shortname, skin); } #endregion } }