using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Outpost Respawn", "RIPJAWBONES", "1.0.2")] [Description("Allows players to respawn at Outpost or Bandit during death.")] public class OutpostRespawn : RustPlugin { #region Variables private Configuration configuration; private MonumentInfo outpostMonument; private MonumentInfo banditCampMonument; private Dictionary> playerCooldowns = new Dictionary>(); private Dictionary> playerUIUnlocks = new Dictionary>(); private readonly Dictionary<(ulong, string), SleepingBag> invisibleBags = new Dictionary<(ulong, string), SleepingBag>(); private readonly Dictionary bagLocations = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary> playerUIState = new Dictionary>(); private readonly List outpostO = new List { new Vector3(6.7235f, 0.0444f, 41.9094f), new Vector3(15.6741f, 0.0443f, -42.1317f), new Vector3(-24.2365f, 0.2488f, -9.2070f), new Vector3(-23.2494f, 0.0537f, -36.2637f), }; private readonly List outpostR = new List { new Vector3(0.7998979f, 182.3819f, 0.0f), new Vector3(1.6999058f, 271.2569f, 0.0f), new Vector3(1.8124722f, 88.7819f, 0.0f), new Vector3(2.3749706f, 54.6948f, 0.0f), }; private readonly List banditO = new List { new Vector3(63.3794f, 2.0065f, -46.4379f), new Vector3(53.4470f, 2.4929f, 63.9125f), new Vector3(-5.3252f, 2.9515f, -76.1143f), new Vector3(52.6162f, 2.4362f, 63.1438f), }; private readonly List banditR = new List { new Vector3(0.4624849f, 314.457458f, 0.0f), new Vector3(3.9499995f, 230.532516f, 0.0f), new Vector3(1.2500077f, 345.5074f, 0.0f), new Vector3(1.1249817f, 233.10228f, 0.0f), }; private const float OFFSET_FACTOR = 0.01f; #endregion #region Configuration public class Configuration { [JsonProperty("Options")] public OptionsConfig Options { get; set; } = new OptionsConfig(); [JsonProperty("Outpost")] public OutpostConfig Outpost { get; set; } = new OutpostConfig(); [JsonProperty("Bandit Camp")] public BanditCampConfig BanditCamp { get; set; } = new BanditCampConfig(); } public class OptionsConfig { [JsonProperty("Enable Sleeping Bags (Disables UI)")] public bool EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty("Enable Permissions")] public bool EnablePermissions { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Enable Outpost")] public bool EnableOutpost { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Enable Bandit")] public bool EnableBandit { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Enable Cooldown")] public bool EnableCooldown { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Enable Auto Wake Up")] public bool EnableAutoWakeUp { get; set; } = true; } public class OutpostConfig { [JsonProperty("Use Permission")] public bool UsePermission { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Cooldown")] public float Cooldown { get; set; } = 300f; [JsonProperty("Unlock Timer")] public float UnlockTimer { get; set; } = 0.0f; [JsonProperty("Remove Hostility")] public bool RemoveHostile { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Use Auto Wake Up")] public bool UseAutoWakeUp { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Outpost UI Settings")] public OutpostUISettings OutpostUISettings { get; set; } = new OutpostUISettings(); [JsonProperty("Outpost Sleeping Bag Settings")] public OutpostSleepingBagSettings OutpostSleepingBagSettings { get; set; } = new OutpostSleepingBagSettings(); } public class OutpostUISettings { [JsonProperty("Button Title Text")] public string ButtonTitleText { get; set; } = "Outpost"; [JsonProperty("Button Respawn Text")] public string ButtonRespawnText { get; set; } = "RESPAWN »"; [JsonProperty("Button Cooldown Text")] public string ButtonCooldownText { get; set; } = "COOLDOWN!"; [JsonProperty("Button Color")] public string ButtonColor { get; set; } = "0.34 0.39 0.21 0.8"; [JsonProperty("Button UI Image URL")] public string ButtonUIImageURL { get; set; } = ""; [JsonProperty("Button UI Size")] public float ButtonUISize { get; set; } = 1.0f; [JsonProperty("Button Horizontal Offset")] public float ButtonHorizontalOffset { get; set; } = 0.0f; [JsonProperty("Button Vertical Offset")] public float ButtonVerticalOffset { get; set; } = 0.0f; } public class OutpostSleepingBagSettings { [JsonProperty("Sleeping Bag Name")] public string SleepingBagName { get; set; } = "Outpost"; [JsonProperty("Bag Location Cycle")] public bool BagLocationCycle { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty("Respawn At Sleeping Bag")] public bool RespawnAtBag { get; set; } = false; } public class BanditCampConfig { [JsonProperty("Use Permission")] public bool UsePermission { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Cooldown")] public float Cooldown { get; set; } = 300f; [JsonProperty("Unlock Timer")] public float UnlockTimer { get; set; } = 0.0f; [JsonProperty("Remove Hostility")] public bool RemoveHostile { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Use Auto Wake Up")] public bool UseAutoWakeUp { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty("Bandit Camp UI Settings")] public BanditCampUISettings BanditCampUISettings { get; set; } = new BanditCampUISettings(); [JsonProperty("Bandit Camp Sleeping Bag Settings")] public BanditCampSleepingBagSettings BanditCampSleepingBagSettings { get; set; } = new BanditCampSleepingBagSettings(); } public class BanditCampUISettings { [JsonProperty("Button Title Text")] public string ButtonTitleText { get; set; } = "Bandit Camp"; [JsonProperty("Button Respawn Text")] public string ButtonRespawnText { get; set; } = "RESPAWN »"; [JsonProperty("Button Cooldown Text")] public string ButtonCooldownText { get; set; } = "COOLDOWN!"; [JsonProperty("Button Color")] public string ButtonColor { get; set; } = "0.34 0.39 0.21 0.8"; [JsonProperty("Button UI Image URL")] public string ButtonUIImageURL { get; set; } = ""; [JsonProperty("Button UI Size")] public float ButtonUISize { get; set; } = 1.0f; [JsonProperty("Button Horizontal Offset")] public float ButtonHorizontalOffset { get; set; } = 0.0f; [JsonProperty("Button Vertical Offset")] public float ButtonVerticalOffset { get; set; } = 0.0f; } public class BanditCampSleepingBagSettings { [JsonProperty("Sleeping Bag Name")] public string SleepingBagName { get; set; } = "Bandit Camp"; [JsonProperty("Bag Location Cycle")] public bool BagLocationCycle { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty("Respawn At Sleeping Bag")] public bool RespawnAtBag { get; set; } = false; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { configuration = new Configuration { Options = new OptionsConfig { EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI = false, EnablePermissions = true, EnableOutpost = true, EnableBandit = true, EnableCooldown = true, EnableAutoWakeUp = true }, Outpost = new OutpostConfig { UsePermission = true, Cooldown = 300.0f, UnlockTimer = 0.0f, RemoveHostile = true, UseAutoWakeUp = true, OutpostUISettings = new OutpostUISettings { ButtonTitleText = "Outpost", ButtonRespawnText = "RESPAWN »", ButtonCooldownText = "COOLDOWN!", ButtonColor = "0.34 0.39 0.21 0.8", ButtonUIImageURL = "", ButtonUISize = 1.0f, ButtonHorizontalOffset = 0.0f, ButtonVerticalOffset = 0.0f }, OutpostSleepingBagSettings = new OutpostSleepingBagSettings { SleepingBagName = "Outpost", BagLocationCycle = false, RespawnAtBag = false } }, BanditCamp = new BanditCampConfig { UsePermission = true, Cooldown = 300.0f, UnlockTimer = 0.0f, RemoveHostile = true, UseAutoWakeUp = true, BanditCampUISettings = new BanditCampUISettings { ButtonTitleText = "Bandit Camp", ButtonRespawnText = "RESPAWN »", ButtonCooldownText = "COOLDOWN!", ButtonColor = "0.34 0.39 0.21 0.8", ButtonUIImageURL = "", ButtonUISize = 1.0f, ButtonHorizontalOffset = 0.0f, ButtonVerticalOffset = 0.0f }, BanditCampSleepingBagSettings = new BanditCampSleepingBagSettings { SleepingBagName = "Bandit Camp", BagLocationCycle = false, RespawnAtBag = false } } }; SaveConfig(); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { configuration = Config.ReadObject(); if (configuration == null) throw new Exception("Config was null after reading."); } catch { LoadDefaultConfig(); } SaveConfig(); } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(configuration); #endregion #region Initialization private void OnServerInitialized() { LoadConfig(); RegisterPermissions(); AttemptMonumentDetection(); if (configuration.Options.EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI) { foreach (var p in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { RemoveOldBagsForPlayer(p); CreateOrRelocateBagsForPlayer(p); } } else { foreach (var p in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { StartUILocksForPlayer(p); if (p.IsDead()) { timer.Once(2f, () => { ShowMonumentUI(p); }); } } } } private void AttemptMonumentDetection() { if (configuration.Options.EnableOutpost) { outpostMonument = FindMonumentByName("outpost"); if (outpostMonument == null) { PrintWarning("Outpost has not been found and has been disabled."); configuration.Options.EnableOutpost = false; } } if (configuration.Options.EnableBandit) { banditCampMonument = FindMonumentByName("bandit camp"); if (banditCampMonument == null) { PrintWarning("Banditcamp has not been found and has been disabled."); configuration.Options.EnableBandit = false; } } } private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) { if (configuration.Options.EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI) { CreateOrRelocateBagsForPlayer(player); } else { StartUILocksForPlayer(player); if (player.IsDead()) { timer.Once(2f, () => { if (player.IsDead()) ShowMonumentUI(player); }); } } } private void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) { if (configuration.Options.EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI) { RandomizeBagsForPlayer(player); } else { timer.Once(4f, () => { if (player.IsDead()) ShowMonumentUI(player); }); } } private void OnPlayerRespawned(BasePlayer player) { RemoveRespawnButtonUI(player); if (configuration.Options.EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI) { var usedBag = FindRecentlyUsedBag(player); if (usedBag != null && bagLocations.ContainsKey(usedBag)) { string locationKey = bagLocations[usedBag]; bool respawnAtBag = locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? configuration.Outpost.OutpostSleepingBagSettings.RespawnAtBag : configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampSleepingBagSettings.RespawnAtBag; if (!respawnAtBag) { TeleportToRandomLocation(player, locationKey); } ApplyRespawnSettings(player, locationKey); } } NextTick(() => { if (player != null && player.IsConnected && !player.IsSleeping()) { player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, false); player.UpdateNetworkGroup(); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); player.ClearEntityQueue(); player.SendFullSnapshot(); } }); } private SleepingBag FindRecentlyUsedBag(BasePlayer player, float maxDistance = 3f) { SleepingBag bestBag = null; float bestDist = float.MaxValue; Vector3 pPos = player.transform.position; foreach (var kvp in invisibleBags) { var (userID, bagLocationKey) = kvp.Key; var bagEntity = kvp.Value; if (userID != player.userID || bagEntity == null || bagEntity.IsDestroyed) continue; float dist = Vector3.Distance(pPos, bagEntity.transform.position); if (dist < bestDist && dist <= maxDistance) { bestDist = dist; bestBag = bagEntity; } } return bestBag; } private void RegisterPermissions() { if (!configuration.Options.EnablePermissions) return; if (!permission.PermissionExists("outpostrespawn.outpost")) permission.RegisterPermission("outpostrespawn.outpost", this); if (!permission.PermissionExists("outpostrespawn.bandit")) permission.RegisterPermission("outpostrespawn.bandit", this); } #endregion #region Sleeping Bags private void CreateOrRelocateBagsForPlayer(BasePlayer player) { if (configuration.Options.EnableOutpost && outpostMonument != null) { if (configuration.Options.EnablePermissions && configuration.Outpost.UsePermission) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "outpostrespawn.outpost")) CreateOrRelocateBag(player, "Outpost"); } else { CreateOrRelocateBag(player, "Outpost"); } } if (configuration.Options.EnableBandit && banditCampMonument != null) { if (configuration.Options.EnablePermissions && configuration.BanditCamp.UsePermission) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "outpostrespawn.bandit")) CreateOrRelocateBag(player, "BanditCamp"); } else { CreateOrRelocateBag(player, "BanditCamp"); } } } private void RandomizeBagsForPlayer(BasePlayer player) { foreach (var locationKey in new[] { "Outpost", "BanditCamp" }) { var tupleKey = (player.userID, locationKey); if (!invisibleBags.ContainsKey(tupleKey)) continue; bool bagLocationRotation = locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? configuration.Outpost.OutpostSleepingBagSettings.BagLocationCycle : configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampSleepingBagSettings.BagLocationCycle; bool allowOutpost = (locationKey == "Outpost" && configuration.Options.EnableOutpost); bool allowBandit = (locationKey == "BanditCamp" && configuration.Options.EnableBandit); if ((allowOutpost || allowBandit) && bagLocationRotation) { RelocateBag(invisibleBags[tupleKey], locationKey); } } } private void CreateOrRelocateBag(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { var tupleKey = (player.userID, locationKey); if (!invisibleBags.ContainsKey(tupleKey)) { var newBag = CreateNewBag(player, locationKey); if (newBag != null) { invisibleBags[tupleKey] = newBag; } } else { RelocateBag(invisibleBags[tupleKey], locationKey); } } private SleepingBag CreateNewBag(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { var data = GetMonumentSetup(locationKey); if (data == null) return null; MonumentInfo monumentRef = data.Item1; List spawnList = data.Item2; List rotList = data.Item3; if (monumentRef == null || spawnList.Count == 0) return null; int idx = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, spawnList.Count); Vector3 localPos = spawnList[idx]; Quaternion localRot = Quaternion.Euler(rotList[idx]); Vector3 spawnPos = monumentRef.transform.TransformPoint(localPos); spawnPos = GetGroundPosition(spawnPos); Quaternion spawnRot = monumentRef.transform.rotation * localRot; const string bagPrefab = "assets/prefabs/deployable/sleeping bag/sleepingbag_leather_deployed.prefab"; var bag = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(bagPrefab, spawnPos, spawnRot) as SleepingBag; if (bag == null) return null; bag.RespawnType = ProtoBuf.RespawnInformation.SpawnOptions.RespawnType.Bed; bag.deployerUserID = player.userID; bag.OwnerID = player.userID; if (locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var outCfg = configuration.Outpost; bag.niceName = outCfg.OutpostSleepingBagSettings.SleepingBagName; if (!configuration.Options.EnableCooldown) { bag.unlockTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0f; bag.secondsBetweenReuses = 0f; } else { bag.unlockTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + outCfg.UnlockTimer; bag.secondsBetweenReuses = outCfg.Cooldown; } } else { var banditCfg = configuration.BanditCamp; bag.niceName = banditCfg.BanditCampSleepingBagSettings.SleepingBagName; if (!configuration.Options.EnableCooldown) { bag.unlockTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0f; bag.secondsBetweenReuses = 0f; } else { bag.unlockTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + banditCfg.UnlockTimer; bag.secondsBetweenReuses = banditCfg.Cooldown; } } bag.Spawn(); bag.limitNetworking = true; bag.EnableSaving(false); bag.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); foreach (var collider in bag.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { collider.enabled = false; } if (!SleepingBag.sleepingBags.Contains(bag)) { SleepingBag.sleepingBags.Add(bag); } bagLocations[bag] = locationKey; NextTick(() => { if (player != null && player.IsConnected) { player.SendRespawnOptions(); } }); return bag; } private void RelocateBag(SleepingBag bag, string locationKey) { if (bag == null || == null) return; var data = GetMonumentSetup(locationKey); if (data == null) return; MonumentInfo monumentRef = data.Item1; List spawnList = data.Item2; List rotList = data.Item3; if (monumentRef == null || spawnList.Count == 0) return; int idx = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, spawnList.Count); Vector3 localPos = spawnList[idx]; Quaternion localRot = Quaternion.Euler(rotList[idx]); Vector3 spawnPos = monumentRef.transform.TransformPoint(localPos); spawnPos = GetGroundPosition(spawnPos); Quaternion spawnRot = monumentRef.transform.rotation * localRot; bag.transform.position = spawnPos; bag.transform.rotation = spawnRot; } private void RemoveOldBagsForPlayer(BasePlayer player) { foreach (var locKey in new[] { "Outpost", "BanditCamp" }) { var tupleKey = (player.userID, locKey); if (!invisibleBags.ContainsKey(tupleKey)) continue; var existingBag = invisibleBags[tupleKey]; if (existingBag != null && !existingBag.IsDestroyed) { if (SleepingBag.sleepingBags.Contains(existingBag)) SleepingBag.sleepingBags.Remove(existingBag); if (bagLocations.ContainsKey(existingBag)) bagLocations.Remove(existingBag); existingBag.Kill(); } invisibleBags.Remove(tupleKey); } } private Tuple, List> GetMonumentSetup(string locationKey) { if (locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new Tuple, List>(outpostMonument, outpostO, outpostR); } else if (locationKey.Equals("BanditCamp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new Tuple, List>(banditCampMonument, banditO, banditR); } return null; } #endregion #region UI Management private void HandleRespawn(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { var data = GetMonumentSetup(locationKey); if (data == null) { player.ChatMessage($"No in-game Monument found for {locationKey}. Cannot respawn there."); return; } MonumentInfo monumentRef = data.Item1; List spawnList = data.Item2; List rotList = data.Item3; if (monumentRef == null || spawnList.Count == 0) return; int idx = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, spawnList.Count); Vector3 localPos = spawnList[idx]; Quaternion localRot = Quaternion.Euler(rotList[idx]); Vector3 globalPos = monumentRef.transform.TransformPoint(localPos); globalPos = GetGroundPosition(globalPos); Quaternion globalRot = monumentRef.transform.rotation * localRot; if (!configuration.Options.EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI) { player.RespawnAt(globalPos, globalRot); } else { player.RespawnAt(globalPos, Quaternion.identity); } NextTick(() => ApplyRespawnSettings(player, locationKey)); } private void ApplyRespawnSettings(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { bool removeHostile; bool autoWakeUp; if (locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { removeHostile = configuration.Outpost.RemoveHostile; autoWakeUp = configuration.Outpost.UseAutoWakeUp; } else { removeHostile = configuration.BanditCamp.RemoveHostile; autoWakeUp = configuration.BanditCamp.UseAutoWakeUp; } if (configuration.Options.EnableAutoWakeUp && autoWakeUp) { timer.Once(3f, () => player.EndSleeping()); } if (removeHostile && player.IsHostile()) { player.State.unHostileTimestamp = 0.0f; player.DirtyPlayerState(); } } private void ShowMonumentUI(BasePlayer player) { if (configuration.Options.EnableSleepingBagsDisablesUI) return; if (!player.IsDead()) { RemoveRespawnButtonUI(player); return; } var validChoices = new List(); if (configuration.Options.EnableOutpost && outpostMonument != null) { if (configuration.Options.EnablePermissions && configuration.Outpost.UsePermission) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "outpostrespawn.outpost")) { validChoices.Add("Outpost"); } } else { validChoices.Add("Outpost"); } } if (configuration.Options.EnableBandit && banditCampMonument != null) { if (configuration.Options.EnablePermissions && configuration.BanditCamp.UsePermission) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "outpostrespawn.bandit")) { validChoices.Add("BanditCamp"); } } else { validChoices.Add("BanditCamp"); } } if (validChoices.Count == 0) return; RemoveRespawnButtonUI(player); if (validChoices.Count == 1) { AddRespawnButtonUI(player, validChoices[0], singleButton: true, leftSide: true); } else { AddRespawnButtonUI(player, validChoices[0], singleButton: false, leftSide: true); AddRespawnButtonUI(player, validChoices[1], singleButton: false, leftSide: false); } } private void AdjustAnchorsForScale(ref string anchorMin, ref string anchorMax, float scale) { var minParts = anchorMin.Split(' '); var maxParts = anchorMax.Split(' '); float minX = float.Parse(minParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float minY = float.Parse(minParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float maxX = float.Parse(maxParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float maxY = float.Parse(maxParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float centerX = (minX + maxX) * 0.5f; float centerY = (minY + maxY) * 0.5f; float sizeX = maxX - minX; float sizeY = maxY - minY; sizeX *= scale; sizeY *= scale; float halfX = sizeX / 2f; float halfY = sizeY / 2f; anchorMin = $"{(centerX - halfX).ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {(centerY - halfY).ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; anchorMax = $"{(centerX + halfX).ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {(centerY + halfY).ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; } private void AdjustImageAnchorsRelative( ref string imageAnchorMin, ref string imageAnchorMax, string origButtonMin, string origButtonMax, string newButtonMin, string newButtonMax) { var obMinParts = origButtonMin.Split(' '); var obMaxParts = origButtonMax.Split(' '); float obMinX = float.Parse(obMinParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float obMinY = float.Parse(obMinParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float obMaxX = float.Parse(obMaxParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float obMaxY = float.Parse(obMaxParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var oiMinParts = imageAnchorMin.Split(' '); var oiMaxParts = imageAnchorMax.Split(' '); float oiMinX = float.Parse(oiMinParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float oiMinY = float.Parse(oiMinParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float oiMaxX = float.Parse(oiMaxParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float oiMaxY = float.Parse(oiMaxParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var nbMinParts = newButtonMin.Split(' '); var nbMaxParts = newButtonMax.Split(' '); float nbMinX = float.Parse(nbMinParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float nbMinY = float.Parse(nbMinParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float nbMaxX = float.Parse(nbMaxParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float nbMaxY = float.Parse(nbMaxParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float obSizeX = obMaxX - obMinX; float obSizeY = obMaxY - obMinY; float nbSizeX = nbMaxX - nbMinX; float nbSizeY = nbMaxY - nbMinY; float fracMinX = (oiMinX - obMinX) / obSizeX; float fracMinY = (oiMinY - obMinY) / obSizeY; float fracMaxX = (oiMaxX - obMinX) / obSizeX; float fracMaxY = (oiMaxY - obMinY) / obSizeY; float newIMinX = nbMinX + fracMinX * nbSizeX; float newIMinY = nbMinY + fracMinY * nbSizeY; float newIMaxX = nbMinX + fracMaxX * nbSizeX; float newIMaxY = nbMinY + fracMaxY * nbSizeY; imageAnchorMin = $"{newIMinX.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {newIMinY.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; imageAnchorMax = $"{newIMaxX.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {newIMaxY.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; } private void ApplyOffsets(ref string anchorMin, ref string anchorMax, float offsetX, float offsetY) { float xAnchorOffset = offsetX * OFFSET_FACTOR; float yAnchorOffset = offsetY * OFFSET_FACTOR; var minParts = anchorMin.Split(' '); var maxParts = anchorMax.Split(' '); float minX = float.Parse(minParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float minY = float.Parse(minParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float maxX = float.Parse(maxParts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); float maxY = float.Parse(maxParts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); minX += xAnchorOffset; maxX += xAnchorOffset; minY += yAnchorOffset; maxY += yAnchorOffset; anchorMin = $"{minX.