using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System.Text; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("PayNow", "PayNow Services Inc", "0.0.10")] [Description("Official plugin for the store integration.")] internal class PayNow : CovalencePlugin { const string COMMAND_QUEUE_URL = ""; const string GS_LINK_URL = ""; PluginConfig _config; readonly Dictionary _headers = new Dictionary(); readonly CommandHistory _executedCommands = new CommandHistory(25); readonly StringBuilder _cachedStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); readonly List _successfulCommandsList = new List(1000); Timer _pendingCommandsTimer; #region Oxide [HookMethod("Loaded")] void Loaded() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.ApiToken)) PrintWarning("No API token set! Use the 'paynow.token ' command to set it."); UpdateHeaders(); } [HookMethod("OnServerInitialized")] void OnServerInitialized() => ValidateToken(); [Command("paynow.token")] void CommandToken(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!player.IsServer && !player.IsAdmin) return; if (args.Length != 1) { player.Reply("Usage: paynow.token "); return; } StopPendingCommandsLoop(); _config.ApiToken = args[0]; SaveConfig(); UpdateHeaders(); player.Reply("Successfully saved the PayNow API token! Attempting to validate it..."); ValidateToken(); } void ValidateToken() => LinkGameServer(StartPendingCommandsLoop); void StartPendingCommandsLoop() { if (_pendingCommandsTimer != null) return; Puts("Started checking for pending commands"); GetPendingCommands(); timer.Every(_config.ApiCheckIntervalSeconds, GetPendingCommands); } void StopPendingCommandsLoop() => timer.Destroy(ref _pendingCommandsTimer); #endregion #region WebRequests void LinkGameServer(Action continuationCallback) { // Don't make the API call if we don't have a token if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.ApiToken)) return; var data = new LinkGameServerRequest { Ip = server.Address + ":" + server.Port, Hostname = server.Name, Platform = game, Version = Version.ToString() }; try { // Make the API call webrequest.Enqueue(GS_LINK_URL, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data), (code, responseString) => HandleLinkGameServerResponse(code, responseString, continuationCallback), this, RequestMethod.POST, _headers); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintException("Failure initiate game server link request to PayNow, trying again in 5 seconds...", ex); timer.In(5, () => LinkGameServer(continuationCallback)); return; } } void HandleLinkGameServerResponse(int code, string responseString, Action continuationCallback) { // Check we are authorised to be here... if (code == 401 || code == 403) { PrintError("Failure linking game server to PayNow, invalid token supplied. Please update your token and try again"); return; } // Check if we got a valid response code.... if (code >= 500) { PrintWarning("Failure linking game server to PayNow, trying again in 5 seconds..."); timer.In(5, () => LinkGameServer(continuationCallback)); return; } LinkGameServerResponse response; try { response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseString); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintException("Failure whilst deserializing link game server response, trying again in 5 seconds...", ex); timer.In(5, () => LinkGameServer(continuationCallback)); return; } if (response == null) { PrintError("PayNow API returned a null link game server response, trying again in 5 seconds..."); timer.In(5, () => LinkGameServer(continuationCallback)); return; } if (response.UpdateAvailable) { Puts("Update available! latest version: {0}, current version: {1}", response.LatestVersion, Version.ToString()); } if (response.PreviouslyLinked != null) { PrintWarning("This token has been previously used on \"{0}\" ({1}), ensure you have removed this token from the previous server.", response.PreviouslyLinked.HostName, response.PreviouslyLinked.IP); } if (response.GameServer == null) { PrintError("PayNow API did not return a GameServer object, this may be a transient issue, please try again or contact support."); return; } Puts("Connected to PayNow using the token for \"{0}\" ({1}) successfully!", response.GameServer.Name, response.GameServer.Id); continuationCallback?.Invoke(); } void GetPendingCommands() { // Don't make the API call if we don't have a token if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.ApiToken)) return; try { // Make the API call webrequest.Enqueue(COMMAND_QUEUE_URL, BuildOnlinePlayersJson(), HandlePendingCommands, this, RequestMethod.POST, _headers); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintException("Failed retrieve get pending commands", ex); } } void HandlePendingCommands(int code, string response) { try { // Check if we got a valid response if (code != 200 || response == null) throw new Exception($"Server sent an invalid response: ({code}) ({response})"); // Deserialize the response QueuedCommand[] data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); if (data == null) throw new Exception($"Response deserialized to null: ({response})"); // Process the data ProcessPendingCommands(data); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintException("Failed handle pending commands", ex); } } void AcknowledgeCommands(List commandsIds) { // Check if we have any order ids to acknowledge if (commandsIds.Count == 0) return; try { // Make the API call to acknowledge the commands webrequest.Enqueue(COMMAND_QUEUE_URL, BuildAcknowledgeJson(commandsIds), HandleAcknowledgeCommands, this, RequestMethod.DELETE, _headers); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintException("Failed to acknowledge commands", ex); } } void HandleAcknowledgeCommands(int