using System; using System.ComponentModel; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using UnityEngine; /********************************************************************** * The plugin is still owned by MJSU, we just edited it! * * v1.0.0 : Water event support * Icon by Freepik * **********************************************************************/ namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Magic Water Event Panel", "MJSU edit by MeinRust", "1.0.1")] [Description("Displays if the Water event is active and changes the color of the Water icon when a Water is active.")] public class MagicWaterPanel : RustPlugin { #region Class Fields [PluginReference] private readonly Plugin MagicPanel, WaterEvent; private PluginConfig _pluginConfig; //Plugin Config private int _activeWaterEvent; private enum UpdateEnum { All = 1, Panel = 2, Image = 3, Text = 4 } #endregion #region Setup & Loading protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { PrintWarning("Loading Default Config"); } protected override void LoadConfig() { string path = $"{Manager.ConfigPath}/MagicPanel/{Name}.json"; DynamicConfigFile newConfig = new DynamicConfigFile(path); if (!newConfig.Exists()) { LoadDefaultConfig(); newConfig.Save(); } try { newConfig.Load(); } catch (Exception ex) { RaiseError("Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (" + ex.Message + ")"); return; } newConfig.Settings.DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Populate; _pluginConfig = AdditionalConfig(newConfig.ReadObject()); newConfig.WriteObject(_pluginConfig); } private PluginConfig AdditionalConfig(PluginConfig config) { config.Panel = new Panel { Image = new PanelImage { Enabled = config.Panel?.Image?.Enabled ?? true, Color = config.Panel?.Image?.Color ?? "#FFFFFFFF", Order = config.Panel?.Image?.Order ?? 0, Width = config.Panel?.Image?.Width ?? 1f, Url = config.Panel?.Image?.Url ?? "", Padding = config.Panel?.Image?.Padding ?? new TypePadding(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.05f, 0.05f) } }; config.PanelSettings = new PanelRegistration { BackgroundColor = config.PanelSettings?.BackgroundColor ?? "#FFF2DF08", Dock = config.PanelSettings?.Dock ?? "center", Order = config.PanelSettings?.Order ?? 1, Width = config.PanelSettings?.Width ?? 0.02f }; return config; } private void OnServerInitialized() { MagicPanelRegisterPanels(); } private void MagicPanelRegisterPanels() { if (MagicPanel == null) { PrintError("Missing plugin dependency MagicPanel:"); return; } if (WaterEvent == null) { PrintError("Missing plugin dependency WaterEvent"); return; } MagicPanel?.Call("RegisterGlobalPanel", this, Name, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_pluginConfig.PanelSettings), nameof(GetPanel)); } #endregion #region Earthquake Hooks private void OnWaterEventStart() { _activeWaterEvent++; if (_activeWaterEvent == 1) { MagicPanel?.Call("UpdatePanel", Name, (int)UpdateEnum.Image); } } private void OnWaterEventEnd() { _activeWaterEvent = Mathf.Min(0, _activeWaterEvent - 1); if (_activeWaterEvent == 0) { MagicPanel?.Call("UpdatePanel", Name, (int)UpdateEnum.Image); } } #endregion #region MagicPanel Hook private Hash GetPanel() { Panel panel = _pluginConfig.Panel; PanelImage image = panel.Image; if (image != null) { image.Color = _activeWaterEvent != 0 ? _pluginConfig.ActiveColor : _pluginConfig.InactiveColor; } return panel.ToHash(); } #endregion #region Classes private class PluginConfig { [DefaultValue("#00FF00FF")] [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Active Color")] public string ActiveColor { get; set; } [DefaultValue("#FFFFFF1A")] [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Inactive Color")] public string InactiveColor { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Panel Settings")] public PanelRegistration PanelSettings { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Panel Layout")] public Panel Panel { get; set; } } private class PanelRegistration { public string Dock { get; set; } public float Width { get; set; } public int Order { get; set; } public string BackgroundColor { get; set; } } private class Panel { public PanelImage Image { get; set; } public Hash ToHash() { return new Hash { [nameof(Image)] = Image.ToHash(), }; } } private abstract class PanelType { public bool Enabled { get; set; } public string Color { get; set; } public int Order { get; set; } public float Width { get; set; } public TypePadding Padding { get; set; } public virtual Hash ToHash() { return new Hash { [nameof(Enabled)] = Enabled, [nameof(Color)] = Color, [nameof(Order)] = Order, [nameof(Width)] = Width, [nameof(Padding)] = Padding.ToHash(), }; } } private class PanelImage : PanelType { public string Url { get; set; } public override Hash ToHash() { Hash hash = base.ToHash(); hash[nameof(Url)] = Url; return hash; } } private class TypePadding { public float Left { get; set; } public float Right { get; set; } public float Top { get; set; } public float Bottom { get; set; } public TypePadding(float left, float right, float top, float bottom) { Left = left; Right = right; Top = top; Bottom = bottom; } public Hash ToHash() { return new Hash { [nameof(Left)] = Left, [nameof(Right)] = Right, [nameof(Top)] = Top, [nameof(Bottom)] = Bottom }; } } #endregion } }