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {minY.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; anchorMax = $"{maxX.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {maxY.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; } private void AddRespawnButtonUI(BasePlayer player, string locationKey, bool singleButton, bool leftSide) { if (!player.IsDead()) return; bool isUILocked = IsUILockActive(player.userID, locationKey); bool isOnCooldown = configuration.Options.EnableCooldown && IsCooldownActive(player.userID, locationKey); string buttonName = $"monumentrespawnbutton_{locationKey}_{(leftSide ? "left" : "right")}"; string imageName = $"monumentrespawnguiimg_{locationKey}_{(leftSide ? "left" : "right")}"; var container = new CuiElementContainer(); string command = (isOnCooldown || isUILocked) ? "" : $"monumentrespawnui2_respawn {player.userID} {locationKey}"; string closeString = (isOnCooldown || isUILocked) ? "" : buttonName; string truncatedName, buttonColor, buttonRespawnText, buttonCooldownText, buttonUIImage; float buttonUISize, horizontalOffset, verticalOffset; if (locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { truncatedName = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonTitleText; buttonColor = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonColor; buttonRespawnText = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonRespawnText; buttonCooldownText= configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonCooldownText; buttonUIImage = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonUIImageURL; buttonUISize = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonUISize; horizontalOffset = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonHorizontalOffset; verticalOffset = configuration.Outpost.OutpostUISettings.ButtonVerticalOffset; } else { truncatedName = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonTitleText; buttonColor = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonColor; buttonRespawnText = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonRespawnText; buttonCooldownText= configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonCooldownText; buttonUIImage = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonUIImageURL; buttonUISize = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonUISize; horizontalOffset = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonHorizontalOffset; verticalOffset = configuration.BanditCamp.BanditCampUISettings.ButtonVerticalOffset; } string origButtonAnchorMin, origButtonAnchorMax; string origImageAnchorMin, origImageAnchorMax; if (singleButton) { origButtonAnchorMin = "0.40 0.16"; origButtonAnchorMax = "0.59 0.26"; origImageAnchorMin = "0.41 0.17"; origImageAnchorMax = "0.46 0.25"; } else if (leftSide) { origButtonAnchorMin = "0.25 0.16"; origButtonAnchorMax = "0.44 0.26"; origImageAnchorMin = "0.26 0.17"; origImageAnchorMax = "0.31 0.25"; } else { origButtonAnchorMin = "0.56 0.16"; origButtonAnchorMax = "0.75 0.26"; origImageAnchorMin = "0.57 0.17"; origImageAnchorMax = "0.62 0.25"; } string newButtonAnchorMin = origButtonAnchorMin; string newButtonAnchorMax = origButtonAnchorMax; string newImageAnchorMin = origImageAnchorMin; string newImageAnchorMax = origImageAnchorMax; AdjustAnchorsForScale(ref newButtonAnchorMin, ref newButtonAnchorMax, buttonUISize); AdjustImageAnchorsRelative(ref newImageAnchorMin, ref newImageAnchorMax, origButtonAnchorMin, origButtonAnchorMax, newButtonAnchorMin, newButtonAnchorMax); ApplyOffsets(ref newButtonAnchorMin, ref newButtonAnchorMax, horizontalOffset, verticalOffset); ApplyOffsets(ref newImageAnchorMin, ref newImageAnchorMax, horizontalOffset, verticalOffset); int baseFontSize = 20; float scaleFactor = buttonUISize; int scaledFontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(baseFontSize * scaleFactor); int scaledHeadlineSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(24 * scaleFactor); string colorString = buttonColor; string textString; if (isUILocked) { colorString = "0.8 0.34 0.34 0.8"; textString = $" {truncatedName.ToUpper()} \n" + $" {buttonCooldownText}"; } else if (isOnCooldown) { colorString = "0.8 0.34 0.34 0.8"; float remainingTime = GetRemainingCooldown(player.userID, locationKey); textString = $" {truncatedName.ToUpper()} \n" + $" {buttonCooldownText} ({remainingTime:F1}s)"; } else { textString = $" {truncatedName.ToUpper()} \n" + $" {buttonRespawnText}"; } container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = command, Color = colorString, Close = closeString }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = newButtonAnchorMin, AnchorMax = newButtonAnchorMax }, Text = { Text = textString, FontSize = scaledFontSize, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" } }, "Overlay", buttonName); container.Add(new CuiElement { Name = imageName, Parent = "Overlay", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Color = "1 1 1 1", Url = buttonUIImage, Sprite= "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = newImageAnchorMin, AnchorMax = newImageAnchorMax } } }); if (!playerUIState.ContainsKey(player.userID)) playerUIState[player.userID] = new Dictionary(); playerUIState[player.userID][locationKey] = (singleButton, leftSide); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); } private void RemoveSingleButtonUI(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { foreach (var side in new[] { "left", "right" }) { string buttonName = $"monumentrespawnbutton_{locationKey}_{side}"; string imageName = $"monumentrespawnguiimg_{locationKey}_{side}"; CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, buttonName); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, imageName); } } private void RefreshSingleButtonUI(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { if (!player.IsDead()) return; if (!playerUIState.TryGetValue(player.userID, out var locationDict)) return; if (!locationDict.TryGetValue(locationKey, out var info)) return; RemoveSingleButtonUI(player, locationKey); AddRespawnButtonUI(player, locationKey, info.singleButton, info.leftSide); } private void RemoveRespawnButtonUI(BasePlayer player) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "monumentrespawnbutton"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "monumentrespawnguiimg"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "monumentrespawncooldownoverlay"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "cooldownUI"); foreach (var locationKey in new[] { "Outpost", "BanditCamp" }) { foreach (var side in new[] { "left", "right" }) { var buttonName = $"monumentrespawnbutton_{locationKey}_{side}"; var imageName = $"monumentrespawnguiimg_{locationKey}_{side}"; var overlayName = $"monumentrespawncooldownoverlay_{locationKey}_{side}"; var panelName = $"cooldownUI_{overlayName}"; CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, buttonName); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, imageName); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, overlayName); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, panelName); } } } [ConsoleCommand("monumentrespawnui2_respawn")] private void CmdRespawn(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length < 2) return; var p = BasePlayer.FindByID(Convert.ToUInt64(arg.Args[0])); if (p == null || !p.IsDead()) return; string locationKey = arg.Args[1]; if (IsUILockActive(p.userID, locationKey)) { p.ChatMessage("You must wait for the UI unlock timer to finish (no time displayed)."); return; } if (configuration.Options.EnableCooldown && IsCooldownActive(p.userID, locationKey)) { if (playerCooldowns.TryGetValue(p.userID, out var locationCooldowns) && locationCooldowns.TryGetValue(locationKey, out float expiryTime)) { float remaining = expiryTime - Time.time; p.ChatMessage($"You are still on cooldown for {locationKey} ({remaining:F1}s)."); } else { p.ChatMessage($"You are still on cooldown for {locationKey}."); } return; } HandleRespawn(p, locationKey); if (locationKey.Equals("Outpost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (configuration.Outpost.Cooldown > 0f && configuration.Options.EnableCooldown) { StartCooldown(p.userID, locationKey, configuration.Outpost.Cooldown, p); } } else { if (configuration.BanditCamp.Cooldown > 0f && configuration.Options.EnableCooldown) { StartCooldown(p.userID, locationKey, configuration.BanditCamp.Cooldown, p); } } NextTick(() => RemoveRespawnButtonUI(p)); } #endregion #region Cooldown private bool IsCooldownActive(ulong playerID, string locationKey) { if (!configuration.Options.EnableCooldown) return false; if (!playerCooldowns.ContainsKey(playerID)) return false; if (!playerCooldowns[playerID].ContainsKey(locationKey)) return false; float expiryTime = playerCooldowns[playerID][locationKey]; float currentTime = Time.time; return currentTime < expiryTime; } private float GetRemainingCooldown(ulong playerID, string locationKey) { if (!playerCooldowns.ContainsKey(playerID) || !playerCooldowns[playerID].ContainsKey(locationKey)) return 0f; return Math.Max(0f, playerCooldowns[playerID][locationKey] - Time.time); } private void StartCooldown(ulong playerID, string locationKey, float duration, BasePlayer player = null) { if (!configuration.Options.EnableCooldown) return; if (!playerCooldowns.ContainsKey(playerID)) playerCooldowns[playerID] = new Dictionary(); float exactExpiryTime = Time.time + duration; playerCooldowns[playerID][locationKey] = exactExpiryTime; if (player != null) { timer.Once(duration, () => { if (player != null && player.IsConnected) { if (playerCooldowns.ContainsKey(playerID) && playerCooldowns[playerID].ContainsKey(locationKey) && Math.Abs(playerCooldowns[playerID][locationKey] - exactExpiryTime) < 0.001f) { playerCooldowns[playerID].Remove(locationKey); if (player.IsDead()) { RefreshSingleButtonUI(player, locationKey); } } } }); } } #endregion #region Unlock Timer private bool IsUILockActive(ulong playerID, string locationKey) { if (!playerUIUnlocks.ContainsKey(playerID)) return false; if (!playerUIUnlocks[playerID].ContainsKey(locationKey)) return false; float unlockTime = playerUIUnlocks[playerID][locationKey]; return Time.time < unlockTime; } private float GetUILockRemainingTime(ulong playerID, string locationKey) { if (!playerUIUnlocks.ContainsKey(playerID)) return 0f; if (!playerUIUnlocks[playerID].ContainsKey(locationKey)) return 0f; float unlockTime = playerUIUnlocks[playerID][locationKey]; return Math.Max(0f, unlockTime - Time.time); } private void StartUILock(ulong playerID, string locationKey, float duration, BasePlayer player = null) { if (duration <= 0f) return; if (!playerUIUnlocks.ContainsKey(playerID)) playerUIUnlocks[playerID] = new Dictionary(); float exactUnlockTime = Time.time + duration; playerUIUnlocks[playerID][locationKey] = exactUnlockTime; if (player != null) { timer.Once(duration, () => { if (player != null && player.IsConnected && player.IsDead()) { if (playerUIUnlocks.ContainsKey(playerID) && playerUIUnlocks[playerID].ContainsKey(locationKey) && Math.Abs(playerUIUnlocks[playerID][locationKey] - exactUnlockTime) < 0.001f) { playerUIUnlocks[playerID].Remove(locationKey); ShowMonumentUI(player); } } }); } } private void StartUILocksForPlayer(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null) return; bool canOutpost = configuration.Options.EnableOutpost && outpostMonument != null; bool canBandit = configuration.Options.EnableBandit && banditCampMonument != null; if (canOutpost) { bool hasOutpostPerm = (!configuration.Options.EnablePermissions || !configuration.Outpost.UsePermission) || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "outpostrespawn.outpost"); if (hasOutpostPerm) { StartUILock(player.userID, "Outpost", configuration.Outpost.UnlockTimer, player); } } if (canBandit) { bool hasBanditPerm = (!configuration.Options.EnablePermissions || !configuration.BanditCamp.UsePermission) || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "outpostrespawn.bandit"); if (hasBanditPerm) { StartUILock(player.userID, "BanditCamp", configuration.BanditCamp.UnlockTimer, player); } } } #endregion #region Helper Methods private object CanNetworkTo(BaseNetworkable entity, BasePlayer target) { if (entity is SleepingBag bag && invisibleBags.Values.Contains(bag)) { return false; } return null; } private MonumentInfo FindMonumentByName(string searchTerm) { foreach (var monument in TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments) { string monName = monument?.displayPhrase?.english; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(monName)) monName =; if (monName == null) continue; if (monName.ToLower().Contains(searchTerm.ToLower())) return monument; } return null; } private Vector3 GetGroundPosition(Vector3 originalPos) { var startPos = originalPos + Vector3.up * 500f; RaycastHit hit; var layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "World", "Deployed"); if (Physics.Raycast(startPos, Vector3.down, out hit, 1000f, layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { return hit.point; } return originalPos; } private void TeleportToRandomLocation(BasePlayer player, string locationKey) { var data = GetMonumentSetup(locationKey); if (data == null) return; MonumentInfo monumentRef = data.Item1; List spawnList = data.Item2; List rotList = data.Item3; if (monumentRef == null || spawnList.Count == 0) return; int idx = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, spawnList.Count); Vector3 localPos = spawnList[idx]; Quaternion localRot = Quaternion.Euler(rotList[idx]); Vector3 globalPos = monumentRef.transform.TransformPoint(localPos); globalPos = GetGroundPosition(globalPos); Quaternion globalRot = monumentRef.transform.rotation * localRot; player.RespawnAt(globalPos, globalRot); } #endregion #region Cleanup private void Unload() { foreach (var p in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (p.IsConnected) { RemoveRespawnButtonUI(p); } } playerCooldowns.Clear(); playerUIState.Clear(); playerUIUnlocks.Clear(); foreach (var kvp in invisibleBags.ToList()) { var bag = kvp.Value; if (bag != null && !bag.IsDestroyed) { bag.Kill(); } } invisibleBags.Clear(); foreach (var bag in bagLocations.Keys.ToList()) { if (bag != null && !bag.IsDestroyed) { bag.Kill(); } } bagLocations.Clear(); } #endregion } }