using Rust; using ConVar; using Network; using Oxide.Core; using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Realistic Igniter", "ArtiIOMI", "1.1.4")] [Description("You can now set fire to the fireplace using the flamethrower or torch.")] internal class RealisticIgniter : RustPlugin { void OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseOven entity, HitInfo info) { if(entity == null || info == null) return; if(!entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("campfire")) return; if(entity.IsOn()) return; if(entity == null) return; if(!entity.inventory.itemList.Exists(x => == "wood")) return; if(!info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Heat) && !info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Blunt)) return; if(info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Heat)){ entity.StartCooking(); info.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); }else{ if(info.WeaponPrefab == null) return; if((info.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Contains("torch.entity") && info.WeaponPrefab.IsOn())){ entity.StartCooking(); } info.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); } } } }