using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Player Poop", "Kopter", "3.0.2")] [Description("Makes A Player Poop After Eating Food")] public class PlayerPoop : RustPlugin { #region Variables private int poopingProbability = 50; private const string horseDungShortname = "horsedung"; private const string ignorePermission = "playerpoop.ignore"; private const string canPoopPermission = "playerpoop.canpoop"; private const string splashEffect = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/water/midair_splash.prefab"; private const string screamSound = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/beartrap_scream.prefab"; private const string invisibleChairPrefab = "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/chair.invisible.static.prefab"; private readonly List spawnedChairs = new List { }; #endregion #region Oxide Hooks private void Init() { if (config.probabilityOfPooping < 1 || config.probabilityOfPooping > 100) Puts("The probability of pooping must be between 1 and 100! Loaded default value: 50!"); else poopingProbability = config.probabilityOfPooping; permission.RegisterPermission(ignorePermission, this); permission.RegisterPermission(canPoopPermission, this); } private void OnItemUse(Item item) { if (item == null || != ItemCategory.Food ||"seed") || Random.Range(0, 100) > poopingProbability) return; ItemContainer container = item.GetRootContainer(); if (container == null) return; BasePlayer player = container.GetOwnerPlayer(); if ( player == null || ((player.metabolism.calories.value != player.metabolism.calories.max) && config.maxFullBar) || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, ignorePermission) || (config.requiresPermission && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, canPoopPermission)) ) return; Item horseDung = ItemManager.CreateByName(horseDungShortname); if (horseDung == null) return; = "Human Poop"; if (config.playScreamSound) Effect.server.Run(screamSound, player.transform.position); if (config.splashWaterEffect &&"raw")) Effect.server.Run(splashEffect, player.transform.position); if (config.sitPlayer && !(player.isMounted || player.IsFlying || player.IsSwimming())) { BaseMountable invisibleChair = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(invisibleChairPrefab, player.transform.position, player.transform.rotation) as BaseMountable; if (invisibleChair != null) { invisibleChair.Spawn(); spawnedChairs.Add(invisibleChair); player.SetMounted(invisibleChair); timer.Once(3f, () => { spawnedChairs.Remove(invisibleChair); invisibleChair?.Kill(); }); } } if (FertilizePlanterBoxes(player) && !config.spawnPoopIfFertilized) return; horseDung.Drop(player.transform.position, player.GetDropVelocity()); } private void Unload() { foreach (var chair in spawnedChairs) chair?.Kill(); spawnedChairs.Clear(); } #endregion #region Methods private bool FertilizePlanterBoxes(BasePlayer player) { if (config.fertilizePlanterBoxes) { List entities = Pool.Get>(); Vis.Entities(player.transform.position, 0.1f, entities); foreach (BaseEntity entity in entities) { if (entity is PlanterBox) { PlanterBox planterBox = entity as PlanterBox; foreach (BaseEntity child in planterBox.children) { if (child != null) { GrowableEntity growableEntity = child as GrowableEntity; if (growableEntity != null) { growableEntity.Fertilize(); } } } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref entities); return true; } } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref entities); } return false; } #endregion #region Config private ConfigData config = new ConfigData(); private class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Requires Permission To Poop")] public bool requiresPermission = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Probability Of Pooping (1-100)")] public int probabilityOfPooping = 50; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Only Poop If The Food Bar Is Full")] public bool maxFullBar = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Sit Player When Pooping (3 Seconds)")] public bool sitPlayer = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Play Scream Sound When Pooping")] public bool playScreamSound = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Splash Water Effect When Pooping If Raw Food")] public bool splashWaterEffect = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fertilize Planter Boxes When Pooped On Top")] public bool fertilizePlanterBoxes = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn Poop Entity When Planter Boxes Are Fertilized")] public bool spawnPoopIfFertilized = false; } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) LoadDefaultConfig(); } catch { PrintError("Configuration file is corrupt, check your config file at!"); LoadDefaultConfig(); return; } SaveConfig(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new ConfigData(); protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(config); #endregion } }