code, string response) { // Check if we got a valid response if (code >= 200 && code < 300) return; // Log an error if we didn't get a 204 response PrintError( $"Command acknowledgement resulted in an unexpected response code: ({code.ToString()}) ({response})"); } #endregion #region Command Processing void ProcessPendingCommands(QueuedCommand[] queuedCommands) { // Check if we got any data if (queuedCommands.Length == 0) return; _successfulCommandsList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < queuedCommands.Length; i++) { QueuedCommand command = queuedCommands[i]; // Make sure we don't execute the same command twice if (_executedCommands.Contains(command.AttemptId)) continue; try { if (command.OnlineOnly && players.Connected.All(x => x.Id != command.SteamId)) continue; // Try executing the command if (ExecuteCommand(command.Command)) { // Add the order id to the list of acknowledged orders _successfulCommandsList.Add(command.AttemptId); _executedCommands.Add(command.AttemptId); } else { // Log an error if the command failed PrintWarning($"Failed to run command {command.Command} ({command.AttemptId})!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Log an error if an exception occurs PrintException("Failed to execute command", ex); } } // Log the amount of commands we executed if (_config.LogCommandExecutions) Puts( $"Received {queuedCommands.Length.ToString()} and executed {_successfulCommandsList.Count.ToString()} commands!"); // Acknowledge the commands AcknowledgeCommands(_successfulCommandsList); } bool ExecuteCommand(string command) { // Run the command server.Command(command); // TODO: Fetch Command Response, currently not possible when using oxide covalence libraries return true; } #endregion #region Api DTOs [Serializable] public class QueuedCommand { [JsonProperty("attempt_id")] public string AttemptId; [JsonProperty("steam_id")] public string SteamId; [JsonProperty("command")] public string Command; [JsonProperty("online_only")] public bool OnlineOnly; [JsonProperty("queued_at")] public string QueuedAt; } [Serializable] public class LinkGameServerRequest { [JsonProperty("ip")] public string Ip; [JsonProperty("hostname")] public string Hostname; [JsonProperty("platform")] public string Platform; [JsonProperty("version")] public string Version; } [Serializable] public class LinkGameServerResponse { [JsonProperty("update_available")] public bool UpdateAvailable { get; set; } [JsonProperty("latest_version")] public string LatestVersion { get; set; } [JsonProperty("previously_linked")] public PreviouslyLinkedData PreviouslyLinked { get; set; } [JsonProperty("gameserver")] public GameServerData GameServer { get; set; } public class PreviouslyLinkedData { [JsonProperty("ip")] public string IP { get; set; } [JsonProperty("host_name")] public string HostName { get; set; } [JsonProperty("last_linked_at")] public DateTime LastLinkedAt { get; set; } } public class GameServerData { [JsonProperty("id")] public long Id { get; set; } [JsonProperty("store_id")] public long StoreId { get; set; } [JsonProperty("name")] public string Name { get; set; } [JsonProperty("created_at")] public DateTime? CreatedAt { get; set; } [JsonProperty("updated_at")] public DateTime? UpdatedAt { get; set; } } } #endregion #region Configuration [Serializable] class PluginConfig { [JsonProperty("API token")] public string ApiToken = string.Empty; [JsonProperty("Time between API checks in seconds")] public float ApiCheckIntervalSeconds = 10; [JsonProperty("Log command executions")] public bool LogCommandExecutions = true; // Backwards compatibility [JsonProperty("ApiToken")] public string OldApiToken { set { ApiToken = value; } } [JsonProperty("ApiCheckIntervalSeconds")] public float OldApiCheckIntervalSeconds { set { ApiCheckIntervalSeconds = value; } } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { _config = new PluginConfig(); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); _config = Config.ReadObject(); SaveConfig(); } protected override void SaveConfig() { Config.WriteObject(_config, true); } #endregion #region Helpers void UpdateHeaders() { _headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; _headers["Authorization"] = "Gameserver " + _config.ApiToken; } string BuildAcknowledgeJson(List orderIds) { _cachedStringBuilder.Clear(); // Json format [{"attempt_id": "123"}] _cachedStringBuilder.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < orderIds.Count; i++) { _cachedStringBuilder.Append("{\"attempt_id\": \""); _cachedStringBuilder.Append(orderIds[i]); _cachedStringBuilder.Append("\"}"); if (i < orderIds.Count - 1) { _cachedStringBuilder.Append(","); } } _cachedStringBuilder.Append("]"); return _cachedStringBuilder.ToString(); } string BuildOnlinePlayersJson() { _cachedStringBuilder.Clear(); // Json format {"steam_ids": ["123"]} _cachedStringBuilder.Append("{\"steam_ids\":["); var addedPlayers = false; foreach (var player in players.Connected) { addedPlayers = true; _cachedStringBuilder.Append("\""); _cachedStringBuilder.Append(player.Id); _cachedStringBuilder.Append("\""); _cachedStringBuilder.Append(","); } if (addedPlayers) _cachedStringBuilder.Remove(_cachedStringBuilder.Length - 1, 1); _cachedStringBuilder.Append("]}"); return _cachedStringBuilder.ToString(); } class CommandHistory { readonly Queue _queue; readonly int _capacity; public CommandHistory(int capacity) { _capacity = capacity; _queue = new Queue(capacity); } public void Add(string command) { if (_queue.Count >= _capacity) _queue.Dequeue(); _queue.Enqueue(command); } public bool Contains(string command) => _queue.Contains(command); } void PrintException(string message, Exception ex) => Interface.Oxide.LogException($"[{Title}] {message}", ex); #endregion } }