using Oxide.Core;
using static ConsoleSystem;
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("LimitFPS Hooks Demo", "turner#7777", "1.0.0")]
[Description("Demo on how to use the hooks that LimitFPS provides & use its API")]
public class LimitFPSHooksDemo : RustPlugin
/// Called when a player gets crashed (the command is called, not if their game is closed)
/// the player who ran the command or null if it was run from the server console
/// The player that is being crashed
/// Return non-null to cancel the crash (NOTE: The initator will still see a message that says it will crash the user, even if you prevent it from this hook, this is true for all hooks)
object OnPlayerCrashed(BasePlayer command_initiatior, BasePlayer target)
string initiator;
if (command_initiatior == null)
initiator = "Console";
initiator = command_initiatior.displayName;
Puts($"{initiator} crashed player {target.displayName}");
return null; // allow the crash
/// Called when a player is being FPS queried (this does not give the FPS & Performance data, this is just the initial request). NOTE: This might get called and never get a OnFPSQueryFinished or OnFPSQueryTimeout hook call because of network latency and the client will send only 1 request at a time, so you should implement a timeout
/// the player who ran the command or null if it was run from the server console
/// The player that is queried for their FPS
/// The request ID of the query, use it to cross-check/sync your requests across multiple hook calls
/// Return non-null to cancel the query
object OnFPSQueryStart(BasePlayer command_initiatior, BasePlayer target, int request_id)
string initiator;
if (command_initiatior == null)
initiator = "Console";
initiator = command_initiatior.displayName;
Puts($"{initiator} performance queried player {target.displayName} with request id: {request_id}");
return null; // allow the query
/// Called when a performance query has timed out (the client did not respond within 10 seconds)
/// the player who ran the command or null if it was run from the server console
/// The player that is queried for their FPS
/// The request ID of the query, use it to cross-check/sync your requests across multiple hook calls
void OnFPSQueryTimeout(BasePlayer command_initiatior, BasePlayer target, int request_id)
string initiator;
if (command_initiatior == null)
initiator = "Console";
initiator = command_initiatior.displayName;
Puts($"The performance query that {initiator} did on {target.displayName} timed out! The request id was: {request_id}");
/// Called when a performance query succeeded and the client returned a performance report
/// the player who ran the command or null if it was run from the server console
/// The player that is queried for their FPS
/// The performance report, it contains the FPS, Memory usage & other useful stuff
void OnFPSQueryFinished(BasePlayer command_initiatior, BasePlayer target, ClientPerformanceReport report)
string initiator;
if (command_initiatior == null)
initiator = "Console";
initiator = command_initiatior.displayName;
Puts($"The performance query that {initiator} did on {target.displayName} was successful! The request id was: {report.request_id}. Their FPS: {report.fps}");
/// Called when a player is being FPS limited (when the command was sent, they are still with normal FPS)
/// the player who ran the command or null if it was run from the server console
/// The player that is being FPS limited
/// The FPS that the player will be set at. The player's FPS can be lower & an attempt to increase it might be made to match it with the targetFps
object OnLimitFPSStart(BasePlayer command_initiatior, BasePlayer target, float targetFps)
string initiator;
if (command_initiatior == null)
initiator = "Console";
initiator = command_initiatior.displayName;
if (targetFps == 0f)
Puts($"{initiator} removed the limiiter of {target.displayName}");
Puts($"{initiator} initiated an FPS limit of player {target.displayName} with target FPS of: {targetFps}");
return null; // allow the limitting
/// Called every X seconds (config based number) and it will query the player's FPS and do some math to make it closer to the target
/// the player who ran the command or null if it was run from the server console
/// The player that is being FPS limited
/// The FPS that the player will be set at. The player's FPS can be lower & an attempt to increase it might be made to match it with the targetFps
/// The performance report for the current tick, it contains the FPS, Memory usage & other useful stuff
/// Return non-null to cancel the current tick (NOTE: This will not cancel the fps limiter, only suppress the current tick, if you want to cancel it either suppress it every tick or call the API for canceling)
object OnLimitFPSTick(BasePlayer command_initiatior, BasePlayer target, float targetFps, ClientPerformanceReport report)
string initiator;
if (command_initiatior == null)
initiator = "Console";
initiator = command_initiatior.displayName;
Puts($"The limiter by {initiator} for {target.displayName} with target FPS of {targetFps} just ticked! Their current fps is {report.fps}");
return null; // allow the tick
void cmd1(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
ulong target_to_crash = ulong.Parse(args[0]); // the steamid of the player
string response = (string)Interface.Oxide.CallHook("API_CrashCommand", target_to_crash); // the returned value is the string that a player/console running the command will get
void cmd2(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
ulong target_to_query = ulong.Parse(args[0]); // the steamid of the player
Because when you query performance data its done over the network
the api will return a request id as a string
you should parse it as int and check for the response in
OnFPSQueryFinished and OnFPSQueryTimeout hooks and match against this request id
string response = (string)Interface.Oxide.CallHook("API_PlayerFPSCommand", target_to_query); // the returned value is the string that a player/console running the command will get
void cmd3(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
ulong target_to_query = ulong.Parse(args[0]); // the steamid of the player
float target_fps = ulong.Parse(args[1]); // the limiter will try to stay near this number for their FPS. Set to 0 to remove the FPS limit
// NOTE: to disable the limit (make their FPS be normal again) set the target fps to 0
string response = (string)Interface.Oxide.CallHook("API_LimitFPSCommand", target_to_query, target_fps); // the returned value is the string that a player/console running the command will get