using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("PrivateHorse", "AhigaO#4485", "1.0.2")] internal class PrivateHorse : RustPlugin { #region Static private Configuration _config; private Dictionary data; #endregion #region Config private class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow the owner's allies to mount his horse")] public bool forTeam = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horse limit command")] public string hLimitCommand = "hlimit"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Command for claim horse")] public string claimCommand = "hclaim"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Command for unclaim horse")] public string unClaimCommand = "hrelease"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "SteamID for icon in chat messages")] public ulong iconID = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum number of horses that a player can brand(The player automatically gets the first permission)", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary maxHorses = new Dictionary { ["privatehorse.default"] = 2, [""] = 3, ["privatehorse.premium"] = 5 }; } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); if (_config == null) throw new Exception(); SaveConfig(); } catch { PrintError("Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_config); protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _config = new Configuration(); #endregion #region Data private void LoadData() { if (Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ExistsDatafile($"{Name}/data")) data = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject>( $"{Name}/data"); else data = new Dictionary(); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{Name}/data", data); } private void OnServerSave() { SaveData(); } private void SaveData() { if (data != null) Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{Name}/data", data); } #endregion #region OxideHooks private void OnServerInitialized() { cmd.AddChatCommand(_config.claimCommand,this, nameof(cmdChathclaim)); cmd.AddChatCommand(_config.unClaimCommand,this, nameof(cmdChathrelease)); cmd.AddChatCommand(_config.hLimitCommand, this, nameof(cmdChathlimit)); foreach (var check in _config.maxHorses) if (!permission.PermissionExists(check.Key)) permission.RegisterPermission(check.Key, this); LoadData(); } private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, _config.maxHorses.First().Key)) return; permission.GrantUserPermission(player.UserIDString, _config.maxHorses.First().Key, this); } private void Unload() { SaveData(); } private object OnHorseLead(RidableHorse horse, BasePlayer player) { if (!horse.IsValid() || player == null) return null; ulong id; if (!data.TryGetValue(, out id)) return null; if (player.userID == id) return null; if (_config.forTeam && player.Team != null && player.Team.members.Contains(id)) return null; return false; } private object CanMountEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseMountable entity) { if (player == null) return null; var horse = entity?.GetParentEntity() as RidableHorse; if (!horse.IsValid()) return null; ulong id; if (!data.TryGetValue(, out id)) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_NOOWNER", _config.claimCommand), _config.iconID); return null; } if (player.userID == id) return null; if (_config.forTeam && player.Team != null && player.Team.members.Contains(id)) return null; Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONLYOWNER"), _config.iconID); return false; } private void OnEntityDeath(RidableHorse horse, HitInfo info) { if (!horse.IsValid() || !data.ContainsKey( return; data.Remove(; } #endregion #region Commands private void cmdChathlimit(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_LIMIT", GetHorsesCount(player.userID).ToString(), GetMaxHorseCount(player.UserIDString).ToString()), _config.iconID); } private void cmdChathclaim(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { var mounted = player.GetMounted(); if (mounted == null) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } if (mounted.GetParentEntity() is not RidableHorse horse) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } if (!horse.IsValid()) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } var id =; if (data.ContainsKey(id)) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ALREADYHAVEOWNER"), _config.iconID); return; } if (GetHorsesCount(player.userID) >= GetMaxHorseCount(player.UserIDString)) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_LIMITISFULL"), _config.iconID); return; } data.Add(id, player.userID); Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_BECOMEAOWNER", _config.hLimitCommand), _config.iconID); } private void cmdChathrelease(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { var mounted = player.GetMounted(); if (mounted == null) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } if (mounted.GetParentEntity() is not RidableHorse horse) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } if (!horse.IsValid()) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } if (!horse.IsValid()) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_ONHORSE"), _config.iconID); return; } var id =; if (!data.ContainsKey(id)) { Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_NOTANOWNER"), _config.iconID); return; } data.Remove(id); Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, "CM_UNCLAIM"), _config.iconID); } #endregion #region Functions private int GetHorsesCount(ulong id) { var amount = 0; foreach (var check in data) if (check.Value == id) amount++; return amount; } private int GetMaxHorseCount(string id) { var max = 0; foreach (var check in _config.maxHorses) if (permission.UserHasPermission(id, check.Key)) max = check.Value; return max; } #endregion #region Language private string GetMsg(string player, string msg, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(msg, this, player), args); protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["CM_NOOWNER"] = "This horse has no owner. You can become the owner of this horse (Type /{0}).", ["CM_ONLYOWNER"] = "Only the owner of the horse can saddle it.", ["CM_ONHORSE"] = "You must be on a horse to use this command.", ["CM_LIMITISFULL"] = "Your horse limit is full", ["CM_BECOMEAOWNER"] = "You have successfully become the owner of this horse.(Type /{0} for informaton about your horse limit)", ["CM_NOTANOWNER"] = "You do not own this horse.", ["CM_UNCLAIM"] = "You set the horse free. She can now be branded by other players", ["CM_LIMIT"] = "Your horse limit: {0}/{1}", ["CM_ALREADYHAVEOWNER"] = "This horse already has an owner" }, this); } #endregion } }